< # Copyright (c) 2007 The Hewlett-Packard Development Company
> # Copyright (c) 2007-2008 The Hewlett-Packard Development Company
< microcode = ""
> microcode = '''
> def macroop IRET_REAL {
> panic "Real mode iret isn't implemented!"
> };
> def macroop IRET_PROT {
> .adjust_env oszIn64Override
> # Check for a nested task. This isn't supported at the moment.
> rflag t1, NT
> panic "Task switching with iret is unimplemented!", flags=(nCEZF,)
> #t1 = temp_RIP
> #t2 = temp_CS
> #t3 = temp_RFLAGS
> #t4 = handy m5 register
> # Pop temp_RIP, temp_CS, and temp_RFLAGS
> ld t1, ss, [1, t0, rsp], "0 * env.stackSize", dataSize=ssz
> ld t2, ss, [1, t0, rsp], "1 * env.stackSize", dataSize=ssz
> ld t3, ss, [1, t0, rsp], "2 * env.stackSize", dataSize=ssz
> ###
> ### Handle if we're returning to virtual 8086 mode.
> ###
> #IF ((temp_RFLAGS.VM=1) && (CPL=0) && (LEGACY_MODE))
> #temp_RFLAGS.VM != 1
> rcri t0, t3, 18, flags=(ECF,)
> bri t0, label("protToVirtFallThrough"), flags=(nCECF,)
> #CPL=0
> rdm5reg t4
> andi t0, t4, 0x30, flags=(EZF,)
> bri t0, label("protToVirtFallThrough"), flags=(nCEZF,)
> rcri t0, t4, 1, flags=(ECF,)
> bri t0, label("protToVirtFallThrough"), flags=(nCECF,)
> panic "iret to virtual mode not supported"
> protToVirtFallThrough:
> #temp_CPL = temp_CS.rpl
> andi t5, t2, 0x3
> ###
> ### Read in the info for the new CS segment.
> ###
> #CS = READ_DESCRIPTOR (temp_CS, iret_chk)
> andi t0, t2, 0xFC, flags=(EZF,), dataSize=2
> bri t0, label("processCSDescriptor"), flags=(CEZF,)
> andi t6, t2, 0xF8, dataSize=8
> andi t0, t2, 0x4, flags=(EZF,), dataSize=2
> bri t0, label("globalCSDescriptor"), flags=(CEZF,)
> ld t6, tsl, [1, t0, t6], dataSize=8
> bri t0, label("processCSDescriptor")
> globalCSDescriptor:
> ld t6, tsg, [1, t0, t6], dataSize=8
> processCSDescriptor:
> chks t2, t6, dataSize=8
> # This actually updates state which is wrong. It should wait until we know
> # we're not going to fault. Unfortunately, that's hard to do.
> wrdl cs, t6, t2
> wrsel cs, t2
> #CPL = temp_CPL
> ###
> ### Get the new stack pointer and stack segment off the old stack if necessary,
> ### and piggyback on the logic to check the new RIP value.
> ###
> #IF ((64BIT_MODE) || (temp_CPL!=CPL))
> #{
> #(64BIT_MODE)
> andi t0, t4, 0xE, flags=(EZF,)
> # Since we just found out we're in 64 bit mode, take advantage and
> # do the appropriate RIP checks.
> bri t0, label("doPopStackStuffAndCheckRIP"), flags=(CEZF,)
> # Here, we know we're -not- in 64 bit mode, so we should do the
> # appropriate/other RIP checks.
> # if temp_RIP > CS.limit throw #GP(0)
> rdlimit t6, cs
> subi t0, t1, t6, flags=(ECF,)
> fault "new GeneralProtection(0)", flags=(CECF,)
> #(temp_CPL!=CPL)
> srli t7, t4, 4
> xor t7, t7, t5
> andi t0, t7, 0x3, flags=(EZF,)
> bri t0, label("doPopStackStuff"), flags=(nCEZF,)
> # We can modify user visible state here because we're know
> # we're done with things that can fault.
> addi rsp, rsp, "3 * env.stackSize"
> bri t0, label("fallThroughPopStackStuff")
> doPopStackStuffAndCheckRIP:
> # Check if the RIP is canonical.
> sra t7, t1, 47, flags=(EZF,), dataSize=ssz
> # if t7 isn't 0 or -1, it wasn't canonical.
> bri t0, label("doPopStackStuff"), flags=(CEZF,)
> addi t0, t7, 1, flags=(EZF,), dataSize=ssz
> fault "new GeneralProtection(0)", flags=(nCEZF,)
> doPopStackStuff:
> # POP.v temp_RSP
> ld t6, ss, [1, t0, rsp], "3 * env.dataSize", dataSize=ssz
> # POP.v temp_SS
> ld t2, ss, [1, t0, rsp], "4 * env.dataSize", dataSize=ssz
> # SS = READ_DESCRIPTOR (temp_SS, ss_chk)
> andi t0, t2, 0xFC, flags=(EZF,), dataSize=2
> bri t0, label("processSSDescriptor"), flags=(CEZF,)
> andi t7, t2, 0xF8, dataSize=8
> andi t0, t2, 0x4, flags=(EZF,), dataSize=2
> bri t0, label("globalSSDescriptor"), flags=(CEZF,)
> ld t7, tsl, [1, t0, t7], dataSize=8
> bri t0, label("processSSDescriptor")
> globalSSDescriptor:
> ld t7, tsg, [1, t0, t7], dataSize=8
> processSSDescriptor:
> chks t2, t7, dataSize=8
> # This actually updates state which is wrong. It should wait until we know
> # we're not going to fault. Unfortunately, that's hard to do.
> wrdl cs, t7, t2
> wrsel cs, t2
> ###
> ### From this point downwards, we can't fault. We can update user visible state.
> ###
> # RSP.s = temp_RSP
> mov rsp, rsp, t6, dataSize=ssz
> #}
> fallThroughPopStackStuff:
> #IF (changing CPL)
> #{
> srli t7, t4, 4
> xor t7, t7, t5
> andi t0, t7, 0x3, flags=(EZF,)
> bri t0, label("skipSegmentSquashing"), flags=(CEZF,)
> # The attribute register needs to keep track of more info before this will
> # work the way it needs to.
> # FOR (seg = ES, DS, FS, GS)
> # IF ((seg.attr.dpl < cpl && ((seg.attr.type = 'data')
> # || (seg.attr.type = 'non-conforming-code')))
> # {
> # seg = NULL
> # }
> #}
> skipSegmentSquashing:
> # Ignore this for now.
> #RFLAGS.v = temp_RFLAGS
> # VIF,VIP,IOPL only changed if (old_CPL = 0)
> # IF only changed if (old_CPL <= old_RFLAGS.IOPL)
> # VM unchanged
> # RF cleared
> #RIP = temp_RIP
> wrip t0, t1, dataSize=ssz
> };
> def macroop IRET_VIRT {
> panic "Virtual mode iret isn't implemented!"
> };
> '''
< # class IRET(Inst):
< # "GenFault ${new UnimpInstFault}"
< # class IRETD(Inst):
< # "GenFault ${new UnimpInstFault}"
< # class IRETQ(Inst):
< # "GenFault ${new UnimpInstFault}"