> #include "sim/syscall_emul.hh"
< X86LiveProcess::X86LiveProcess(LiveProcessParams * params,
< ObjectFile *objFile)
< : LiveProcess(params, objFile)
> X86LiveProcess::X86LiveProcess(LiveProcessParams * params, ObjectFile *objFile,
> SyscallDesc *_syscallDescs, int _numSyscallDescs) :
> LiveProcess(params, objFile), syscallDescs(_syscallDescs),
> numSyscallDescs(_numSyscallDescs)
> }
< // Set pointer for next thread stack. Reserve 8M for main stack.
< next_thread_stack_base = stack_base - (8 * 1024 * 1024);
> X86_64LiveProcess::X86_64LiveProcess(LiveProcessParams *params,
> ObjectFile *objFile, SyscallDesc *_syscallDescs,
> int _numSyscallDescs) :
> X86LiveProcess(params, objFile, _syscallDescs, _numSyscallDescs)
> {
> // Set pointer for next thread stack. Reserve 8M for main stack.
> next_thread_stack_base = stack_base - (8 * 1024 * 1024);
< void X86LiveProcess::handleTrap(int trapNum, ThreadContext *tc)
> I386LiveProcess::I386LiveProcess(LiveProcessParams *params,
> ObjectFile *objFile, SyscallDesc *_syscallDescs,
> int _numSyscallDescs) :
> X86LiveProcess(params, objFile, _syscallDescs, _numSyscallDescs)
< switch(trapNum)
< {
< default:
< panic("Unimplemented trap to operating system: trap number %#x.\n", trapNum);
< }
> stack_base = (Addr)0xffffe000ULL;
> // Set pointer for next thread stack. Reserve 8M for main stack.
> next_thread_stack_base = stack_base - (8 * 1024 * 1024);
> // Set up region for mmaps. This was determined empirically and may not
> // always be correct.
> mmap_start = mmap_end = (Addr)0xf7ffd000ULL;
> SyscallDesc*
> X86LiveProcess::getDesc(int callnum)
> {
> if (callnum < 0 || callnum >= numSyscallDescs)
> return NULL;
> return &syscallDescs[callnum];
> }
< X86LiveProcess::startup()
> X86_64LiveProcess::startup()
> LiveProcess::startup();
< argsInit(sizeof(IntReg), VMPageSize);
> argsInit(sizeof(uint64_t), VMPageSize);
< X86LiveProcess::argsInit(int intSize, int pageSize)
> I386LiveProcess::startup()
< typedef AuxVector<uint64_t> auxv_t;
< std::vector<auxv_t> auxv;
> LiveProcess::startup();
< Process::startup();
> if (checkpointRestored)
> return;
> argsInit(sizeof(uint32_t), VMPageSize);
> for (int i = 0; i < contextIds.size(); i++) {
> ThreadContext * tc = system->getThreadContext(contextIds[i]);
> SegAttr dataAttr = 0;
> dataAttr.writable = 1;
> dataAttr.readable = 1;
> dataAttr.expandDown = 0;
> dataAttr.dpl = 3;
> dataAttr.defaultSize = 1;
> dataAttr.longMode = 0;
> //Initialize the segment registers.
> for(int seg = 0; seg < NUM_SEGMENTREGS; seg++) {
> tc->setMiscRegNoEffect(MISCREG_SEG_BASE(seg), 0);
> tc->setMiscRegNoEffect(MISCREG_SEG_EFF_BASE(seg), 0);
> tc->setMiscRegNoEffect(MISCREG_SEG_ATTR(seg), dataAttr);
> tc->setMiscRegNoEffect(MISCREG_SEG_SEL(seg), 0xB);
> }
> SegAttr csAttr = 0;
> csAttr.writable = 0;
> csAttr.readable = 1;
> csAttr.expandDown = 0;
> csAttr.dpl = 3;
> csAttr.defaultSize = 1;
> csAttr.longMode = 0;
> tc->setMiscRegNoEffect(MISCREG_CS_ATTR, csAttr);
> //Set up the registers that describe the operating mode.
> CR0 cr0 = 0;
> cr0.pg = 1; // Turn on paging.
> cr0.cd = 0; // Don't disable caching.
> cr0.nw = 0; // This is bit is defined to be ignored.
> cr0.am = 0; // No alignment checking
> cr0.wp = 0; // Supervisor mode can write read only pages
> cr0.ne = 1;
> cr0.et = 1; // This should always be 1
> cr0.ts = 0; // We don't do task switching, so causing fp exceptions
> // would be pointless.
> cr0.em = 0; // Allow x87 instructions to execute natively.
> cr0.mp = 1; // This doesn't really matter, but the manual suggests
> // setting it to one.
> cr0.pe = 1; // We're definitely in protected mode.
> tc->setMiscReg(MISCREG_CR0, cr0);
> Efer efer = 0;
> efer.sce = 1; // Enable system call extensions.
> efer.lme = 1; // Enable long mode.
> efer.lma = 0; // Deactivate long mode.
> efer.nxe = 1; // Enable nx support.
> efer.svme = 0; // Disable svm support for now. It isn't implemented.
> efer.ffxsr = 1; // Turn on fast fxsave and fxrstor.
> tc->setMiscReg(MISCREG_EFER, efer);
> }
> }
> template<class IntType>
> void
> X86LiveProcess::argsInit(int pageSize)
> {
> int intSize = sizeof(IntType);
> typedef AuxVector<IntType> auxv_t;
> std::vector<auxv_t> auxv;
< Addr sentry_base = stack_base - sentry_size;
< Addr file_name_base = sentry_base - file_name_size;
< Addr env_data_base = file_name_base - env_data_size;
< Addr arg_data_base = env_data_base - arg_data_size;
< Addr aux_data_base = arg_data_base - info_block_padding - aux_data_size;
< Addr auxv_array_base = aux_data_base - aux_array_size - aux_padding;
< Addr envp_array_base = auxv_array_base - envp_array_size;
< Addr argv_array_base = envp_array_base - argv_array_size;
< Addr argc_base = argv_array_base - argc_size;
> IntType sentry_base = stack_base - sentry_size;
> IntType file_name_base = sentry_base - file_name_size;
> IntType env_data_base = file_name_base - env_data_size;
> IntType arg_data_base = env_data_base - arg_data_size;
> IntType aux_data_base = arg_data_base - info_block_padding - aux_data_size;
> IntType auxv_array_base = aux_data_base - aux_array_size - aux_padding;
> IntType envp_array_base = auxv_array_base - envp_array_size;
> IntType argv_array_base = envp_array_base - argv_array_size;
> IntType argc_base = argv_array_base - argc_size;
< uint64_t argc = argv.size();
< uint64_t guestArgc = X86ISA::htog(argc);
> IntType argc = argv.size();
> IntType guestArgc = X86ISA::htog(argc);
< uint64_t sentry_NULL = 0;
> IntType sentry_NULL = 0;
> void
> X86_64LiveProcess::argsInit(int intSize, int pageSize)
> {
> X86LiveProcess::argsInit<uint64_t>(pageSize);
> }
> void
> I386LiveProcess::argsInit(int intSize, int pageSize)
> {
> X86LiveProcess::argsInit<uint32_t>(pageSize);
> }