> #include "arch/x86/miscregs.hh"
> #include "cpu/thread_context.hh"
< using namespace BigEndianGuest;
> using namespace LittleEndianGuest;
> using namespace X86ISA;
> void
> X86System::startup()
> {
> System::startup();
> // This is the boot strap processor (BSP). Initialize it to look like
> // the boot loader has just turned control over to the 64 bit OS. We
> // won't actually set up real mode or legacy protected mode descriptor
> // tables because we aren't executing any code that would require
> // them. We do, however toggle the control bits in the correct order
> // while allowing consistency checks and the underlying mechansims
> // just to be safe.
> const int NumPDTs = 4;
> const Addr PageMapLevel4 = 0x70000;
> const Addr PageDirPtrTable = 0x71000;
> const Addr PageDirTable[NumPDTs] =
> {0x72000, 0x73000, 0x74000, 0x75000};
> const Addr GDTBase = 0x76000;
> const int PML4Bits = 9;
> const int PDPTBits = 9;
> const int PDTBits = 9;
> // Get a port to write the page tables and descriptor tables.
> FunctionalPort * physPort = threadContexts[0]->getPhysPort();
> /*
> * Set up the gdt.
> */
> // Place holder at selector 0
> uint64_t nullDescriptor = 0;
> physPort->writeBlob(GDTBase, (uint8_t *)(&nullDescriptor), 8);
> //64 bit code segment
> SegDescriptor csDesc = 0;
> csDesc.type.c = 0; // Not conforming
> csDesc.dpl = 0; // Privelege level 0
> csDesc.p = 1; // Present
> csDesc.l = 1; // 64 bit
> csDesc.d = 0; // default operand size
> //Because we're dealing with a pointer and I don't think it's
> //guaranteed that there isn't anything in a nonvirtual class between
> //it's beginning in memory and it's actual data, we'll use an
> //intermediary.
> uint64_t csDescVal = csDesc;
> physPort->writeBlob(GDTBase, (uint8_t *)(&csDescVal), 8);
> threadContexts[0]->setMiscReg(MISCREG_TSG_BASE, GDTBase);
> threadContexts[0]->setMiscReg(MISCREG_TSG_LIMIT, 0xF);
> /*
> * Identity map the first 4GB of memory. In order to map this region
> * of memory in long mode, there needs to be one actual page map level
> * 4 entry which points to one page directory pointer table which
> * points to 4 different page directory tables which are full of two
> * megabyte pages. All of the other entries in valid tables are set
> * to indicate that they don't pertain to anything valid and will
> * cause a fault if used.
> */
> // Put valid values in all of the various table entries which indicate
> // that those entries don't point to further tables or pages. Then
> // set the values of those entries which are needed.
> // Page Map Level 4
> // read/write, user, not present
> uint64_t pml4e = X86ISA::htog(0x6);
> for (int offset = 0; offset < (1 << PML4Bits) * 8; offset += 8) {
> physPort->writeBlob(PageMapLevel4 + offset, (uint8_t *)(&pml4e), 8);
> }
> // Point to the only PDPT
> pml4e = X86ISA::htog(0x7 | PageDirPtrTable);
> physPort->writeBlob(PageMapLevel4, (uint8_t *)(&pml4e), 8);
> // Page Directory Pointer Table
> // read/write, user, not present
> uint64_t pdpe = X86ISA::htog(0x6);
> for (int offset = 0; offset < (1 << PDPTBits) * 8; offset += 8) {
> physPort->writeBlob(PageDirPtrTable + offset,
> (uint8_t *)(&pdpe), 8);
> }
> // Point to the PDTs
> for (int table = 0; table < NumPDTs; table++) {
> pdpe = X86ISA::htog(0x7 | PageDirTable[table]);
> physPort->writeBlob(PageDirPtrTable + table * 8,
> (uint8_t *)(&pdpe), 8);
> }
> // Page Directory Tables
> Addr base = 0;
> const Addr pageSize = 2 << 20;
> for (int table = 0; table < NumPDTs; table++) {
> for (int offset = 0; offset < (1 << PDTBits) * 8; offset += 8) {
> // read/write, user, present, 4MB
> uint64_t pdte = X86ISA::htog(0x87 | base);
> physPort->writeBlob(PageDirTable[table] + offset,
> (uint8_t *)(&pdte), 8);
> base += pageSize;
> }
> }
> /*
> * Transition from real mode all the way up to Long mode
> */
> CR0 cr0 = threadContexts[0]->readMiscRegNoEffect(MISCREG_CR0);
> //Turn off paging.
> cr0.pg = 0;
> threadContexts[0]->setMiscReg(MISCREG_CR0, cr0);
> //Turn on protected mode.
> cr0.pe = 1;
> threadContexts[0]->setMiscReg(MISCREG_CR0, cr0);
> CR4 cr4 = threadContexts[0]->readMiscRegNoEffect(MISCREG_CR4);
> //Turn on pae.
> cr4.pae = 1;
> threadContexts[0]->setMiscReg(MISCREG_CR4, cr4);
> //Point to the page tables.
> threadContexts[0]->setMiscReg(MISCREG_CR3, PageMapLevel4);
> Efer efer = threadContexts[0]->readMiscRegNoEffect(MISCREG_EFER);
> //Enable long mode.
> efer.lme = 1;
> threadContexts[0]->setMiscReg(MISCREG_EFER, efer);
> //Activate long mode.
> cr0.pg = 1;
> threadContexts[0]->setMiscReg(MISCREG_CR0, cr0);
> /*
> * Far jump into 64 bit mode.
> */
> // Set the selector
> threadContexts[0]->setMiscReg(MISCREG_CS, 1);
> // Manually set up the segment attributes. In the future when there's
> // other existing functionality to do this, that could be used
> // instead.
> SegAttr csAttr = 0;
> csAttr.writable = 0;
> csAttr.readable = 1;
> csAttr.expandDown = 0;
> csAttr.dpl = 0;
> csAttr.defaultSize = 0;
> csAttr.longMode = 1;
> threadContexts[0]->setMiscReg(MISCREG_CS_ATTR, csAttr);
> threadContexts[0]->setPC(threadContexts[0]->getSystemPtr()->kernelEntry);
> threadContexts[0]->setNextPC(threadContexts[0]->readPC());
> // We should now be in long mode. Yay!
> }