1// -*- mode:c++ -*-
3// Copyright (c) 2007 The Hewlett-Packard Development Company
4// All rights reserved.
6// Redistribution and use of this software in source and binary forms,
7// with or without modification, are permitted provided that the
8// following conditions are met:

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72output header {{
74 // Base class for combinationally generated macroops
75 class Macroop : public X86ISA::MacroopBase
76 {
77 public:
78 Macroop(const char *mnem, ExtMachInst _machInst,
79 uint32_t _numMicroops, X86ISA::EmulEnv _emulEnv)
80 : MacroopBase(mnem, _machInst, _numMicroops, _emulEnv)
79 uint32_t _numMicroops, X86ISA::EmulEnv _env)
80 : MacroopBase(mnem, _machInst, _numMicroops, _env)
81 {}
82 %(MacroExecPanic)s
83 };
88// X86 specific

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97 * Static instruction class for "%(mnemonic)s".
98 */
99 class %(class_name)s : public %(base_class)s
100 {
101 private:
102 %(declareLabels)s
103 public:
104 // Constructor.
105 %(class_name)s(ExtMachInst machInst, X86ISA::EmulEnv env);
105 %(class_name)s(ExtMachInst machInst, X86ISA::EmulEnv _env);
107 std::string
108 generateDisassembly(Addr pc, const SymbolTable *symtab) const;
109 };
110 };
113def template MacroDisassembly {{
114 std::string
115 X86Macroop::%(class_name)s::generateDisassembly(Addr pc,
116 const SymbolTable *symtab) const
117 {
118 std::stringstream out;
119 out << mnemonic << "\t";
121 int regSize = %(regSize)s;
122 %(disassembly)s
123 // Shut up gcc.
124 regSize = regSize;
125 return out.str();
126 }
129// Basic instruction class constructor template.
130def template MacroConstructor {{
131 inline X86Macroop::%(class_name)s::%(class_name)s(
113 ExtMachInst machInst, EmulEnv env)
114 : %(base_class)s("%(mnemonic)s", machInst, %(num_microops)s, env)
132 ExtMachInst machInst, EmulEnv _env)
133 : %(base_class)s("%(mnemonic)s", machInst, %(num_microops)s, _env)
134 {
135 %(adjust_env)s;
136 %(adjust_imm)s;
137 %(adjust_disp)s;
138 %(do_modrm)s;
139 %(constructor)s;
140 const char *macrocodeBlock = "%(class_name)s";
141 //alloc_microops is the code that sets up the microops
142 //array in the parent class.
143 %(alloc_microops)s;
144 }
147let {{
148 from micro_asm import Combinational_Macroop, Rom_Macroop

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173 adjustedImm = adjustedImm;
174 '''
175 self.adjust_disp = '''
176 uint64_t adjustedDisp = DISPLACEMENT;
177 //This is to pacify gcc in case the displacement isn't used.
178 adjustedDisp = adjustedDisp;
179 '''
180 def getAllocator(self, env):
161 return "new X86Macroop::%s(machInst, %s)" % (self.name, env.getAllocator())
181 return "new X86Macroop::%s(machInst, %s)" % \
182 (self.name, env.getAllocator())
183 def getMnemonic(self):
184 mnemonic = self.name.lower()
185 mnemonic = re.match(r'[^_]*', mnemonic).group(0)
186 return mnemonic
187 def getDeclaration(self):
188 #FIXME This first parameter should be the mnemonic. I need to
189 #write some code which pulls that out
190 declareLabels = ""
191 for (label, microop) in self.labels.items():
192 declareLabels += "const static uint64_t label_%s = %d;\n" \
193 % (label, microop.micropc)
169 iop = InstObjParams(self.name, self.name, "Macroop",
194 iop = InstObjParams(self.getMnemonic(), self.name, "Macroop",
195 {"code" : "",
196 "declareLabels" : declareLabels
197 })
198 return MacroDeclare.subst(iop);
174 def getDefinition(self):
199 def getDefinition(self, env):
200 #FIXME This first parameter should be the mnemonic. I need to
201 #write some code which pulls that out
202 numMicroops = len(self.microops)
203 allocMicroops = ''
204 micropc = 0
205 for op in self.microops:
206 isLast = (micropc == numMicroops - 1)
207 allocMicroops += \
208 "microops[%d] = %s;\n" % \
209 (micropc, op.getAllocator(True, not isLast,
210 micropc == 0, isLast))
211 micropc += 1
187 iop = InstObjParams(self.name, self.name, "Macroop",
212 if env.useStackSize:
213 useStackSize = "true"
214 else:
215 useStackSize = "false"
216 if env.memoryInst:
217 memoryInst = "true"
218 else:
219 memoryInst = "false"
220 regSize = '''(%s || (env.base == INTREG_RSP && %s) ?
221 env.stackSize :
222 env.dataSize)''' % (useStackSize, memoryInst)
223 iop = InstObjParams(self.getMnemonic(), self.name, "Macroop",
224 {"code" : "", "num_microops" : numMicroops,
225 "alloc_microops" : allocMicroops,
226 "adjust_env" : self.adjust_env,
227 "adjust_imm" : self.adjust_imm,
228 "adjust_disp" : self.adjust_disp,
229 "disassembly" : env.disassembly,
230 "regSize" : regSize,
231 "do_modrm" : self.doModRM})
194 return MacroConstructor.subst(iop);
232 return MacroConstructor.subst(iop) + \
233 MacroDisassembly.subst(iop);
236let {{
237 class EmulEnv(object):
238 def __init__(self):
239 self.reg = "0"
240 self.regUsed = False
241 self.regm = "0"
242 self.regmUsed = False
243 self.seg = "SEGMENT_REG_DS"
244 self.size = None
245 self.addressSize = "ADDRSIZE"
246 self.dataSize = "OPSIZE"
247 self.stackSize = "STACKSIZE"
248 self.doModRM = False
249 self.disassembly = ""
250 self.firstArgument = True
251 self.useStackSize = False
252 self.memoryInst = False
254 def addToDisassembly(self, code):
255 if not self.firstArgument:
256 self.disassembly += "out << \", \";\n"
257 self.firstArgument = False
258 self.disassembly += code
260 def getAllocator(self):
261 if self.size == 'b':
262 self.dataSize = 1
263 elif self.size == 'd':
264 self.dataSize = 4
265 #This is for "double plus" which is normally a double word unless
266 #the REX W bit is set, in which case it's a quad word. It's used
267 #for some SSE instructions.

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308 blocks = OutputBlocks()
309 if not macroopDict.has_key(Name):
310 raise Exception, "Unrecognized instruction: %s" % Name
311 macroop = macroopDict[Name]
312 if not macroop.declared:
313 if env.doModRM:
314 macroop.doModRM = doModRMString
315 blocks.header_output = macroop.getDeclaration()
267 blocks.decoder_output = macroop.getDefinition()
316 blocks.decoder_output = macroop.getDefinition(env)
317 macroop.declared = True
318 blocks.decode_block = "return %s;\n" % macroop.getAllocator(env)
319 return blocks