multi.isa (4310:8f9d834f19bc) multi.isa (4323:13ca4002d2ac)
1// -*- mode:c++ -*-
3// Copyright (c) 2007 The Hewlett-Packard Development Company
4// All rights reserved.
6// Redistribution and use of this software in source and binary forms,
7// with or without modification, are permitted provided that the
8// following conditions are met:

--- 46 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

56// Authors: Gabe Black
60// Instructions that do the same thing to multiple sets of arguments.
1// -*- mode:c++ -*-
3// Copyright (c) 2007 The Hewlett-Packard Development Company
4// All rights reserved.
6// Redistribution and use of this software in source and binary forms,
7// with or without modification, are permitted provided that the
8// following conditions are met:

--- 46 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

56// Authors: Gabe Black
60// Instructions that do the same thing to multiple sets of arguments.
63output header {{
63let {{
64 # This builds either a regular or macro op to implement the sequence of
65 # ops we give it.
66 def genInst(name, Name, ops):
67 # If we can implement this instruction with exactly one microop, just
68 # use that directly.
69 newStmnt = ''
70 if len(ops) == 1:
71 decode_block = "return (X86StaticInst *)(%s);" % \
72 ops[0].getAllocator()
73 return ('', '', decode_block, '')
74 else:
75 # Build a macroop to contain the sequence of microops we've
76 # been given.
77 return genMacroOp(name, Name, ops)
66output decoder {{
80let {{
81 # This code builds up a decode block which decodes based on switchval.
82 # vals is a dict which matches case values with what should be decoded to.
83 # builder is called on the exploded contents of "vals" values to generate
84 # whatever code should be used.
85 def doMultiOp(name, Name, builder, switchVal, vals, default = None):
86 header_output = ''
87 decoder_output = ''
88 decode_block = 'switch(%s) {\n' % switchVal
89 exec_output = ''
90 for (val, todo) in vals.items():
91 (new_header_output,
92 new_decoder_output,
93 new_decode_block,
94 new_exec_output) = builder(name, Name, *todo)
95 header_output += new_header_output
96 decoder_output += new_decoder_output
97 decode_block += '\tcase %s: %s\n' % (val, new_decode_block)
98 exec_output += new_exec_output
99 if default:
100 (new_header_output,
101 new_decoder_output,
102 new_decode_block,
103 new_exec_output) = builder(name, Name, *default)
104 header_output += new_header_output
105 decoder_output += new_decoder_output
106 decode_block += '\tdefault: %s\n' % new_decode_block
107 exec_output += new_exec_output
108 decode_block += '}\n'
109 return (header_output, decoder_output, decode_block, exec_output)
69output exec {{
72let {{
112let {{
73 multiops = {}
76def format MultiOp(code, switchVal, opTags, *opt_flags) {{
77 # These are C++ statements to create each type of static int. Since we
78 # don't know what will be microcoded and what won't, we can't assume a
79 # particular set of arguments for the constructor.
80 instNew = []
81 orig_code = code
82 opRe = re.compile(r"%(?P<operandNum>[0-9]*)")
83 # Get all the labels out of the code and make a dict for them. We'll do
84 # this once since the position of labels shouldn't need to change at all.
85 ops = assembleMicro(code)
86 labels = buildLabelDict(ops)
87 for tagSet in opTags:
88 # A list of strings which either have the register number to use, or
89 # a piece of code for calculating it.
90 regNums = []
91 code = orig_code
92 # Build up a name for this instructions class using the argument
93 # types. Each variation will get its own name this way.
94 postfix = ''
95 for tag in tagSet:
96 postfix += '_' + tag
114 # This function specializes the given piece of code to use a particular
115 # set of argument types described by "opTags". These are "implemented"
116 # in reverse order.
117 def doCompOps(name, Name, code, opTags, postfix):
118 opNum = len(opTags) - 1
119 while len(opTags):
120 # print "Building a composite op with tags", opTags
121 # print "And code", code
122 opNum = len(opTags) - 1
123 # A regular expression to find the operand placeholders we're
124 # interested in.
125 opRe = re.compile("%%(?P<operandNum>%d)(?=[^0-9]|$)" % opNum)
126 tag = opTags[opNum]
127 # Build up a name for this instructions class using the argument
128 # types. Each variation will get its own name this way.
129 postfix = '_' + tag + postfix
130 tagParser = re.compile(r"(?P<tagType>[A-Z][A-Z]*)(?P<tagSize>[a-z][a-z]*)|(r(?P<tagReg>[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9]*))")
131 tagMatch =
132 if tagMatch == None:
133 raise Exception, "Problem parsing operand tag %s" % tag
134 reg ="tagReg")
135 tagType ="tagType")
136 tagSize ="tagSize")
137 if reg:
138 #Figure out what to do with fixed register operands
139 if reg in ("Ax", "Bx", "Cx", "Dx"):
140 code = opRe.sub("{INTREG_R%s}" % reg.upper(), code)
141 elif reg == "Al":
142 # We need a way to specify register width
143 code = opRe.sub("{INTREG_RAX}", code)
144 else:
145 print "Didn't know how to encode fixed register %s!" % reg
146 elif tagType == None or tagSize == None:
147 raise Exception, "Problem parsing operand tag: %s" % tag
148 elif tagType == "C" or tagType == "D" or tagType == "G" or \
149 tagType == "P" or tagType == "S" or \
150 tagType == "T" or tagType == "V":
151 # Use the "reg" field of the ModRM byte to select the register
152 code = opRe.sub("{(uint8_t)MODRM_REG}", code)
153 elif tagType == "E" or tagType == "Q" or tagType == "W":
154 # This might refer to memory or to a register. We need to
155 # divide it up farther.
156 regCode = opRe.sub("{(uint8_t)MODRM_RM}", code)
157 regTags = copy.copy(opTags)
158 regTags.pop(-1)
159 # This needs to refer to memory, but we'll fill in the details
160 # later. It needs to take into account unaligned memory
161 # addresses.
162 memCode = opRe.sub("0", code)
163 memTags = copy.copy(opTags)
164 memTags.pop(-1)
165 return doMultiOp(name, Name, doCompOps, "MODRM_MOD",
166 {"3" : (regCode, regTags, postfix)},
167 (memCode, memTags, postfix))
168 elif tagType == "I" or tagType == "J":
169 # Substitute in an immediate
170 code = opRe.sub("{IMMEDIATE}", code)
171 elif tagType == "M":
172 # This needs to refer to memory, but we'll fill in the details
173 # later. It needs to take into account unaligned memory
174 # addresses.
175 code = opRe.sub("0", code)
176 elif tagType == "PR" or tagType == "R" or tagType == "VR":
177 # There should probably be a check here to verify that mod
178 # is equal to 11b
179 code = opRe.sub("{(uint8_t)MODRM_RM}", code)
180 else:
181 raise Exception, "Unrecognized tag %s." % tag
182 opTags.pop(-1)
98 # Figure out what register indexes to use for each operand. This
99 # is where loads/stores could be set up. I need to distinguish
100 # between inputs and outputs.
101 # For right now, the indexes are just an increasing sequence
102 counter = 0
103 for tag in tagSet:
104 regNums.append("%d" % counter)
105 counter += 1
107 # Replace the placeholders %0, %1, etc., with the right register
108 # indexes.
109 opMatch =
110 while opMatch:
111 opNum ="operandNum")
112 opNum = int(opNum)
113 if opNum > len(regNums):
114 print "No operand type specified for operand %d!" % opNum
115 print "I should bail out here too!"
116 regNum = regNums[opNum]
117 code = opRe.sub(regNum, code, 1)
118 opMatch =
120 # All the loads which feed this instruction
121 loads = []
122 # All the ops that make up the instruction proper.
184 # At this point, we've built up "code" to have all the necessary extra
185 # instructions needed to implement whatever types of operands were
186 # specified. Now we'll assemble it it into a microOp sequence.
123 ops = assembleMicro(code)
187 ops = assembleMicro(code)
124 # Get all the labels out and make a dict for them
125 # All the stores for this instruction's results
126 stores = []
128 # Various counts
129 numLoads = len(loads)
130 numOps = len(ops)
131 numStores = len(stores)
132 totalOps = numLoads + numOps + numStores
133 print "There are %d total ops" % totalOps
189 # Build a macroop to contain the sequence of microops we've
190 # constructed. The decode block will be used to fill in our
191 # inner decode structure, and the rest will be concatenated and
192 # passed back.
193 return genInst(name, Name + postfix, ops)
135 # If we can implement this instruction with exactly one microop, just
136 # use that directly.
137 newStmnt = ''
138 if totalOps == 1:
139 newStmnt = ops[0].getAllocator(labels)
140 else:
141 # Build up a macro op. We'll punt on this for now
142 pass
196def format TaggedOp(code, tagSet) {{
197 (header_output,
198 decoder_output,
199 decode_block,
200 exec_output) = doCompOps(name, Name, code, tagSet, '')
144 instNew.append(newStmnt)
146 decodeBlob = 'switch(%s) {\n' % switchVal
147 counter = 0
148 for newStmnt in instNew:
149 decodeBlob += 'case %d: return (X86StaticInst *)(%s);\n' % \
150 (counter, newStmnt)
151 counter += 1
152 decodeBlob += '}\n'
153 decode_block = decodeBlob
203def format MultiOp(code, switchVal, opTags, *opt_flags) {{
204 switcher = {}
205 for (count, tagSet) in zip(xrange(len(opTags) - 1), opTags):
206 switcher[count] = (code, tagSet, '')
207 (header_output,
208 decoder_output,
209 decode_block,
210 exec_output) = doMultiOp(name, Name, doCompOps, switchVal, switcher)