< class Wrbase(RegOp):
> # Microops for manipulating segmentation registers
> class SegOp(RegOp):
> abstract = True
< super(Wrbase, self).__init__(dest, \
> super(SegOp, self).__init__(dest, \
> class Wrbase(SegOp):
< SysSegBaseDest = psrc1;
> SegBaseDest = psrc1;
< class Wrlimit(RegOp):
< def __init__(self, dest, src1, flags=None, dataSize="env.dataSize"):
< super(Wrlimit, self).__init__(dest, \
< src1, "NUM_INTREGS", flags, dataSize)
> class Wrlimit(SegOp):
< SysSegLimitDest = psrc1;
> SegLimitDest = psrc1;
> class Wrsel(SegOp):
> code = '''
> SegSelDest = psrc1;
> '''
> class Rdbase(SegOp):
> code = '''
> DestReg = SegBaseDest;
> '''
> class Rdlimit(SegOp):
> code = '''
> DestReg = SegLimitSrc1;
> '''
> class Rdsel(SegOp):
> code = '''
> DestReg = SegSelSrc1;
> '''
> class Chks(SegOp):
> code = '''
> // The selector is in source 1.
> SegSelector selector = psrc1;
> // Compute the address of the descriptor and set DestReg to it.
> if (selector.ti) {
> // A descriptor in the LDT
> Addr target = (selector.esi << 3) + LDTRBase;
> if (!LDTRSel || (selector.esi << 3) + dataSize > LDTRLimit)
> fault = new GeneralProtection(selector & mask(16));
> DestReg = target;
> } else {
> // A descriptor in the GDT
> Addr target = (selector.esi << 3) + GDTRBase;
> if ((selector.esi << 3) + dataSize > GDTRLimit)
> fault = new GeneralProtection(selector & mask(16));
> DestReg = target;
> }
> '''
> flag_code = '''
> // Check for a NULL selector and set ZF,EZF appropriately.
> ccFlagBits = ccFlagBits & ~(ext & (ZFBit | EZFBit));
> if (!selector.esi && !selector.ti)
> ccFlagBits = ccFlagBits | (ext & (ZFBit | EZFBit));
> '''
> class Wrdh(RegOp):
> code = '''
> '''
> class Wrdl(RegOp):
> code = '''
> SegDescriptor desc = SrcReg1;
> SegAttr attr = 0;
> Addr base = 0, limit = 0;
> attr.dpl = desc.dpl;
> attr.defaultSize = desc.d;
> if (!desc.p)
> panic("Segment not present.\\n");
> if (!desc.s)
> panic("System segment encountered.\\n");
> if (desc.type.codeOrData) {
> panic("Code segment encountered with c = %d, r = %d, a = %d.\\n",
> desc.type.c, desc.type.r, desc.type.a);
> } else {
> attr.expandDown = desc.type.e;
> attr.readable = 1;
> attr.writable = desc.type.w;
> base = desc.baseLow | (desc.baseHigh << 24);
> limit = desc.limitLow | (desc.limitHigh << 16);
> if (desc.g)
> limit = (limit << 12) | mask(12);
> }
> SegBaseDest = base;
> SegLimitDest = limit;
> SegAttrDest = attr;
> '''