< std::string generateDisassembly(Addr pc, const SymbolTable *symtab) const;
> //std::string generateDisassembly(Addr pc, const SymbolTable *symtab) const;
> //needs function to check for fpEnable or not
> class FPCompareOp : public FPOp
> {
> protected:
> FPCompareOp(const char *mnem, MachInst _machInst, OpClass __opClass) : FPOp(mnem, _machInst, __opClass)
> {
> }
> std::string generateDisassembly(Addr pc, const SymbolTable *symtab) const;
> };
< std::string FPOp::generateDisassembly(Addr pc, const SymbolTable *symtab) const
> std::string FPCompareOp::generateDisassembly(Addr pc, const SymbolTable *symtab) const
< return "Disassembly of integer instruction\n";
> std::stringstream ss;
> ccprintf(ss, "%-10s ", mnemonic);
> ccprintf(ss,"%d",CC);
> if(_numSrcRegs > 0) {
> ss << ", ";
> printReg(ss, _srcRegIdx[0]);
> }
> if(_numSrcRegs > 1) {
> ss << ", ";
> printReg(ss, _srcRegIdx[1]);
> }
> return ss.str();
> output exec {{
< // Primary format for float operate instructions:
< def format FloatOp(code, *flags) {{
< iop = InstObjParams(name, Name, 'MipsStaticInst', CodeBlock(code), flags)
< header_output = BasicDeclare.subst(iop)
< decoder_output = BasicConstructor.subst(iop)
< decode_block = BasicDecode.subst(iop)
< exec_output = BasicExecute.subst(iop)
> //If any operand is Nan return the appropriate QNaN
> template <class T>
> bool
> fpNanOperands(FPOp *inst, %(CPU_exec_context)s *xc, const T &src_type,
> Trace::InstRecord *traceData)
> {
> uint64_t mips_nan = 0;
> T src_op = 0;
> int size = sizeof(src_op) * 8;
> for (int i = 0; i < inst->numSrcRegs(); i++) {
> uint64_t src_bits = xc->readFloatRegBits(inst, 0, size);
> if (isNan(&src_bits, size) ) {
> if (isSnan(&src_bits, size)) {
> switch (size)
> {
> case 32: mips_nan = MIPS32_QNAN; break;
> case 64: mips_nan = MIPS64_QNAN; break;
> default: panic("Unsupported Floating Point Size (%d)", size);
> }
> } else {
> mips_nan = src_bits;
> }
> xc->setFloatRegBits(inst, 0, mips_nan, size);
> if (traceData) { traceData->setData(mips_nan); }
> return true;
> }
> }
> return false;
> }
> template <class T>
> bool
> fpInvalidOp(FPOp *inst, %(CPU_exec_context)s *xc, const T dest_val,
> Trace::InstRecord *traceData)
> {
> uint64_t mips_nan = 0;
> T src_op = dest_val;
> int size = sizeof(src_op) * 8;
> if (isNan(&src_op, size)) {
> switch (size)
> {
> case 32: mips_nan = MIPS32_QNAN; break;
> case 64: mips_nan = MIPS64_QNAN; break;
> default: panic("Unsupported Floating Point Size (%d)", size);
> }
> //Set value to QNAN
> xc->setFloatRegBits(inst, 0, mips_nan, size);
> //Read FCSR from FloatRegFile
> uint32_t fcsr_bits = xc->cpuXC->readFloatRegBits(FCSR);
> //Write FCSR from FloatRegFile
> xc->cpuXC->setFloatRegBits(FCSR, genInvalidVector(fcsr_bits));
> if (traceData) { traceData->setData(mips_nan); }
> return true;
> }
> return false;
> }
> void
> fpResetCauseBits(%(CPU_exec_context)s *xc)
> {
> //Read FCSR from FloatRegFile
> uint32_t fcsr = xc->cpuXC->readFloatRegBits(FCSR);
> fcsr = bits(fcsr, 31, 18) << 18 | bits(fcsr, 11, 0);
> //Write FCSR from FloatRegFile
> xc->cpuXC->setFloatRegBits(FCSR, fcsr);
> }
< def format FloatCompareOp(code, *flags) {{
< code = 'bool cond;\n' + code
< code += 'FCSR = makeCCVector(FCSR, CC,cond);\n'
< iop = InstObjParams(name, Name, 'MipsStaticInst', CodeBlock(code), flags)
< header_output = BasicDeclare.subst(iop)
< decoder_output = BasicConstructor.subst(iop)
< decode_block = BasicDecode.subst(iop)
< exec_output = BasicExecute.subst(iop)
> def template FloatingPointExecute {{
> Fault %(class_name)s::execute(%(CPU_exec_context)s *xc, Trace::InstRecord *traceData) const
> {
> Fault fault = NoFault;
> %(fp_enable_check)s;
> //When is the right time to reset cause bits?
> //start of every instruction or every cycle?
> fpResetCauseBits(xc);
> %(op_decl)s;
> %(op_rd)s;
> //Check if any FP operand is a NaN value
> if (!fpNanOperands((FPOp*)this, xc, Fd, traceData)) {
> %(code)s;
> //Change this code for Full-System/Sycall Emulation
> //separation
> //----
> //Should Full System-Mode throw a fault here?
> //----
> //Check for IEEE 754 FP Exceptions
> //fault = fpNanOperands((FPOp*)this, xc, Fd, traceData);
> if (!fpInvalidOp((FPOp*)this, xc, Fd, traceData) &&
> fault == NoFault)
> {
> %(op_wb)s;
> }
> }
> return fault;
> }
< def format FloatCompareWithXcptOp(code, *flags) {{
< code = 'bool cond;\n' + code
< code += 'FCSR = makeCCVector(FCSR, CC,cond);\n'
< iop = InstObjParams(name, Name, 'MipsStaticInst', CodeBlock(code), flags)
> // Primary format for float point operate instructions:
> def format FloatOp(code, *flags) {{
> iop = InstObjParams(name, Name, 'FPOp', CodeBlock(code), flags)
< exec_output = BasicExecute.subst(iop)
> exec_output = FloatingPointExecute.subst(iop)
> def format FloatCompareOp(cond_code, *flags) {{
> import sys
> code = 'bool cond;\n'
> if '.sf' in cond_code or 'SinglePrecision' in flags:
> if 'QnanException' in flags:
> code += 'if (isQnan(&Fs.sf, 32) || isQnan(&Ft.sf, 32)) {\n'
> code += '\tFCSR = genInvalidVector(FCSR);\n'
> code += '\treturn NoFault;'
> code += '}\n else '
> code += 'if (isNan(&Fs.sf, 32) || isNan(&Ft.sf, 32)) {\n'
> elif '.df' in cond_code or 'DoublePrecision' in flags:
> if 'QnanException' in flags:
> code += 'if (isQnan(&Fs.df, 64) || isQnan(&Ft.df, 64)) {\n'
> code += '\tFCSR = genInvalidVector(FCSR);\n'
> code += '\treturn NoFault;'
> code += '}\n else '
> code += 'if (isNan(&Fs.df, 64) || isNan(&Ft.df, 64)) {\n'
> else:
> sys.exit('Decoder Failed: Can\'t Determine Operand Type\n')
> if 'UnorderedTrue' in flags:
> code += 'cond = 1;\n'
> elif 'UnorderedFalse' in flags:
> code += 'cond = 0;\n'
> else:
> sys.exit('Decoder Failed: Float Compare Instruction Needs A Unordered Flag\n')
> code += '} else {\n'
> code += cond_code + '}'
> code += 'FCSR = genCCVector(FCSR, CC, cond);\n'
> iop = InstObjParams(name, Name, 'FPCompareOp', CodeBlock(code))
> header_output = BasicDeclare.subst(iop)
> decoder_output = BasicConstructor.subst(iop)
> decode_block = BasicDecode.subst(iop)
> exec_output = BasicExecute.subst(iop)
> }};
< iop = InstObjParams(name, Name, 'MipsStaticInst', CodeBlock(code), flags)
> import sys
> #Determine Source Type
> convert = 'fpConvert('
> if '.sf' in code:
> code = 'float ' + code + '\n'
> convert += 'SINGLE_TO_'
> elif '.df' in code:
> code = 'double ' + code + '\n'
> convert += 'DOUBLE_TO_'
> elif '.uw' in code:
> code = 'uint32_t ' + code + '\n'
> convert += 'WORD_TO_'
> elif '.ud' in code:
> code = 'uint64_t ' + code + '\n'
> convert += 'LONG_TO_'
> else:
> sys.exit("Error Determining Source Type for Conversion")
> #Determine Destination Type
> if 'ToSingle' in flags:
> code += 'Fd.uw = ' + convert + 'SINGLE, '
> elif 'ToDouble' in flags:
> code += 'Fd.ud = ' + convert + 'DOUBLE, '
> elif 'ToWord' in flags:
> code += 'Fd.uw = ' + convert + 'WORD, '
> elif 'ToLong' in flags:
> code += 'Fd.ud = ' + convert + 'LONG, '
> else:
> sys.exit("Error Determining Destination Type for Conversion")
> #Figure out how to round value
> if 'Ceil' in flags:
> code += 'ceil(val)); '
> elif 'Floor' in flags:
> code += 'floor(val)); '
> elif 'Round' in flags:
> code += 'roundFP(val, 0)); '
> elif 'Trunc' in flags:
> code += 'truncFP(val));'
> else:
> code += 'val); '
> iop = InstObjParams(name, Name, 'FPOp', CodeBlock(code))
> header_output = BasicDeclare.subst(iop)
> decoder_output = BasicConstructor.subst(iop)
> decode_block = BasicDecode.subst(iop)
> exec_output = BasicExecute.subst(iop)
> }};
> def format FloatAccOp(code, *flags) {{
> iop = InstObjParams(name, Name, 'FPOp', CodeBlock(code), flags)
< def format Float64ConvertOp(code, *flags) {{
< code = 'bool cond;\n' + code
< code += 'FCSR = makeCCVector(FCSR, CC,cond);\n'
< iop = InstObjParams(name, Name, 'MipsStaticInst', CodeBlock(code), flags)
< header_output = BasicDeclare.subst(iop)
< decoder_output = BasicConstructor.subst(iop)
< decode_block = BasicDecode.subst(iop)
< exec_output = BasicExecute.subst(iop)
< }};
> def format FloatPSCompareOp(cond_code1, cond_code2, *flags) {{
> import sys
< def format FloatPSCompareOp(code, *flags) {{
< code = 'bool cond1;\nbool cond2;\n' + code
< code += 'FCSR = makeCCVector(FCSR, CC+1, cond1);\n'
< code += 'FCSR = makeCCVector(FCSR, CC, cond2);\n'
< iop = InstObjParams(name, Name, 'MipsStaticInst', CodeBlock(code), flags)
< header_output = BasicDeclare.subst(iop)
< decoder_output = BasicConstructor.subst(iop)
< decode_block = BasicDecode.subst(iop)
< exec_output = BasicExecute.subst(iop)
< }};
> code = 'bool cond1, cond2;\n'
> code += 'bool code_block1, code_block2;\n'
> code += 'code_block1 = code_block2 = true;\n'
< def format FloatPSCompareWithXcptOp(code, *flags) {{
< code = 'bool cond1;\nbool cond2;\n' + code
< code += 'FCSR = makeCCVector(FCSR, CC+1, cond1);\n'
< code += 'FCSR = makeCCVector(FCSR, CC, cond2);\n'
< iop = InstObjParams(name, Name, 'MipsStaticInst', CodeBlock(code), flags)
< header_output = BasicDeclare.subst(iop)
< decoder_output = BasicConstructor.subst(iop)
< decode_block = BasicDecode.subst(iop)
< exec_output = BasicExecute.subst(iop)
> if 'QnanException' in flags:
> code += 'if (isQnan(&Fs1.sf, 32) || isQnan(&Ft1.sf, 32)) {\n'
> code += '\tFCSR = genInvalidVector(FCSR);\n'
> code += 'code_block1 = false;'
> code += '}\n'
> code += 'if (isQnan(&Fs2.sf, 32) || isQnan(&Ft2.sf, 32)) {\n'
> code += '\tFCSR = genInvalidVector(FCSR);\n'
> code += 'code_block2 = false;'
> code += '}\n'
> code += 'if (code_block1) {'
> code += '\tif (isNan(&Fs1.sf, 32) || isNan(&Ft1.sf, 32)) {\n'
> if 'UnorderedTrue' in flags:
> code += 'cond1 = 1;\n'
> elif 'UnorderedFalse' in flags:
> code += 'cond1 = 0;\n'
> else:
> sys.exit('Decoder Failed: Float Compare Instruction Needs A Unordered Flag\n')
> code += '} else {\n'
> code += cond_code1
> code += 'FCSR = genCCVector(FCSR, CC, cond1);}\n}\n'
> code += 'if (code_block2) {'
> code += '\tif (isNan(&Fs2.sf, 32) || isNan(&Ft2.sf, 32)) {\n'
> if 'UnorderedTrue' in flags:
> code += 'cond2 = 1;\n'
> elif 'UnorderedFalse' in flags:
> code += 'cond2 = 0;\n'
> else:
> sys.exit('Decoder Failed: Float Compare Instruction Needs A Unordered Flag\n')
> code += '} else {\n'
> code += cond_code2
> code += 'FCSR = genCCVector(FCSR, CC, cond2);}\n}'
> iop = InstObjParams(name, Name, 'FPCompareOp', CodeBlock(code))
> header_output = BasicDeclare.subst(iop)
> decoder_output = BasicConstructor.subst(iop)
> decode_block = BasicDecode.subst(iop)
> exec_output = BasicExecute.subst(iop)