> return;
> }
> Process *p = tc->getProcessPtr();
> TlbEntry entry;
> bool success = p->pTable->lookup(vaddr, entry);
> if (!success) {
> panic("Tried to execute unmapped address %#x.\n", vaddr);
< Process *p = tc->getProcessPtr();
< TlbEntry entry;
< bool success = p->pTable->lookup(vaddr, entry);
< if (!success) {
< panic("Tried to execute unmapped address %#x.\n", vaddr);
< } else {
< Addr alignedVaddr = p->pTable->pageAlign(vaddr);
< tc->getITBPtr()->insert(alignedVaddr, 0 /*partition id*/,
< p->M5_pid /*context id*/, false, entry.pte);
< }
> Addr alignedVaddr = p->pTable->pageAlign(vaddr);
> tc->getITBPtr()->insert(alignedVaddr, 0 /*partition id*/,
> p->M5_pid /*context id*/, false, entry.pte);
> return;
> }
> Process *p = tc->getProcessPtr();
> TlbEntry entry;
> bool success = p->pTable->lookup(vaddr, entry);
> if (!success) {
> if (p->fixupStackFault(vaddr))
> success = p->pTable->lookup(vaddr, entry);
> }
> if (!success) {
> panic("Tried to access unmapped address %#x.\n", vaddr);
< Process *p = tc->getProcessPtr();
< TlbEntry entry;
< bool success = p->pTable->lookup(vaddr, entry);
< if (!success) {
< if (p->fixupStackFault(vaddr))
< success = p->pTable->lookup(vaddr, entry);
< }
< if (!success) {
< panic("Tried to access unmapped address %#x.\n", vaddr);
< } else {
< Addr alignedVaddr = p->pTable->pageAlign(vaddr);
< tc->getDTBPtr()->insert(alignedVaddr, 0 /*partition id*/,
< p->M5_pid /*context id*/, false, entry.pte);
< }
> Addr alignedVaddr = p->pTable->pageAlign(vaddr);
> tc->getDTBPtr()->insert(alignedVaddr, 0 /*partition id*/,
> p->M5_pid /*context id*/, false, entry.pte);
< } else {
< doNormalFault(tc, trapType(), false);
> return;
> }
< Process *p = tc->getProcessPtr();
> doNormalFault(tc, trapType(), false);
< //XXX This will only work in faults from a SparcLiveProcess
< SparcLiveProcess *lp = dynamic_cast<SparcLiveProcess *>(p);
< assert(lp);
> Process *p = tc->getProcessPtr();
< // Then adjust the PC and NPC
< tc->pcState(lp->readSpillStart());
< }
> //XXX This will only work in faults from a SparcLiveProcess
> SparcLiveProcess *lp = dynamic_cast<SparcLiveProcess *>(p);
> assert(lp);
> // Then adjust the PC and NPC
> tc->pcState(lp->readSpillStart());
< } else {
< doNormalFault(tc, trapType(), false);
> return;
> }
< Process *p = tc->getProcessPtr();
> doNormalFault(tc, trapType(), false);
< //XXX This will only work in faults from a SparcLiveProcess
< SparcLiveProcess *lp = dynamic_cast<SparcLiveProcess *>(p);
< assert(lp);
> Process *p = tc->getProcessPtr();
< // Then adjust the PC and NPC
< tc->pcState(lp->readFillStart());
< }
> //XXX This will only work in faults from a SparcLiveProcess
> SparcLiveProcess *lp = dynamic_cast<SparcLiveProcess *>(p);
> assert(lp);
> // Then adjust the PC and NPC
> tc->pcState(lp->readFillStart());
< } else {
< // In SE, this mechanism is how the process requests a service from
< // the operating system. We'll get the process object from the thread
< // context and let it service the request.
> return;
> }
< Process *p = tc->getProcessPtr();
> // In SE, this mechanism is how the process requests a service from
> // the operating system. We'll get the process object from the thread
> // context and let it service the request.
< SparcLiveProcess *lp = dynamic_cast<SparcLiveProcess *>(p);
< assert(lp);
> Process *p = tc->getProcessPtr();
< lp->handleTrap(_n, tc);
> SparcLiveProcess *lp = dynamic_cast<SparcLiveProcess *>(p);
> assert(lp);
< // We need to explicitly advance the pc, since that's not done for us
< // on a faulting instruction
< PCState pc = tc->pcState();
< pc.advance();
< tc->pcState(pc);
< }
> lp->handleTrap(_n, tc);
> // We need to explicitly advance the pc, since that's not done for us
> // on a faulting instruction
> PCState pc = tc->pcState();
> pc.advance();
> tc->pcState(pc);