< // Base class for macroops
> // Base class for combinationally generated macroops
< /**
< * Static instruction class for "%(mnemonic)s".
< */
< class %(class_name)s : public %(base_class)s
> namespace X86Microop
< public:
< // Constructor.
< %(class_name)s(ExtMachInst machInst);
> /**
> * Static instruction class for "%(mnemonic)s".
> */
> class %(class_name)s : public %(base_class)s
> {
> public:
> // Constructor.
> %(class_name)s(ExtMachInst machInst);
> };
< def genMacroOp(name, Name, opSeq):
< numMicroOps = len(opSeq)
< allocMicroOps = ''
< micropc = 0
< for op in opSeq:
< allocMicroOps += \
< "microOps[%d] = %s;\n" % \
< (micropc, op.getAllocator('"' + name + '"', True, False,
< #op.delayed,
< micropc == 0,
< micropc == numMicroOps - 1))
< micropc += 1
< iop = InstObjParams(name, Name, 'MacroOp',
< {'code' : '', 'num_micro_ops' : numMicroOps,
< 'alloc_micro_ops' : allocMicroOps})
< header_output = MacroDeclare.subst(iop)
< decoder_output = MacroConstructor.subst(iop)
< decode_block = BasicDecode.subst(iop)
< exec_output = ''
< return (header_output, decoder_output, decode_block, exec_output)
> from micro_asm import Combinational_Macroop, Rom_Macroop
> class X86Macroop(Combinational_Macroop):
> def __init__(self, name):
> super(X86Macroop, self).__init__(name)
> self.directives = {
> }
> self.declared = False
> def getAllocator(self, env):
> return "new X86Macroop::%s(machInst)" % self.name
> def getDeclaration(self):
> #FIXME This first parameter should be the mnemonic. I need to
> #write some code which pulls that out
> iop = InstObjParams(self.name, self.name, "Macroop", {"code" : ""})
> return MacroDeclare.subst(iop);
> def getDefinition(self):
> #FIXME This first parameter should be the mnemonic. I need to
> #write some code which pulls that out
> numMicroops = len(self.microops)
> allocMicroops = ''
> micropc = 0
> for op in self.microops:
> allocMicroops += \
> "microOps[%d] = %s;\n" % \
> (micropc, op.getAllocator(True, False,
> micropc == 0,
> micropc == numMicroops - 1))
> micropc += 1
> iop = InstObjParams(self.name, self.name, "Macroop",
> {"code" : "", "num_micro_ops" : numMicroops,
> "alloc_micro_ops" : allocMicroops})
> return MacroConstructor.subst(iop);
> output header {{
> struct EmulEnv
> {
> X86ISA::RegIndex reg;
> X86ISA::RegIndex regm;
> uint64_t immediate;
> uint64_t displacement;
> int addressSize;
> int dataSize;
> EmulEnv(X86ISA::RegIndex _reg, X86ISA::RegIndex _regm,
> uint64_t _immediate, uint64_t _displacement,
> int _addressSize, int _dataSize) :
> reg(_reg), regm(_regm),
> immediate(_immediate), displacement(_displacement),
> addressSize(_addressSize), dataSize(_dataSize)
> {;}
> };
> }};
> let {{
> class EmulEnv(object):
> def __init__(self):
> self.reg = "Not specified"
> self.regm = "Not specified"
> self.immediate = "IMMEDIATE"
> self.displacement = "DISPLACEMENT"
> self.addressSize = "ADDRSIZE"
> self.dataSize = "OPSIZE"
> def getAllocator(self):
> return "EmulEmv(%(reg)s, %(regm)s, %(immediate)s, %(displacement)s, %(addressSize)s, %(dataSize)s)" % \
> self.__dict__()
> }};
> let {{
> def genMacroop(Name, env):
> if not macroopDict.has_key(Name):
> raise Exception, "Unrecognized instruction: %s" % Name
> macroop = macroopDict[Name]
> if not macroop.declared:
> global header_output
> global decoder_output
> header_output = macroop.getDeclaration()
> decoder_output = macroop.getDefinition()
> return "return %s;\n" % macroop.getAllocator(env)
> }};