> #include <algorithm>
< #include "cpu/thread_context.hh"
< #include "cpu/base.hh"
> #include "arch/sparc/isa_traits.hh"
> #include "arch/sparc/process.hh"
> #include "base/bitfield.hh"
> #include "cpu/base.hh"
> #include "cpu/thread_context.hh"
< #include "sim/process.hh"
> #include "sim/process.hh"
> using namespace std;
> /**
> * This sets everything up for a normal trap except for actually jumping to
> * the handler. It will need to be expanded to include the state machine in
> * the manual. Right now it assumes that traps will always be to the
> * privileged level.
> */
> void doNormalFault(ThreadContext *tc, TrapType tt)
> {
> uint64_t TL = tc->readMiscReg(MISCREG_TL);
> uint64_t TSTATE = tc->readMiscReg(MISCREG_TSTATE);
> uint64_t PSTATE = tc->readMiscReg(MISCREG_PSTATE);
> uint64_t HPSTATE = tc->readMiscReg(MISCREG_HPSTATE);
> uint64_t CCR = tc->readMiscReg(MISCREG_CCR);
> uint64_t ASI = tc->readMiscReg(MISCREG_ASI);
> uint64_t CWP = tc->readMiscReg(MISCREG_CWP);
> uint64_t CANSAVE = tc->readMiscReg(MISCREG_CANSAVE);
> uint64_t GL = tc->readMiscReg(MISCREG_GL);
> uint64_t PC = tc->readPC();
> uint64_t NPC = tc->readNextPC();
> //Increment the trap level
> TL++;
> tc->setMiscReg(MISCREG_TL, TL);
> //Save off state
> //set TSTATE.gl to gl
> replaceBits(TSTATE, 42, 40, GL);
> //set TSTATE.ccr to ccr
> replaceBits(TSTATE, 39, 32, CCR);
> //set TSTATE.asi to asi
> replaceBits(TSTATE, 31, 24, ASI);
> //set TSTATE.pstate to pstate
> replaceBits(TSTATE, 20, 8, PSTATE);
> //set TSTATE.cwp to cwp
> replaceBits(TSTATE, 4, 0, CWP);
> //Write back TSTATE
> //set TPC to PC
> tc->setMiscReg(MISCREG_TPC, PC);
> //set TNPC to NPC
> tc->setMiscReg(MISCREG_TNPC, NPC);
> //set HTSTATE.hpstate to hpstate
> //TT = trap type;
> tc->setMiscReg(MISCREG_TT, tt);
> //Update the global register level
> if(1/*We're delivering the trap in priveleged mode*/)
> tc->setMiscReg(MISCREG_GL, max<int>(GL+1, MaxGL));
> else
> tc->setMiscReg(MISCREG_GL, max<int>(GL+1, MaxPGL));
> //PSTATE.mm is unchanged
> //PSTATE.pef = whether or not an fpu is present
> //XXX We'll say there's one present, even though there aren't
> //implementations for a decent number of the instructions
> PSTATE |= (1 << 4);
> //PSTATE.am = 0
> PSTATE &= ~(1 << 3);
> if(1/*We're delivering the trap in priveleged mode*/)
> {
> //PSTATE.priv = 1
> PSTATE |= (1 << 2);
> //PSTATE.cle = PSTATE.tle
> replaceBits(PSTATE, 9, 9, PSTATE >> 8);
> }
> else
> {
> //PSTATE.priv = 0
> PSTATE &= ~(1 << 2);
> //PSTATE.cle = 0
> PSTATE &= ~(1 << 9);
> }
> //PSTATE.ie = 0
> PSTATE &= ~(1 << 1);
> //PSTATE.tle is unchanged
> //PSTATE.tct = 0
> //XXX Where exactly is this field?
> if(0/*We're delivering the trap in hyperprivileged mode*/)
> {
> //HPSTATE.red = 0
> HPSTATE &= ~(1 << 5);
> //HPSTATE.hpriv = 1
> HPSTATE |= (1 << 2);
> //HPSTATE.ibe = 0
> HPSTATE &= ~(1 << 10);
> //HPSTATE.tlz is unchanged
> }
> bool changedCWP = true;
> if(tt == 0x24)
> {
> warn("Incrementing the CWP by 1\n");
> CWP++;
> }
> else if(0x80 <= tt && tt <= 0xbf)
> {
> warn("Incrementing the CWP by %d\n", CANSAVE + 2);
> CWP += (CANSAVE + 2);
> }
> else if(0xc0 <= tt && tt <= 0xff)
> {
> warn("Decrementing the CWP by 1\n");
> CWP--;
> }
> else
> changedCWP = false;
> if(changedCWP)
> {
> CWP = (CWP + NWindows) % NWindows;
> tc->setMiscRegWithEffect(MISCREG_CWP, CWP);
> }
> }
> void SpillNNormal::invoke(ThreadContext *tc)
> {
> warn("I'm in a spill trap\n");
> doNormalFault(tc, trapType());
> Process *p = tc->getProcessPtr();
> //This will only work in faults from a SparcLiveProcess
> SparcLiveProcess *lp = dynamic_cast<SparcLiveProcess *>(p);
> assert(lp);
> //Then adjust the PC and NPC
> Addr spillStart = lp->readSpillStart();
> tc->setPC(spillStart);
> tc->setNextPC(spillStart + sizeof(MachInst));
> tc->setNextNPC(spillStart + 2*sizeof(MachInst));
> }
> void FillNNormal::invoke(ThreadContext *tc)
> {
> warn("I'm in a fill trap\n");
> doNormalFault(tc, trapType());
> Process * p = tc->getProcessPtr();
> //This will only work in faults from a SparcLiveProcess
> SparcLiveProcess *lp = dynamic_cast<SparcLiveProcess *>(p);
> assert(lp);
> //The adjust the PC and NPC
> Addr fillStart = lp->readFillStart();
> tc->setPC(fillStart);
> tc->setNextPC(fillStart + sizeof(MachInst));
> tc->setNextNPC(fillStart + 2*sizeof(MachInst));
> }