< 0x5: Trap::fbpfcc({{fault = new FpDisabled;}});
< 0x6: Trap::fbfcc({{fault = new FpDisabled;}});
> 0x5: FailUnimpl::fbpfcc();
> 0x6: FailUnimpl::fbfcc();
< 0x2E: decode RS1 {
< 0x0: IntOp::popc({{
< int64_t count = 0;
< uint64_t temp = Rs2_or_imm13;
< //Count the 1s in the front 4bits until none are left
< uint8_t oneBits[] = {0,1,1,2,1,2,2,3,1,2,2,3,2,3,3,4};
< while(temp)
< {
< count += oneBits[temp & 0xF];
< temp = temp >> 4;
< }
< Rd = count;
< }});
< }
> 0x2E: Trap::popc({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
< 0x03: Trap::fmovq({{fault = new FpExceptionOther;}});
> 0x03: Trap::fmovq({{fault = new FpExceptionOther;}}); //unimp fpop
< 0x07: Trap::fnegq({{fault = new FpDisabled;}});
> 0x07: Trap::fnegq({{fault = new FpExceptionOther;}}); //fpop unimp
< 0x0B: Trap::fabsq({{fault = new FpDisabled;}});
> 0x0B: Trap::fabsq({{fault = new FpExceptionOther;}}); //fpop unimp
< 0x2B: Trap::fsqrtq({{fault = new FpDisabled;}});
> 0x2B: Trap::fsqrtq({{fault = new FpExceptionOther;}}); //unimp fpop
< 0x43: Trap::faddq({{fault = new FpDisabled;}});
> 0x43: Trap::faddq({{fault = new FpExceptionOther;}}); //unimp fpop
< 0x47: Trap::fsubq({{fault = new FpDisabled;}});
> 0x47: Trap::fsubq({{fault = new FpExceptionOther;}}); //unimp fpop
< 0x4B: Trap::fmulq({{fault = new FpDisabled;}});
> 0x4B: Trap::fmulq({{fault = new FpExceptionOther;}}); //unimp fpop
< 0x4F: Trap::fdivq({{fault = new FpDisabled;}});
> 0x4F: Trap::fdivq({{fault = new FpExceptionOther;}}); //unimp fpop
< 0x6E: Trap::fdmulq({{fault = new FpDisabled;}});
> 0x6E: Trap::fdmulq({{fault = new FpExceptionOther;}}); //unimp fpop
< 0x83: Trap::fqtox({{fault = new FpDisabled;}});
> 0x83: Trap::fqtox({{fault = new FpExceptionOther;}}); //unimp fpop
< 0x8C: Trap::fxtoq({{fault = new FpDisabled;}});
> 0x8C: Trap::fxtoq({{fault = new FpExceptionOther;}}); //unimp fpop
< 0xC7: Trap::fqtos({{fault = new FpDisabled;}});
> 0xC7: Trap::fqtos({{fault = new FpExceptionOther;}}); //unimp fpop
< 0xCB: Trap::fqtod({{fault = new FpDisabled;}});
< 0xCC: Trap::fitoq({{fault = new FpDisabled;}});
< 0xCD: Trap::fstoq({{fault = new FpDisabled;}});
< 0xCE: Trap::fdtoq({{fault = new FpDisabled;}});
> 0xCB: Trap::fqtod({{fault = new FpExceptionOther;}}); // unimp fpop
> 0xCC: Trap::fitoq({{fault = new FpExceptionOther;}}); // unimp fpop
> 0xCD: Trap::fstoq({{fault = new FpExceptionOther;}}); // unimp fpop
> 0xCE: Trap::fdtoq({{fault = new FpExceptionOther;}}); // unimp fpop
< 0xD3: Trap::fqtoi({{fault = new FpDisabled;}});
< default: Trap::fpop1({{fault = new FpDisabled;}});
> 0xD3: Trap::fqtoi({{fault = new FpExceptionOther;}}); // unimp fpop
> default: FailUnimpl::fpop1();
< 0x00: Trap::edge8({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
< 0x01: Trap::edge8n({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
< 0x02: Trap::edge8l({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
< 0x03: Trap::edge8ln({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
< 0x04: Trap::edge16({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
< 0x05: Trap::edge16n({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
< 0x06: Trap::edge16l({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
< 0x07: Trap::edge16ln({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
< 0x08: Trap::edge32({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
< 0x09: Trap::edge32n({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
< 0x0A: Trap::edge32l({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
< 0x0B: Trap::edge32ln({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
< 0x10: Trap::array8({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
< 0x12: Trap::array16({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
< 0x14: Trap::array32({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
> 0x00: FailUnimpl::edge8();
> 0x01: FailUnimpl::edge8n();
> 0x02: FailUnimpl::edge8l();
> 0x03: FailUnimpl::edge8ln();
> 0x04: FailUnimpl::edge16();
> 0x05: FailUnimpl::edge16n();
> 0x06: FailUnimpl::edge16l();
> 0x07: FailUnimpl::edge16ln();
> 0x08: FailUnimpl::edge32();
> 0x09: FailUnimpl::edge32n();
> 0x0A: FailUnimpl::edge32l();
> 0x0B: FailUnimpl::edge32ln();
> 0x10: FailUnimpl::array8();
> 0x12: FailUnimpl::array16();
> 0x14: FailUnimpl::array32();
< 0x19: Trap::bmask({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
> 0x19: FailUnimpl::bmask();
< 0x20: Trap::fcmple16({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
< 0x22: Trap::fcmpne16({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
< 0x24: Trap::fcmple32({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
< 0x26: Trap::fcmpne32({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
< 0x28: Trap::fcmpgt16({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
< 0x2A: Trap::fcmpeq16({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
< 0x2C: Trap::fcmpgt32({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
< 0x2E: Trap::fcmpeq32({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
< 0x31: Trap::fmul8x16({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
< 0x33: Trap::fmul8x16au({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
< 0x35: Trap::fmul8x16al({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
< 0x36: Trap::fmul8sux16({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
< 0x37: Trap::fmul8ulx16({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
< 0x38: Trap::fmuld8sux16({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
< 0x39: Trap::fmuld8ulx16({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
> 0x20: FailUnimpl::fcmple16();
> 0x22: FailUnimpl::fcmpne16();
> 0x24: FailUnimpl::fcmple32();
> 0x26: FailUnimpl::fcmpne32();
> 0x28: FailUnimpl::fcmpgt16();
> 0x2A: FailUnimpl::fcmpeq16();
> 0x2C: FailUnimpl::fcmpgt32();
> 0x2E: FailUnimpl::fcmpeq32();
> 0x31: FailUnimpl::fmul8x16();
> 0x33: FailUnimpl::fmul8x16au();
> 0x35: FailUnimpl::fmul8x16al();
> 0x36: FailUnimpl::fmul8sux16();
> 0x37: FailUnimpl::fmul8ulx16();
> 0x38: FailUnimpl::fmuld8sux16();
> 0x39: FailUnimpl::fmuld8ulx16();
< 0x4C: Trap::bshuffle({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
< 0x4D: Trap::fexpand({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
< 0x50: Trap::fpadd16({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
< 0x51: Trap::fpadd16s({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
< 0x52: Trap::fpadd32({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
< 0x53: Trap::fpadd32s({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
< 0x54: Trap::fpsub16({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
< 0x55: Trap::fpsub16s({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
< 0x56: Trap::fpsub32({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
< 0x57: Trap::fpsub32s({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
> 0x4C: FailUnimpl::bshuffle();
> 0x4D: FailUnimpl::fexpand();
> 0x50: FailUnimpl::fpadd16();
> 0x51: FailUnimpl::fpadd16s();
> 0x52: FailUnimpl::fpadd32();
> 0x53: FailUnimpl::fpadd32s();
> 0x54: FailUnimpl::fpsub16();
> 0x55: FailUnimpl::fpsub16s();
> 0x56: FailUnimpl::fpsub32();
> 0x57: FailUnimpl::fpsub32s();
< 0x62: Trap::fnor({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
< 0x63: Trap::fnors({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
< 0x64: Trap::fandnot2({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
< 0x65: Trap::fandnot2s({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
> 0x62: FailUnimpl::fnor();
> 0x63: FailUnimpl::fnors();
> 0x64: FailUnimpl::fandnot2();
> 0x65: FailUnimpl::fandnot2s();
< 0x68: Trap::fandnot1({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
< 0x69: Trap::fandnot1s({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
> 0x68: FailUnimpl::fandnot1();
> 0x69: FailUnimpl::fandnot1s();
< 0x6C: Trap::fxor({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
< 0x6D: Trap::fxors({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
< 0x6E: Trap::fnand({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
< 0x6F: Trap::fnands({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
< 0x70: Trap::fand({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
< 0x71: Trap::fands({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
< 0x72: Trap::fxnor({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
< 0x73: Trap::fxnors({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
> 0x6C: FailUnimpl::fxor();
> 0x6D: FailUnimpl::fxors();
> 0x6E: FailUnimpl::fnand();
> 0x6F: FailUnimpl::fnands();
> 0x70: FailUnimpl::fand();
> 0x71: FailUnimpl::fands();
> 0x72: FailUnimpl::fxnor();
> 0x73: FailUnimpl::fxnors();
< 0x76: Trap::fornot2({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
< 0x77: Trap::fornot2s({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
> 0x76: FailUnimpl::fornot2();
> 0x77: FailUnimpl::fornot2s();
< 0x7A: Trap::fornot1({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
< 0x7B: Trap::fornot1s({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
< 0x7C: Trap::for({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
< 0x7D: Trap::fors({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
< 0x7E: Trap::fone({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
< 0x7F: Trap::fones({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
> 0x7A: FailUnimpl::fornot1();
> 0x7B: FailUnimpl::fornot1s();
> 0x7C: FailUnimpl::for();
> 0x7D: FailUnimpl::fors();
> 0x7E: BasicOperate::fone({{Frd.udw = std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max();}});
> 0x7F: BasicOperate::fones({{Frds.uw = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max();}});
< 0x81: Trap::siam({{fault = new IllegalInstruction;}});
> 0x81: FailUnimpl::siam();