decoder.isa (7791:762276cd3cc7) decoder.isa (8588:ef28ed90449d)
1// -*- mode:c++ -*-
3// Copyright (c) 2009 The University of Edinburgh
4// All rights reserved.
6// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
7// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
8// met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright

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41 format IntImmOp {
42 10: cmpli({{
43 Xer xer = XER;
44 uint32_t cr = makeCRField(Ra, (uint32_t)uimm,;
45 CR = insertCRField(CR, BF, cr);
46 }});
47 11: cmpi({{
48 Xer xer = XER;
1// -*- mode:c++ -*-
3// Copyright (c) 2009 The University of Edinburgh
4// All rights reserved.
6// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
7// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
8// met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright

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41 format IntImmOp {
42 10: cmpli({{
43 Xer xer = XER;
44 uint32_t cr = makeCRField(Ra, (uint32_t)uimm,;
45 CR = insertCRField(CR, BF, cr);
46 }});
47 11: cmpi({{
48 Xer xer = XER;
49 uint32_t cr = makeCRField(Ra.sw, (int32_t)imm,;
49 uint32_t cr = makeCRField(Ra_sw, (int32_t)imm,;
50 CR = insertCRField(CR, BF, cr);
51 }});
52 }
54 // Some instructions use bits 21 - 30, others 22 - 30. We have to use
55 // the larger size to account for all opcodes. For those that use the
56 // smaller value, the OE bit is bit 21. Therefore, we have two versions
57 // of each instruction: 1 with OE set, the other without. For an

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83 computeCA = true);
84 200: subfze({{ ~Ra }}, {{ }},
85 computeCA = true);
86 }
88 // Arithmetic instructions all use source registers Ra and Rb,
89 // with destination register Rt.
90 format IntArithOp {
50 CR = insertCRField(CR, BF, cr);
51 }});
52 }
54 // Some instructions use bits 21 - 30, others 22 - 30. We have to use
55 // the larger size to account for all opcodes. For those that use the
56 // smaller value, the OE bit is bit 21. Therefore, we have two versions
57 // of each instruction: 1 with OE set, the other without. For an

--- 25 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

83 computeCA = true);
84 200: subfze({{ ~Ra }}, {{ }},
85 computeCA = true);
86 }
88 // Arithmetic instructions all use source registers Ra and Rb,
89 // with destination register Rt.
90 format IntArithOp {
91 75: mulhw({{ int64_t prod = Ra.sq * Rb.sq; Rt = prod >> 32; }});
92 11: mulhwu({{ uint64_t prod = Ra.uq * Rb.uq; Rt = prod >> 32; }});
93 235: mullw({{ int64_t prod = Ra.sq * Rb.sq; Rt = prod; }});
94 747: mullwo({{ int64_t src1 = Ra.sq; int64_t src2 = Rb; int64_t prod = src1 * src2; Rt = prod; }},
91 75: mulhw({{ int64_t prod = Ra_sq * Rb_sq; Rt = prod >> 32; }});
92 11: mulhwu({{ uint64_t prod = Ra_uq * Rb_uq; Rt = prod >> 32; }});
93 235: mullw({{ int64_t prod = Ra_sq * Rb_sq; Rt = prod; }});
94 747: mullwo({{ int64_t src1 = Ra_sq; int64_t src2 = Rb; int64_t prod = src1 * src2; Rt = prod; }},
95 true);
97 491: divw({{
95 true);
97 491: divw({{
98 int32_t src1 = Ra.sw;
99 int32_t src2 = Rb.sw;
98 int32_t src1 = Ra_sw;
99 int32_t src2 = Rb_sw;
100 if ((src1 != 0x80000000 || src2 != 0xffffffff)
101 && src2 != 0) {
102 Rt = src1 / src2;
103 } else {
104 Rt = 0;
105 }
106 }});
108 1003: divwo({{
100 if ((src1 != 0x80000000 || src2 != 0xffffffff)
101 && src2 != 0) {
102 Rt = src1 / src2;
103 } else {
104 Rt = 0;
105 }
106 }});
108 1003: divwo({{
109 int32_t src1 = Ra.sw;
110 int32_t src2 = Rb.sw;
109 int32_t src1 = Ra_sw;
110 int32_t src2 = Rb_sw;
111 if ((src1 != 0x80000000 || src2 != 0xffffffff)
112 && src2 != 0) {
113 Rt = src1 / src2;
114 } else {
115 Rt = 0;
116 divSetOV = true;
117 }
118 }},
119 true);
121 459: divwu({{
111 if ((src1 != 0x80000000 || src2 != 0xffffffff)
112 && src2 != 0) {
113 Rt = src1 / src2;
114 } else {
115 Rt = 0;
116 divSetOV = true;
117 }
118 }},
119 true);
121 459: divwu({{
122 uint32_t src1 = Ra.sw;
123 uint32_t src2 = Rb.sw;
122 uint32_t src1 = Ra_sw;
123 uint32_t src2 = Rb_sw;
124 if (src2 != 0) {
125 Rt = src1 / src2;
126 } else {
127 Rt = 0;
128 }
129 }});
131 971: divwuo({{
124 if (src2 != 0) {
125 Rt = src1 / src2;
126 } else {
127 Rt = 0;
128 }
129 }});
131 971: divwuo({{
132 uint32_t src1 = Ra.sw;
133 uint32_t src2 = Rb.sw;
132 uint32_t src1 = Ra_sw;
133 uint32_t src2 = Rb_sw;
134 if (src2 != 0) {
135 Rt = src1 / src2;
136 } else {
137 Rt = 0;
138 divSetOV = true;
139 }
140 }},
141 true);

--- 100 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

242 XER = xer1;
243 }});
244 }
246 // Generic integer format instructions.
247 format IntOp {
248 0: cmp({{
249 Xer xer = XER;
134 if (src2 != 0) {
135 Rt = src1 / src2;
136 } else {
137 Rt = 0;
138 divSetOV = true;
139 }
140 }},
141 true);

--- 100 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

242 XER = xer1;
243 }});
244 }
246 // Generic integer format instructions.
247 format IntOp {
248 0: cmp({{
249 Xer xer = XER;
250 uint32_t cr = makeCRField(Ra.sw, Rb.sw,;
250 uint32_t cr = makeCRField(Ra_sw, Rb_sw,;
251 CR = insertCRField(CR, BF, cr);
252 }});
253 32: cmpl({{
254 Xer xer = XER;
255 uint32_t cr = makeCRField(Ra, Rb,;
256 CR = insertCRField(CR, BF, cr);
257 }});
258 144: mtcrf({{

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277 }
278 }
280 // All loads with an index register. The non-update versions
281 // all use the value 0 if Ra == R0, not the value contained in
282 // R0. Others update Ra with the effective address. In all cases,
283 // Ra and Rb are source registers, Rt is the destintation.
284 format LoadIndexOp {
251 CR = insertCRField(CR, BF, cr);
252 }});
253 32: cmpl({{
254 Xer xer = XER;
255 uint32_t cr = makeCRField(Ra, Rb,;
256 CR = insertCRField(CR, BF, cr);
257 }});
258 144: mtcrf({{

--- 18 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

277 }
278 }
280 // All loads with an index register. The non-update versions
281 // all use the value 0 if Ra == R0, not the value contained in
282 // R0. Others update Ra with the effective address. In all cases,
283 // Ra and Rb are source registers, Rt is the destintation.
284 format LoadIndexOp {
285 87: lbzx({{ Rt = Mem.ub; }});
286 279: lhzx({{ Rt = Mem.uh; }});
287 343: lhax({{ Rt =; }});
285 87: lbzx({{ Rt = Mem_ub; }});
286 279: lhzx({{ Rt = Mem_uh; }});
287 343: lhax({{ Rt = Mem_sh; }});
288 23: lwzx({{ Rt = Mem; }});
288 23: lwzx({{ Rt = Mem; }});
289 341: lwax({{ Rt = Mem.sw; }});
290 20: lwarx({{ Rt = Mem.sw; Rsv = 1; RsvLen = 4; RsvAddr = EA; }});
291 535: lfsx({{ Ft.sf = Mem.sf; }});
292 599: lfdx({{ Ft = Mem.df; }});
293 855: lfiwax({{ Ft.uw = Mem; }});
289 341: lwax({{ Rt = Mem_sw; }});
290 20: lwarx({{ Rt = Mem_sw; Rsv = 1; RsvLen = 4; RsvAddr = EA; }});
291 535: lfsx({{ Ft_sf = Mem_sf; }});
292 599: lfdx({{ Ft = Mem_df; }});
293 855: lfiwax({{ Ft_uw = Mem; }});
294 }
296 format LoadIndexUpdateOp {
294 }
296 format LoadIndexUpdateOp {
297 119: lbzux({{ Rt = Mem.ub; }});
298 311: lhzux({{ Rt = Mem.uh; }});
299 375: lhaux({{ Rt =; }});
297 119: lbzux({{ Rt = Mem_ub; }});
298 311: lhzux({{ Rt = Mem_uh; }});
299 375: lhaux({{ Rt = Mem_sh; }});
300 55: lwzux({{ Rt = Mem; }});
300 55: lwzux({{ Rt = Mem; }});
301 373: lwaux({{ Rt = Mem.sw; }});
302 567: lfsux({{ Ft.sf = Mem.sf; }});
303 631: lfdux({{ Ft = Mem.df; }});
301 373: lwaux({{ Rt = Mem_sw; }});
302 567: lfsux({{ Ft_sf = Mem_sf; }});
303 631: lfdux({{ Ft = Mem_df; }});
304 }
306 format StoreIndexOp {
304 }
306 format StoreIndexOp {
307 215: stbx({{ Mem.ub = Rs.ub; }});
308 407: sthx({{ Mem.uh = Rs.uh; }});
307 215: stbx({{ Mem_ub = Rs_ub; }});
308 407: sthx({{ Mem_uh = Rs_uh; }});
309 151: stwx({{ Mem = Rs; }});
310 150: stwcx({{
311 bool store_performed = false;
312 if (Rsv) {
313 if (RsvLen == 4) {
314 if (RsvAddr == EA) {
315 Mem = Rs;
316 store_performed = true;
317 }
318 }
319 }
320 Xer xer = XER;
321 Cr cr = CR;
322 cr.cr0 = ((store_performed ? 0x2 : 0x0) |;
323 CR = cr;
324 Rsv = 0;
325 }});
309 151: stwx({{ Mem = Rs; }});
310 150: stwcx({{
311 bool store_performed = false;
312 if (Rsv) {
313 if (RsvLen == 4) {
314 if (RsvAddr == EA) {
315 Mem = Rs;
316 store_performed = true;
317 }
318 }
319 }
320 Xer xer = XER;
321 Cr cr = CR;
322 cr.cr0 = ((store_performed ? 0x2 : 0x0) |;
323 CR = cr;
324 Rsv = 0;
325 }});
326 663: stfsx({{ Mem.sf = Fs.sf; }});
327 727: stfdx({{ Mem.df = Fs; }});
328 983: stfiwx({{ Mem = Fs.uw; }});
326 663: stfsx({{ Mem_sf = Fs_sf; }});
327 727: stfdx({{ Mem_df = Fs; }});
328 983: stfiwx({{ Mem = Fs_uw; }});
329 }
331 format StoreIndexUpdateOp {
329 }
331 format StoreIndexUpdateOp {
332 247: stbux({{ Mem.ub = Rs.ub; }});
333 439: sthux({{ Mem.uh = Rs.uh; }});
332 247: stbux({{ Mem_ub = Rs_ub; }});
333 439: sthux({{ Mem_uh = Rs_uh; }});
334 183: stwux({{ Mem = Rs; }});
334 183: stwux({{ Mem = Rs; }});
335 695: stfsux({{ Mem.sf = Fs.sf; }});
336 759: stfdux({{ Mem.df = Fs; }});
335 695: stfsux({{ Mem_sf = Fs_sf; }});
336 759: stfdux({{ Mem_df = Fs; }});
337 }
339 // These instructions all provide data cache hints
340 format MiscOp {
341 278: dcbt({{ }});
342 246: dcbtst({{ }});
343 598: sync({{ }}, [ IsMemBarrier ]);
344 854: eieio({{ }}, [ IsMemBarrier ]);

--- 10 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

355 format IntImmArithOp {
356 12: addic({{ uint32_t src = Ra; Rt = src + imm; }},
357 [computeCA]);
358 13: addic_({{ uint32_t src = Ra; Rt = src + imm; }},
359 [computeCA, computeCR0]);
360 8: subfic({{ int32_t src = ~Ra; Rt = src + imm + 1; }},
361 [computeCA]);
362 7: mulli({{
337 }
339 // These instructions all provide data cache hints
340 format MiscOp {
341 278: dcbt({{ }});
342 246: dcbtst({{ }});
343 598: sync({{ }}, [ IsMemBarrier ]);
344 854: eieio({{ }}, [ IsMemBarrier ]);

--- 10 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

355 format IntImmArithOp {
356 12: addic({{ uint32_t src = Ra; Rt = src + imm; }},
357 [computeCA]);
358 13: addic_({{ uint32_t src = Ra; Rt = src + imm; }},
359 [computeCA, computeCR0]);
360 8: subfic({{ int32_t src = ~Ra; Rt = src + imm + 1; }},
361 [computeCA]);
362 7: mulli({{
363 int32_t src = Ra.sw;
363 int32_t src = Ra_sw;
364 int64_t prod = src * imm;
365 Rt = (uint32_t)prod;
366 }});
367 }
369 format IntImmLogicOp {
370 24: ori({{ Ra = Rs | uimm; }});
371 25: oris({{ Ra = Rs | (uimm << 16); }});

--- 99 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

472 format IntRotateOp {
473 21: rlwinm({{ Ra = rotateValue(Rs, sh) & fullMask; }});
474 23: rlwnm({{ Ra = rotateValue(Rs, Rb) & fullMask; }});
475 20: rlwimi({{ Ra = (rotateValue(Rs, sh) & fullMask) | (Ra & ~fullMask); }});
476 }
478 format LoadDispOp {
364 int64_t prod = src * imm;
365 Rt = (uint32_t)prod;
366 }});
367 }
369 format IntImmLogicOp {
370 24: ori({{ Ra = Rs | uimm; }});
371 25: oris({{ Ra = Rs | (uimm << 16); }});

--- 99 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

472 format IntRotateOp {
473 21: rlwinm({{ Ra = rotateValue(Rs, sh) & fullMask; }});
474 23: rlwnm({{ Ra = rotateValue(Rs, Rb) & fullMask; }});
475 20: rlwimi({{ Ra = (rotateValue(Rs, sh) & fullMask) | (Ra & ~fullMask); }});
476 }
478 format LoadDispOp {
479 34: lbz({{ Rt = Mem.ub; }});
480 40: lhz({{ Rt = Mem.uh; }});
481 42: lha({{ Rt =; }});
479 34: lbz({{ Rt = Mem_ub; }});
480 40: lhz({{ Rt = Mem_uh; }});
481 42: lha({{ Rt = Mem_sh; }});
482 32: lwz({{ Rt = Mem; }});
482 32: lwz({{ Rt = Mem; }});
483 58: lwa({{ Rt = Mem.sw; }},
483 58: lwa({{ Rt = Mem_sw; }},
484 {{ EA = Ra + (disp & 0xfffffffc); }},
485 {{ EA = disp & 0xfffffffc; }});
484 {{ EA = Ra + (disp & 0xfffffffc); }},
485 {{ EA = disp & 0xfffffffc; }});
486 48: lfs({{ Ft.sf = Mem.sf; }});
487 50: lfd({{ Ft = Mem.df; }});
486 48: lfs({{ Ft_sf = Mem_sf; }});
487 50: lfd({{ Ft = Mem_df; }});
488 }
490 format LoadDispUpdateOp {
488 }
490 format LoadDispUpdateOp {
491 35: lbzu({{ Rt = Mem.ub; }});
492 41: lhzu({{ Rt = Mem.uh; }});
493 43: lhau({{ Rt =; }});
491 35: lbzu({{ Rt = Mem_ub; }});
492 41: lhzu({{ Rt = Mem_uh; }});
493 43: lhau({{ Rt = Mem_sh; }});
494 33: lwzu({{ Rt = Mem; }});
494 33: lwzu({{ Rt = Mem; }});
495 49: lfsu({{ Ft.sf = Mem.sf; }});
496 51: lfdu({{ Ft = Mem.df; }});
495 49: lfsu({{ Ft_sf = Mem_sf; }});
496 51: lfdu({{ Ft = Mem_df; }});
497 }
499 format StoreDispOp {
497 }
499 format StoreDispOp {
500 38: stb({{ Mem.ub = Rs.ub; }});
501 44: sth({{ Mem.uh = Rs.uh; }});
500 38: stb({{ Mem_ub = Rs_ub; }});
501 44: sth({{ Mem_uh = Rs_uh; }});
502 36: stw({{ Mem = Rs; }});
502 36: stw({{ Mem = Rs; }});
503 52: stfs({{ Mem.sf = Fs.sf; }});
504 54: stfd({{ Mem.df = Fs; }});
503 52: stfs({{ Mem_sf = Fs_sf; }});
504 54: stfd({{ Mem_df = Fs; }});
505 }
507 format StoreDispUpdateOp {
505 }
507 format StoreDispUpdateOp {
508 39: stbu({{ Mem.ub = Rs.ub; }});
509 45: sthu({{ Mem.uh = Rs.uh; }});
508 39: stbu({{ Mem_ub = Rs_ub; }});
509 45: sthu({{ Mem_uh = Rs_uh; }});
510 37: stwu({{ Mem = Rs; }});
510 37: stwu({{ Mem = Rs; }});
511 53: stfsu({{ Mem.sf = Fs.sf; }});
512 55: stfdu({{ Mem.df = Fs; }});
511 53: stfsu({{ Mem_sf = Fs_sf; }});
512 55: stfdu({{ Mem_df = Fs; }});
513 }
515 17: IntOp::sc({{ xc->syscall(R0); }},
516 [ IsSyscall, IsNonSpeculative, IsSerializeAfter ]);
518 format FloatArithOp {
519 59: decode A_XO {
520 21: fadds({{ Ft = Fa + Fb; }});

--- 16 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

537 29: fmadd({{ Ft = (Fa * Fc) + Fb; }});
538 28: fmsub({{ Ft = (Fa * Fc) - Fb; }});
539 31: fnmadd({{ Ft = -((Fa * Fc) + Fb); }});
540 30: fnmsub({{ Ft = -((Fa * Fc) - Fb); }});
541 }
543 default: decode XO_XO {
544 format FloatConvertOp {
513 }
515 17: IntOp::sc({{ xc->syscall(R0); }},
516 [ IsSyscall, IsNonSpeculative, IsSerializeAfter ]);
518 format FloatArithOp {
519 59: decode A_XO {
520 21: fadds({{ Ft = Fa + Fb; }});

--- 16 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

537 29: fmadd({{ Ft = (Fa * Fc) + Fb; }});
538 28: fmsub({{ Ft = (Fa * Fc) - Fb; }});
539 31: fnmadd({{ Ft = -((Fa * Fc) + Fb); }});
540 30: fnmsub({{ Ft = -((Fa * Fc) - Fb); }});
541 }
543 default: decode XO_XO {
544 format FloatConvertOp {
545 12: frsp({{ Ft.sf = Fb; }});
546 15: fctiwz({{ Ft.sw = (int32_t)trunc(Fb); }});
545 12: frsp({{ Ft_sf = Fb; }});
546 15: fctiwz({{ Ft_sw = (int32_t)trunc(Fb); }});
547 }
549 format FloatOp {
550 0: fcmpu({{
551 uint32_t c = makeCRField(Fa, Fb);
552 Fpscr fpscr = FPSCR;
553 fpscr.fprf.fpcc = c;
554 FPSCR = fpscr;
555 CR = insertCRField(CR, BF, c);
556 }});
557 }
559 format FloatRCCheckOp {
560 72: fmr({{ Ft = Fb; }});
561 264: fabs({{
547 }
549 format FloatOp {
550 0: fcmpu({{
551 uint32_t c = makeCRField(Fa, Fb);
552 Fpscr fpscr = FPSCR;
553 fpscr.fprf.fpcc = c;
554 FPSCR = fpscr;
555 CR = insertCRField(CR, BF, c);
556 }});
557 }
559 format FloatRCCheckOp {
560 72: fmr({{ Ft = Fb; }});
561 264: fabs({{
562 Ft.uq = Fb.uq;
563 Ft.uq = insertBits(Ft.uq, 63, 0); }});
562 Ft_uq = Fb_uq;
563 Ft_uq = insertBits(Ft_uq, 63, 0); }});
564 136: fnabs({{
564 136: fnabs({{
565 Ft.uq = Fb.uq;
566 Ft.uq = insertBits(Ft.uq, 63, 1); }});
565 Ft_uq = Fb_uq;
566 Ft_uq = insertBits(Ft_uq, 63, 1); }});
567 40: fneg({{ Ft = -Fb; }});
568 8: fcpsgn({{
567 40: fneg({{ Ft = -Fb; }});
568 8: fcpsgn({{
569 Ft.uq = Fb.uq;
570 Ft.uq = insertBits(Ft.uq, 63, Fa.uq<63:63>);
569 Ft_uq = Fb_uq;
570 Ft_uq = insertBits(Ft_uq, 63, Fa_uq<63:63>);
571 }});
571 }});
572 583: mffs({{ Ft.uq = FPSCR; }});
572 583: mffs({{ Ft_uq = FPSCR; }});
573 134: mtfsfi({{
574 FPSCR = insertCRField(FPSCR, BF + (8 * (1 - W)), U_FIELD);
575 }});
576 711: mtfsf({{
573 134: mtfsfi({{
574 FPSCR = insertCRField(FPSCR, BF + (8 * (1 - W)), U_FIELD);
575 }});
576 711: mtfsf({{
577 if (L == 1) { FPSCR = Fb.uq; }
577 if (L == 1) { FPSCR = Fb_uq; }
578 else {
579 for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
580 if (bits(FLM, i) == 1) {
581 int k = 4 * (i + (8 * (1 - W)));
582 FPSCR = insertBits(FPSCR, k, k + 3,
578 else {
579 for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
580 if (bits(FLM, i) == 1) {
581 int k = 4 * (i + (8 * (1 - W)));
582 FPSCR = insertBits(FPSCR, k, k + 3,
583 bits(Fb.uq, k, k + 3));
583 bits(Fb_uq, k, k + 3));
584 }
585 }
586 }
587 }});
588 70: mtfsb0({{ FPSCR = insertBits(FPSCR, 31 - BT, 0); }});
589 38: mtfsb1({{ FPSCR = insertBits(FPSCR, 31 - BT, 1); }});
590 }
591 }
592 }
584 }
585 }
586 }
587 }});
588 70: mtfsb0({{ FPSCR = insertBits(FPSCR, 31 - BT, 0); }});
589 38: mtfsb1({{ FPSCR = insertBits(FPSCR, 31 - BT, 1); }});
590 }
591 }
592 }