< // A-2 (document available @ www.mips.com)
> // A-2 (document available @ http://www.mips.com)
< 0x0: decode SA default Nop::nop(){
> 0x0: decode SA default Nop::nop() {
< 0x1: jalr_hb({{ Rd = NNPC; NNPC = Rs; }}, IsCall, Link
> 0x1: jalr_hb({{ Rd = NNPC; NNPC = Rs; }}, IsCall
< default: jalr({{ Rd = NNPC; NNPC = Rs; }}, IsCall,
< Link);
> default: jalr({{ Rd = NNPC; NNPC = Rs; }}, IsCall);
< format HiLoMiscOp {
< 0x0: mfhi({{ Rd = HI; }});
< 0x1: mthi({{ HI = Rs; }});
< 0x2: mflo({{ Rd = LO; }});
< 0x3: mtlo({{ LO = Rs; }});
< }
> 0x0: HiLoRsSelOp::mfhi({{ Rd = HI_RS_SEL; }});
> 0x1: HiLoRdSelOp::mthi({{ HI_RD_SEL = Rs; }});
> 0x2: HiLoRsSelOp::mflo({{ Rd = LO_RS_SEL; }});
> 0x3: HiLoRdSelOp::mtlo({{ LO_RD_SEL = Rs; }});
> format HiLoRdSelValOp {
> 0x0: mult({{ val = Rs.sd * Rt.sd; }});
> 0x1: multu({{ val = Rs.ud * Rt.ud; }});
> }
< 0x0: mult({{ int64_t val = Rs.sd * Rt.sd; }});
< 0x1: multu({{ uint64_t val = Rs.ud * Rt.ud; }});
< 0x2: div({{ //Initialized to placate g++
< int64_t val = 0;
< if (Rt.sd != 0) {
< int64_t hi = Rs.sd % Rt.sd;
< int64_t lo = Rs.sd / Rt.sd;
< val = (hi << 32) | lo;
< }
< }});
< 0x3: divu({{ //Initialized to placate g++
< uint64_t val = 0;
< if (Rt.ud != 0) {
< uint64_t hi = Rs.ud % Rt.ud;
< uint64_t lo = Rs.ud / Rt.ud;
< val = (hi << 32) | lo;
< }
< }});
> 0x2: div({{ if (Rt.sd != 0) {
> HI0 = Rs.sd % Rt.sd;
> LO0 = Rs.sd / Rt.sd;
> }
> }});
> 0x3: divu({{ if (Rt.ud != 0) {
> HI0 = Rs.ud % Rt.ud;
> LO0 = Rs.ud / Rt.ud;
> }
> }});
> // from Table 5-4 MIPS32 REGIMM Encoding of rt Field (DSP ASE MANUAL)
> 0x4: DspBranch::bposge32({{ cond = (dspctl<5:0> >= 32); }});
< 0x3: sltiu({{ Rt.uw = ( Rs.uw < (uint32_t)sextImm ) ? 1 : 0 }});
> //Edited to include MIPS AVP Pass/Fail instructions and
> //default to the sltiu instruction
> 0x3: decode RS_RT_INTIMM {
> 0xabc1: BasicOp::fail({{ exitSimLoop("AVP/SRVP Test Failed"); }});
> 0xabc2: BasicOp::pass({{ exitSimLoop("AVP/SRVP Test Passed"); }});
> default: sltiu({{ Rt.uw = ( Rs.uw < (uint32_t)sextImm ) ? 1 : 0 }});
> }
< 0x0: mfc0({{ Rt = xc->readMiscRegNoEffect(RD << 5 | SEL); }});
< 0x4: mtc0({{ xc->setMiscRegNoEffect(RD << 5 | SEL, Rt); }});
> 0x0: mfc0({{ Rt = CP0_RD_SEL; }});
> 0x4: mtc0({{ CP0_RD_SEL = Rt; }});
< format MipsMT {
< 0x8: mftr();
< 0xC: mttr();
< 0xB: decode RD {
< 0x0: decode SC {
< 0x0: dvpe();
< 0x1: evpe();
> format MT_MFTR { // Decode MIPS MT MFTR instruction into sub-instructions
> 0x8: decode MT_U {
> 0x0: mftc0({{ data = xc->readRegOtherThread((RT << 3 | SEL) +
> Ctrl_Base_DepTag);
> }});
> 0x1: decode SEL {
> 0x0: mftgpr({{ data = xc->readRegOtherThread(RT); }});
> 0x1: decode RT {
> 0x0: mftlo_dsp0({{ data = xc->readRegOtherThread(MipsISA::DSPLo0); }});
> 0x1: mfthi_dsp0({{ data = xc->readRegOtherThread(MipsISA::DSPHi0); }});
> 0x2: mftacx_dsp0({{ data = xc->readRegOtherThread(MipsISA::DSPACX0); }});
> 0x4: mftlo_dsp1({{ data = xc->readRegOtherThread(MipsISA::DSPLo1); }});
> 0x5: mfthi_dsp1({{ data = xc->readRegOtherThread(MipsISA::DSPHi1); }});
> 0x6: mftacx_dsp1({{ data = xc->readRegOtherThread(MipsISA::DSPACX1); }});
> 0x8: mftlo_dsp2({{ data = xc->readRegOtherThread(MipsISA::DSPLo2); }});
> 0x9: mfthi_dsp2({{ data = xc->readRegOtherThread(MipsISA::DSPHi2); }});
> 0x10: mftacx_dsp2({{ data = xc->readRegOtherThread(MipsISA::DSPACX2); }});
> 0x12: mftlo_dsp3({{ data = xc->readRegOtherThread(MipsISA::DSPLo3); }});
> 0x13: mfthi_dsp3({{ data = xc->readRegOtherThread(MipsISA::DSPHi3); }});
> 0x14: mftacx_dsp3({{ data = xc->readRegOtherThread(MipsISA::DSPACX3); }});
> 0x16: mftdsp({{ data = xc->readRegOtherThread(MipsISA::DSPControl); }});
> }
> 0x2: decode MT_H {
> 0x0: mftc1({{ data = xc->readRegOtherThread(RT +
> FP_Base_DepTag);
> }});
> 0x1: mfthc1({{ data = xc->readRegOtherThread(RT +
> FP_Base_DepTag);
> }});
> }
> 0x3: cftc1({{ uint32_t fcsr_val = xc->readRegOtherThread(MipsISA::FCSR +
> FP_Base_DepTag);
> switch (RT)
> {
> case 0:
> data = xc->readRegOtherThread(MipsISA::FIR +
> Ctrl_Base_DepTag);
> break;
> case 25:
> data = 0 | fcsr_val & 0xFE000000 >> 24
> | fcsr_val & 0x00800000 >> 23;
> break;
> case 26:
> data = 0 | fcsr_val & 0x0003F07C;
> break;
> case 28:
> data = 0 | fcsr_val & 0x00000F80
> | fcsr_val & 0x01000000 >> 21
> | fcsr_val & 0x00000003;
> break;
> case 31:
> data = fcsr_val;
> break;
> default:
> fatal("FP Control Value (%d) Not Valid");
> }
> }});
< 0x1: decode SC {
< 0x0: dmt();
< 0x1: emt();
< 0xC: decode SC {
< 0x0: di();
< 0x1: ei();
> }
> }
> format MT_MTTR { // Decode MIPS MT MTTR instruction into sub-instructions
> 0xC: decode MT_U {
> 0x0: mttc0({{ xc->setRegOtherThread((RD << 3 | SEL) + Ctrl_Base_DepTag,
> Rt);
> }});
> 0x1: decode SEL {
> 0x0: mttgpr({{ xc->setRegOtherThread(RD, Rt); }});
> 0x1: decode RT {
> 0x0: mttlo_dsp0({{ xc->setRegOtherThread(MipsISA::DSPLo0, Rt);
> }});
> 0x1: mtthi_dsp0({{ xc->setRegOtherThread(MipsISA::DSPHi0,
> Rt);
> }});
> 0x2: mttacx_dsp0({{ xc->setRegOtherThread(MipsISA::DSPACX0,
> Rt);
> }});
> 0x4: mttlo_dsp1({{ xc->setRegOtherThread(MipsISA::DSPLo1,
> Rt);
> }});
> 0x5: mtthi_dsp1({{ xc->setRegOtherThread(MipsISA::DSPHi1,
> Rt);
> }});
> 0x6: mttacx_dsp1({{ xc->setRegOtherThread(MipsISA::DSPACX1,
> Rt);
> }});
> 0x8: mttlo_dsp2({{ xc->setRegOtherThread(MipsISA::DSPLo2,
> Rt);
> }});
> 0x9: mtthi_dsp2({{ xc->setRegOtherThread(MipsISA::DSPHi2,
> Rt);
> }});
> 0x10: mttacx_dsp2({{ xc->setRegOtherThread(MipsISA::DSPACX2,
> Rt);
> }});
> 0x12: mttlo_dsp3({{ xc->setRegOtherThread(MipsISA::DSPLo3,
> Rt);
> }});
> 0x13: mtthi_dsp3({{ xc->setRegOtherThread(MipsISA::DSPHi3,
> Rt);
> }});
> 0x14: mttacx_dsp3({{ xc->setRegOtherThread(MipsISA::DSPACX3, Rt);
> }});
> 0x16: mttdsp({{ xc->setRegOtherThread(MipsISA::DSPControl, Rt); }});
> 0x2: mttc1({{ uint64_t data = xc->readRegOtherThread(RD +
> FP_Base_DepTag);
> data = insertBits(data, top_bit, bottom_bit, Rt);
> xc->setRegOtherThread(RD + FP_Base_DepTag, data);
> }});
> 0x3: cttc1({{ uint32_t data;
> switch (RD)
> {
> case 25:
> data = 0 | (Rt.uw<7:1> << 25) // move 31...25
> | (FCSR & 0x01000000) // bit 24
> | (FCSR & 0x004FFFFF);// bit 22...0
> break;
> case 26:
> data = 0 | (FCSR & 0xFFFC0000) // move 31...18
> | Rt.uw<17:12> << 12 // bit 17...12
> | (FCSR & 0x00000F80) << 7// bit 11...7
> | Rt.uw<6:2> << 2 // bit 6...2
> | (FCSR & 0x00000002); // bit 1...0
> break;
> case 28:
> data = 0 | (FCSR & 0xFE000000) // move 31...25
> | Rt.uw<2:2> << 24 // bit 24
> | (FCSR & 0x00FFF000) << 23// bit 23...12
> | Rt.uw<11:7> << 7 // bit 24
> | (FCSR & 0x000007E)
> | Rt.uw<1:0>;// bit 22...0
> break;
> case 31:
> data = Rt.uw;
> break;
> default:
> panic("FP Control Value (%d) Not Available. Ignoring Access to"
> "Floating Control Status Register", FS);
> }
> xc->setRegOtherThread(FCSR, data);
> }});
< format FailUnimpl {
< 0xA: rdpgpr();
< 0xE: wrpgpr();
> 0xB: decode RD {
> format MT_Control {
> 0x0: decode POS {
> 0x0: decode SEL {
> 0x1: decode SC {
> 0x0: dvpe({{ Rt = MVPControl;
> if (VPEConf0<VPEC0_MVP:> == 1) {
> MVPControl = insertBits(MVPControl, MVPC_EVP, 0);
> }
> }});
> 0x1: evpe({{ Rt = MVPControl;
> if (VPEConf0<VPEC0_MVP:> == 1) {
> MVPControl = insertBits(MVPControl, MVPC_EVP, 1);
> }
> }});
> }
> }
> }
> 0x1: decode POS {
> 0xF: decode SEL {
> 0x1: decode SC {
> 0x0: dmt({{ Rt = VPEControl;
> VPEControl = insertBits(VPEControl, VPEC_TE, 0);
> }});
> 0x1: emt({{ Rt = VPEControl;
> VPEControl = insertBits(VPEControl, VPEC_TE, 1);
> }});
> }
> }
> }
> }
> 0xC: decode POS {
> 0x0: decode SC {
> 0x0: CP0Control::di({{
> if(Config_AR >= 1) // Rev 2.0 or beyond?
> {
> Rt = Status;
> Status_IE = 0;
> }
> else // Enable this else branch once we actually set values for Config on init
> {
> fault = new ReservedInstructionFault();
> }
> }});
> 0x1: CP0Control::ei({{
> if(Config_AR >= 1)
> {
> Rt = Status;
> Status_IE = 1;
> }
> else
> {
> fault = new ReservedInstructionFault();
> }
> }});
> }
> }
> format CP0Control {
> 0xA: rdpgpr({{
> if(Config_AR >= 1)
> { // Rev 2 of the architecture
> Rd = xc->tcBase()->readIntReg(Rt + NumIntRegs * SRSCtl_PSS);
> }
> else
> {
> fault = new ReservedInstructionFault();
> }
> }});
> 0xE: wrpgpr({{
> if(Config_AR >= 1)
> { // Rev 2 of the architecture
> xc->tcBase()->setIntReg(Rd + NumIntRegs * SRSCtl_PSS,Rt);
> }
> else
> {
> fault = new ReservedInstructionFault();
> }
> }});
> }
< format FailUnimpl {
< 0x01: tlbr();
< 0x02: tlbwi();
< 0x06: tlbwr();
< 0x08: tlbp();
> format CP0Control {
> 0x18: eret({{
> if(Status_ERL == 1){
> Status_ERL = 0;
> NPC = ErrorEPC;
> }
> else{
> NPC = EPC;
> Status_EXL = 0;
> if(Config_AR >= 1 && SRSCtl_HSS > 0 && Status_BEV == 0){
> }
> }
> // LLFlag = 0;
> // ClearHazards(); ?
> }});
< 0x18: eret();
< 0x1F: deret();
> 0x1F: deret({{
> // if(EJTagImplemented()) {
> if(Debug_DM == 1){
> Debug_DM = 1;
> Debug_IEXI = 0;
> }
> else
> {
> // Undefined;
> }
> //} // EJTag Implemented
> //else {
> // Reserved Instruction Exception
> //}
> }});
> }
> format FailUnimpl {
> 0x01: tlbr(); // Need to hook up to TLB
> 0x02: tlbwi(); // Need to hook up to TLB
> 0x06: tlbwr();// Need to hook up to TLB
> 0x08: tlbp();// Need to hook up to TLB
< Rd.sw = temp1<31:0>
> Rd.sw = temp1<31:0>;
< format HiLoOp {
< 0x0: madd({{ int64_t val = ((int64_t) HI << 32 | LO) +
< (Rs.sd * Rt.sd);
< }});
< 0x1: maddu({{ uint64_t val = ((uint64_t) HI << 32 | LO) +
< (Rs.ud * Rt.ud);
< }});
< 0x4: msub({{ int64_t val = ((int64_t) HI << 32 | LO) -
< (Rs.sd * Rt.sd);
< }});
< 0x5: msubu({{ uint64_t val = ((uint64_t) HI << 32 | LO) -
< (Rs.ud * Rt.ud);
< }});
> format HiLoRdSelValOp {
> 0x0: madd({{ val = ((int64_t)HI_RD_SEL << 32 | LO_RD_SEL) + (Rs.sd * Rt.sd); }});
> 0x1: maddu({{ val = ((uint64_t)HI_RD_SEL << 32 | LO_RD_SEL) + (Rs.ud * Rt.ud); }});
> 0x4: msub({{ val = ((int64_t)HI_RD_SEL << 32 | LO_RD_SEL) - (Rs.sd * Rt.sd); }});
> 0x5: msubu({{ val = ((uint64_t)HI_RD_SEL << 32 | LO_RD_SEL) - (Rs.ud * Rt.ud); }});
< for (int idx = 31; idx >= 0; idx--) {
< if( Rs<idx:idx> == 1) {
< cnt = 31 - idx;
< break;
< }
< }
< Rd.uw = cnt;
< }});
> for (int idx = 31; idx >= 0; idx--) {
> if( Rs<idx:idx> == 1) {
> cnt = 31 - idx;
> break;
> }
> }
> Rd.uw = cnt;
> }});
< for (int idx = 31; idx >= 0; idx--) {
< if( Rs<idx:idx> == 0) {
< cnt = 31 - idx;
< break;
< }
< }
< Rd.uw = cnt;
< }});
> for (int idx = 31; idx >= 0; idx--) {
> if( Rs<idx:idx> == 0) {
> cnt = 31 - idx;
> break;
> }
> }
> Rd.uw = cnt;
> }});
< format MipsMT {
< 0x0: fork();
< 0x1: yield();
> format MT_Control {
> 0x0: fork({{ forkThread(xc->tcBase(), fault, RD, Rs, Rt); }},
> UserMode);
> 0x1: yield({{ Rd.sw = yieldThread(xc->tcBase(), fault, Rs.sw, YQMask); }},
> UserMode);
> //Table 5-9 MIPS32 LX Encoding of the op Field (DSP ASE MANUAL)
> 0x2: decode OP_HI {
> 0x0: decode OP_LO {
> format LoadIndexedMemory {
> 0x0: lwx({{ Rd.sw = Mem.sw; }});
> 0x4: lhx({{ Rd.sw = Mem.sh; }});
> 0x6: lbux({{ Rd.uw = Mem.ub; }});
> }
> }
> }
> 0x4: DspIntOp::insv({{ int pos = dspctl<5:0>;
> int size = dspctl<12:7>-1;
> Rt.uw = insertBits( Rt.uw, pos+size, pos, Rs.uw<size:0> ); }});
> 0x2: decode FUNCTION_LO {
> //Table 5-5 MIPS32 ADDU.QB Encoding of the op Field (DSP ASE MANUAL)
> 0x0: decode OP_HI {
> 0x0: decode OP_LO {
> format DspIntOp {
> 0x0: addu_qb({{ Rd.uw = dspAdd( Rs.uw, Rt.uw, SIMD_FMT_QB,
> NOSATURATE, UNSIGNED, &dspctl ); }});
> 0x1: subu_qb({{ Rd.uw = dspSub( Rs.uw, Rt.uw, SIMD_FMT_QB,
> NOSATURATE, UNSIGNED, &dspctl ); }});
> 0x4: addu_s_qb({{ Rd.uw = dspAdd( Rs.uw, Rt.uw, SIMD_FMT_QB,
> SATURATE, UNSIGNED, &dspctl ); }});
> 0x5: subu_s_qb({{ Rd.uw = dspSub( Rs.uw, Rt.uw, SIMD_FMT_QB,
> SATURATE, UNSIGNED, &dspctl ); }});
> 0x6: muleu_s_ph_qbl({{ Rd.uw = dspMuleu( Rs.uw, Rt.uw,
> MODE_L, &dspctl ); }});
> 0x7: muleu_s_ph_qbr({{ Rd.uw = dspMuleu( Rs.uw, Rt.uw,
> MODE_R, &dspctl ); }});
> }
> }
> 0x1: decode OP_LO {
> format DspIntOp {
> 0x0: addu_ph({{ Rd.uw = dspAdd( Rs.uw, Rt.uw, SIMD_FMT_PH,
> NOSATURATE, UNSIGNED, &dspctl ); }});
> 0x1: subu_ph({{ Rd.uw = dspSub( Rs.uw, Rt.uw, SIMD_FMT_PH,
> NOSATURATE, UNSIGNED, &dspctl ); }});
> 0x2: addq_ph({{ Rd.uw = dspAdd( Rs.uw, Rt.uw, SIMD_FMT_PH,
> NOSATURATE, SIGNED, &dspctl ); }});
> 0x3: subq_ph({{ Rd.uw = dspSub( Rs.uw, Rt.uw, SIMD_FMT_PH,
> NOSATURATE, SIGNED, &dspctl ); }});
> 0x4: addu_s_ph({{ Rd.uw = dspAdd( Rs.uw, Rt.uw, SIMD_FMT_PH,
> SATURATE, UNSIGNED, &dspctl ); }});
> 0x5: subu_s_ph({{ Rd.uw = dspSub( Rs.uw, Rt.uw, SIMD_FMT_PH,
> SATURATE, UNSIGNED, &dspctl ); }});
> 0x6: addq_s_ph({{ Rd.uw = dspAdd( Rs.uw, Rt.uw, SIMD_FMT_PH,
> SATURATE, SIGNED, &dspctl ); }});
> 0x7: subq_s_ph({{ Rd.uw = dspSub( Rs.uw, Rt.uw, SIMD_FMT_PH,
> SATURATE, SIGNED, &dspctl ); }});
> }
> }
> 0x2: decode OP_LO {
> format DspIntOp {
> 0x0: addsc({{ int64_t dresult;
> dresult = Rs.ud + Rt.ud;
> Rd.sw = dresult<31:0>;
> dspctl = insertBits( dspctl, 13, 13,
> dresult<32:32> ); }});
> 0x1: addwc({{ int64_t dresult;
> dresult = Rs.sd + Rt.sd + dspctl<13:13>;
> Rd.sw = dresult<31:0>;
> if( dresult<32:32> != dresult<31:31> )
> dspctl = insertBits( dspctl, 20, 20, 1 ); }});
> 0x2: modsub({{ Rd.sw = (Rs.sw == 0) ? Rt.sw<23:8> : Rs.sw - Rt.sw<7:0>; }});
> 0x4: raddu_w_qb({{ Rd.uw = Rs.uw<31:24> + Rs.uw<23:16> +
> Rs.uw<15:8> + Rs.uw<7:0>; }});
> 0x6: addq_s_w({{ Rd.sw = dspAdd( Rs.sw, Rt.sw, SIMD_FMT_W,
> SATURATE, SIGNED, &dspctl ); }});
> 0x7: subq_s_w({{ Rd.sw = dspSub( Rs.sw, Rt.sw, SIMD_FMT_W,
> SATURATE, SIGNED, &dspctl ); }});
> }
> }
> 0x3: decode OP_LO {
> format DspIntOp {
> 0x4: muleq_s_w_phl({{ Rd.sw = dspMuleq( Rs.sw, Rt.sw,
> MODE_L, &dspctl ); }});
> 0x5: muleq_s_w_phr({{ Rd.sw = dspMuleq( Rs.sw, Rt.sw,
> MODE_R, &dspctl ); }});
> 0x6: mulq_s_ph({{ Rd.sw = dspMulq( Rs.sw, Rt.sw, SIMD_FMT_PH,
> SATURATE, NOROUND, &dspctl ); }});
> 0x7: mulq_rs_ph({{ Rd.sw = dspMulq( Rs.sw, Rt.sw, SIMD_FMT_PH,
> SATURATE, ROUND, &dspctl ); }});
> }
> }
> }
> //Table 5-6 MIPS32 CMPU_EQ_QB Encoding of the op Field (DSP ASE MANUAL)
> 0x1: decode OP_HI {
> 0x0: decode OP_LO {
> format DspIntOp {
> 0x0: cmpu_eq_qb({{ dspCmp( Rs.uw, Rt.uw, SIMD_FMT_QB,
> UNSIGNED, CMP_EQ, &dspctl ); }});
> 0x1: cmpu_lt_qb({{ dspCmp( Rs.uw, Rt.uw, SIMD_FMT_QB,
> UNSIGNED, CMP_LT, &dspctl ); }});
> 0x2: cmpu_le_qb({{ dspCmp( Rs.uw, Rt.uw, SIMD_FMT_QB,
> UNSIGNED, CMP_LE, &dspctl ); }});
> 0x3: pick_qb({{ Rd.uw = dspPick( Rs.uw, Rt.uw,
> SIMD_FMT_QB, &dspctl ); }});
> 0x4: cmpgu_eq_qb({{ Rd.uw = dspCmpg( Rs.uw, Rt.uw, SIMD_FMT_QB,
> UNSIGNED, CMP_EQ ); }});
> 0x5: cmpgu_lt_qb({{ Rd.uw = dspCmpg( Rs.uw, Rt.uw, SIMD_FMT_QB,
> UNSIGNED, CMP_LT ); }});
> 0x6: cmpgu_le_qb({{ Rd.uw = dspCmpg( Rs.uw, Rt.uw, SIMD_FMT_QB,
> UNSIGNED, CMP_LE ); }});
> }
> }
> 0x1: decode OP_LO {
> format DspIntOp {
> 0x0: cmp_eq_ph({{ dspCmp( Rs.uw, Rt.uw, SIMD_FMT_PH,
> SIGNED, CMP_EQ, &dspctl ); }});
> 0x1: cmp_lt_ph({{ dspCmp( Rs.uw, Rt.uw, SIMD_FMT_PH,
> SIGNED, CMP_LT, &dspctl ); }});
> 0x2: cmp_le_ph({{ dspCmp( Rs.uw, Rt.uw, SIMD_FMT_PH,
> SIGNED, CMP_LE, &dspctl ); }});
> 0x3: pick_ph({{ Rd.uw = dspPick( Rs.uw, Rt.uw,
> SIMD_FMT_PH, &dspctl ); }});
> 0x4: precrq_qb_ph({{ Rd.uw = Rs.uw<31:24> << 24 |
> Rs.uw<15:8> << 16 |
> Rt.uw<31:24> << 8 |
> Rt.uw<15:8>; }});
> 0x5: precr_qb_ph({{ Rd.uw = Rs.uw<23:16> << 24 |
> Rs.uw<7:0> << 16 |
> Rt.uw<23:16> << 8 |
> Rt.uw<7:0>; }});
> 0x6: packrl_ph({{ Rd.uw = dspPack( Rs.uw, Rt.uw,
> SIMD_FMT_PH ); }});
> 0x7: precrqu_s_qb_ph({{ Rd.uw = dspPrecrqu( Rs.uw, Rt.uw, &dspctl ); }});
> }
> }
> 0x2: decode OP_LO {
> format DspIntOp {
> 0x4: precrq_ph_w({{ Rd.uw = Rs.uw<31:16> << 16 | Rt.uw<31:16>; }});
> 0x5: precrq_rs_ph_w({{ Rd.uw = dspPrecrq( Rs.uw, Rt.uw, SIMD_FMT_W, &dspctl ); }});
> }
> }
> 0x3: decode OP_LO {
> format DspIntOp {
> 0x0: cmpgdu_eq_qb({{ Rd.uw = dspCmpgd( Rs.uw, Rt.uw, SIMD_FMT_QB,
> UNSIGNED, CMP_EQ, &dspctl ); }});
> 0x1: cmpgdu_lt_qb({{ Rd.uw = dspCmpgd( Rs.uw, Rt.uw, SIMD_FMT_QB,
> UNSIGNED, CMP_LT, &dspctl ); }});
> 0x2: cmpgdu_le_qb({{ Rd.uw = dspCmpgd( Rs.uw, Rt.uw, SIMD_FMT_QB,
> UNSIGNED, CMP_LE, &dspctl ); }});
> 0x6: precr_sra_ph_w({{ Rt.uw = dspPrecrSra( Rt.uw, Rs.uw, RD,
> 0x7: precr_sra_r_ph_w({{ Rt.uw = dspPrecrSra( Rt.uw, Rs.uw, RD,
> SIMD_FMT_W, ROUND ); }});
> }
> }
> }
> //Table 5-7 MIPS32 ABSQ_S.PH Encoding of the op Field (DSP ASE MANUAL)
> 0x2: decode OP_HI {
> 0x0: decode OP_LO {
> format DspIntOp {
> 0x1: absq_s_qb({{ Rd.sw = dspAbs( Rt.sw, SIMD_FMT_QB, &dspctl );}});
> 0x2: repl_qb({{ Rd.uw = RS_RT<7:0> << 24 |
> RS_RT<7:0> << 16 |
> RS_RT<7:0> << 8 |
> RS_RT<7:0>; }});
> 0x3: replv_qb({{ Rd.sw = Rt.uw<7:0> << 24 |
> Rt.uw<7:0> << 16 |
> Rt.uw<7:0> << 8 |
> Rt.uw<7:0>; }});
> 0x4: precequ_ph_qbl({{ Rd.uw = dspPrece( Rt.uw, SIMD_FMT_QB, UNSIGNED,
> 0x5: precequ_ph_qbr({{ Rd.uw = dspPrece( Rt.uw, SIMD_FMT_QB, UNSIGNED,
> 0x6: precequ_ph_qbla({{ Rd.uw = dspPrece( Rt.uw, SIMD_FMT_QB, UNSIGNED,
> 0x7: precequ_ph_qbra({{ Rd.uw = dspPrece( Rt.uw, SIMD_FMT_QB, UNSIGNED,
> }
> }
> 0x1: decode OP_LO {
> format DspIntOp {
> 0x1: absq_s_ph({{ Rd.sw = dspAbs( Rt.sw, SIMD_FMT_PH, &dspctl ); }});
> 0x2: repl_ph({{ Rd.uw = (sext<10>(RS_RT))<15:0> << 16 |
> (sext<10>(RS_RT))<15:0>; }});
> 0x3: replv_ph({{ Rd.uw = Rt.uw<15:0> << 16 |
> Rt.uw<15:0>; }});
> 0x4: preceq_w_phl({{ Rd.uw = dspPrece( Rt.uw, SIMD_FMT_PH, SIGNED,
> 0x5: preceq_w_phr({{ Rd.uw = dspPrece( Rt.uw, SIMD_FMT_PH, SIGNED,
> }
> }
> 0x2: decode OP_LO {
> format DspIntOp {
> 0x1: absq_s_w({{ Rd.sw = dspAbs( Rt.sw, SIMD_FMT_W, &dspctl ); }});
> }
> }
> 0x3: decode OP_LO {
> 0x3: IntOp::bitrev({{ Rd.uw = bitrev( Rt.uw<15:0> ); }});
> format DspIntOp {
> 0x4: preceu_ph_qbl({{ Rd.uw = dspPrece( Rt.uw, SIMD_FMT_QB, UNSIGNED,
> 0x5: preceu_ph_qbr({{ Rd.uw = dspPrece( Rt.uw, SIMD_FMT_QB, UNSIGNED,
> 0x6: preceu_ph_qbla({{ Rd.uw = dspPrece( Rt.uw, SIMD_FMT_QB, UNSIGNED,
> 0x7: preceu_ph_qbra({{ Rd.uw = dspPrece( Rt.uw, SIMD_FMT_QB, UNSIGNED,
> }
> }
> }
> //Table 5-8 MIPS32 SHLL.QB Encoding of the op Field (DSP ASE MANUAL)
> 0x3: decode OP_HI {
> 0x0: decode OP_LO {
> format DspIntOp {
> 0x0: shll_qb({{ Rd.sw = dspShll( Rt.sw, RS, SIMD_FMT_QB,
> NOSATURATE, UNSIGNED, &dspctl ); }});
> 0x1: shrl_qb({{ Rd.sw = dspShrl( Rt.sw, RS, SIMD_FMT_QB,
> UNSIGNED ); }});
> 0x2: shllv_qb({{ Rd.sw = dspShll( Rt.sw, Rs.sw, SIMD_FMT_QB,
> NOSATURATE, UNSIGNED, &dspctl ); }});
> 0x3: shrlv_qb({{ Rd.sw = dspShrl( Rt.sw, Rs.sw, SIMD_FMT_QB,
> UNSIGNED ); }});
> 0x4: shra_qb({{ Rd.sw = dspShra( Rt.sw, RS, SIMD_FMT_QB,
> NOROUND, SIGNED, &dspctl ); }});
> 0x5: shra_r_qb({{ Rd.sw = dspShra( Rt.sw, RS, SIMD_FMT_QB,
> ROUND, SIGNED, &dspctl ); }});
> 0x6: shrav_qb({{ Rd.sw = dspShra( Rt.sw, Rs.sw, SIMD_FMT_QB,
> NOROUND, SIGNED, &dspctl ); }});
> 0x7: shrav_r_qb({{ Rd.sw = dspShra( Rt.sw, Rs.sw, SIMD_FMT_QB,
> ROUND, SIGNED, &dspctl ); }});
> }
> }
> 0x1: decode OP_LO {
> format DspIntOp {
> 0x0: shll_ph({{ Rd.uw = dspShll( Rt.uw, RS, SIMD_FMT_PH,
> NOSATURATE, SIGNED, &dspctl ); }});
> 0x1: shra_ph({{ Rd.sw = dspShra( Rt.sw, RS, SIMD_FMT_PH,
> NOROUND, SIGNED, &dspctl ); }});
> 0x2: shllv_ph({{ Rd.sw = dspShll( Rt.sw, Rs.sw, SIMD_FMT_PH,
> NOSATURATE, SIGNED, &dspctl ); }});
> 0x3: shrav_ph({{ Rd.sw = dspShra( Rt.sw, Rs.sw, SIMD_FMT_PH,
> NOROUND, SIGNED, &dspctl ); }});
> 0x4: shll_s_ph({{ Rd.sw = dspShll( Rt.sw, RS, SIMD_FMT_PH,
> SATURATE, SIGNED, &dspctl ); }});
> 0x5: shra_r_ph({{ Rd.sw = dspShra( Rt.sw, RS, SIMD_FMT_PH,
> ROUND, SIGNED, &dspctl ); }});
> 0x6: shllv_s_ph({{ Rd.sw = dspShll( Rt.sw, Rs.sw, SIMD_FMT_PH,
> SATURATE, SIGNED, &dspctl ); }});
> 0x7: shrav_r_ph({{ Rd.sw = dspShra( Rt.sw, Rs.sw, SIMD_FMT_PH,
> ROUND, SIGNED, &dspctl ); }});
> }
> }
> 0x2: decode OP_LO {
> format DspIntOp {
> 0x4: shll_s_w({{ Rd.sw = dspShll( Rt.sw, RS, SIMD_FMT_W,
> SATURATE, SIGNED, &dspctl ); }});
> 0x5: shra_r_w({{ Rd.sw = dspShra( Rt.sw, RS, SIMD_FMT_W,
> ROUND, SIGNED, &dspctl ); }});
> 0x6: shllv_s_w({{ Rd.sw = dspShll( Rt.sw, Rs.sw, SIMD_FMT_W,
> SATURATE, SIGNED, &dspctl ); }});
> 0x7: shrav_r_w({{ Rd.sw = dspShra( Rt.sw, Rs.sw, SIMD_FMT_W,
> ROUND, SIGNED, &dspctl ); }});
> }
> }
> 0x3: decode OP_LO {
> format DspIntOp {
> 0x1: shrl_ph({{ Rd.sw = dspShrl( Rt.sw, RS, SIMD_FMT_PH,
> UNSIGNED ); }});
> 0x3: shrlv_ph({{ Rd.sw = dspShrl( Rt.sw, Rs.sw, SIMD_FMT_PH,
> UNSIGNED ); }});
> }
> }
> }
> }
> 0x3: decode FUNCTION_LO {
> //Table 3.12 MIPS32 ADDUH.QB Encoding of the op Field (DSP ASE Rev2 Manual)
> 0x0: decode OP_HI {
> 0x0: decode OP_LO {
> format DspIntOp {
> 0x0: adduh_qb({{ Rd.uw = dspAddh( Rs.sw, Rt.sw, SIMD_FMT_QB,
> 0x1: subuh_qb({{ Rd.uw = dspSubh( Rs.sw, Rt.sw, SIMD_FMT_QB,
> 0x2: adduh_r_qb({{ Rd.uw = dspAddh( Rs.sw, Rt.sw, SIMD_FMT_QB,
> 0x3: subuh_r_qb({{ Rd.uw = dspSubh( Rs.sw, Rt.sw, SIMD_FMT_QB,
> }
> }
> 0x1: decode OP_LO {
> format DspIntOp {
> 0x0: addqh_ph({{ Rd.uw = dspAddh( Rs.sw, Rt.sw, SIMD_FMT_PH,
> 0x1: subqh_ph({{ Rd.uw = dspSubh( Rs.sw, Rt.sw, SIMD_FMT_PH,
> 0x2: addqh_r_ph({{ Rd.uw = dspAddh( Rs.sw, Rt.sw, SIMD_FMT_PH,
> ROUND, SIGNED ); }});
> 0x3: subqh_r_ph({{ Rd.uw = dspSubh( Rs.sw, Rt.sw, SIMD_FMT_PH,
> ROUND, SIGNED ); }});
> 0x4: mul_ph({{ Rd.sw = dspMul( Rs.sw, Rt.sw, SIMD_FMT_PH,
> NOSATURATE, &dspctl ); }});
> 0x6: mul_s_ph({{ Rd.sw = dspMul( Rs.sw, Rt.sw, SIMD_FMT_PH,
> SATURATE, &dspctl ); }});
> }
> }
> 0x2: decode OP_LO {
> format DspIntOp {
> 0x0: addqh_w({{ Rd.uw = dspAddh( Rs.sw, Rt.sw, SIMD_FMT_W,
> 0x1: subqh_w({{ Rd.uw = dspSubh( Rs.sw, Rt.sw, SIMD_FMT_W,
> 0x2: addqh_r_w({{ Rd.uw = dspAddh( Rs.sw, Rt.sw, SIMD_FMT_W,
> ROUND, SIGNED ); }});
> 0x3: subqh_r_w({{ Rd.uw = dspSubh( Rs.sw, Rt.sw, SIMD_FMT_W,
> ROUND, SIGNED ); }});
> 0x6: mulq_s_w({{ Rd.sw = dspMulq( Rs.sw, Rt.sw, SIMD_FMT_W,
> SATURATE, NOROUND, &dspctl ); }});
> 0x7: mulq_rs_w({{ Rd.sw = dspMulq( Rs.sw, Rt.sw, SIMD_FMT_W,
> SATURATE, ROUND, &dspctl ); }});
> }
> }
> }
> }
< Rt.uw<31:24> << 16 |
< Rt.uw<7:0> << 8 |
< Rt.uw<15:8>;
> Rt.uw<31:24> << 16 |
> Rt.uw<7:0> << 8 |
> Rt.uw<15:8>;
> //Table 5-10 MIPS32 DPAQ.W.PH Encoding of the op Field (DSP ASE MANUAL)
> 0x0: decode OP_HI {
> 0x0: decode OP_LO {
> format DspHiLoOp {
> 0x0: dpa_w_ph({{ dspac = dspDpa( dspac, Rs.sw, Rt.sw, ACDST,
> 0x1: dps_w_ph({{ dspac = dspDps( dspac, Rs.sw, Rt.sw, ACDST,
> 0x2: mulsa_w_ph({{ dspac = dspMulsa( dspac, Rs.sw, Rt.sw,
> ACDST, SIMD_FMT_PH ); }});
> 0x3: dpau_h_qbl({{ dspac = dspDpa( dspac, Rs.sw, Rt.sw, ACDST,
> 0x4: dpaq_s_w_ph({{ dspac = dspDpaq( dspac, Rs.sw, Rt.sw, ACDST, SIMD_FMT_PH,
> SIMD_FMT_W, NOSATURATE, MODE_L, &dspctl ); }});
> 0x5: dpsq_s_w_ph({{ dspac = dspDpsq( dspac, Rs.sw, Rt.sw, ACDST, SIMD_FMT_PH,
> SIMD_FMT_W, NOSATURATE, MODE_L, &dspctl ); }});
> 0x6: mulsaq_s_w_ph({{ dspac = dspMulsaq( dspac, Rs.sw, Rt.sw,
> ACDST, SIMD_FMT_PH, &dspctl ); }});
> 0x7: dpau_h_qbr({{ dspac = dspDpa( dspac, Rs.sw, Rt.sw, ACDST,
> }
> }
> 0x1: decode OP_LO {
> format DspHiLoOp {
> 0x0: dpax_w_ph({{ dspac = dspDpa( dspac, Rs.sw, Rt.sw, ACDST,
> 0x1: dpsx_w_ph({{ dspac = dspDps( dspac, Rs.sw, Rt.sw, ACDST,
> 0x3: dpsu_h_qbl({{ dspac = dspDps( dspac, Rs.sw, Rt.sw, ACDST,
> 0x4: dpaq_sa_l_w({{ dspac = dspDpaq( dspac, Rs.sw, Rt.sw, ACDST, SIMD_FMT_W,
> SIMD_FMT_L, SATURATE, MODE_L, &dspctl ); }});
> 0x5: dpsq_sa_l_w({{ dspac = dspDpsq( dspac, Rs.sw, Rt.sw, ACDST, SIMD_FMT_W,
> SIMD_FMT_L, SATURATE, MODE_L, &dspctl ); }});
> 0x7: dpsu_h_qbr({{ dspac = dspDps( dspac, Rs.sw, Rt.sw, ACDST,
> }
> }
> 0x2: decode OP_LO {
> format DspHiLoOp {
> 0x0: maq_sa_w_phl({{ dspac = dspMaq( dspac, Rs.uw, Rt.uw, ACDST, SIMD_FMT_PH,
> MODE_L, SATURATE, &dspctl ); }});
> 0x2: maq_sa_w_phr({{ dspac = dspMaq( dspac, Rs.uw, Rt.uw, ACDST, SIMD_FMT_PH,
> MODE_R, SATURATE, &dspctl ); }});
> 0x4: maq_s_w_phl({{ dspac = dspMaq( dspac, Rs.uw, Rt.uw, ACDST, SIMD_FMT_PH,
> MODE_L, NOSATURATE, &dspctl ); }});
> 0x6: maq_s_w_phr({{ dspac = dspMaq( dspac, Rs.uw, Rt.uw, ACDST, SIMD_FMT_PH,
> MODE_R, NOSATURATE, &dspctl ); }});
> }
> }
> 0x3: decode OP_LO {
> format DspHiLoOp {
> 0x0: dpaqx_s_w_ph({{ dspac = dspDpaq( dspac, Rs.sw, Rt.sw, ACDST, SIMD_FMT_PH,
> SIMD_FMT_W, NOSATURATE, MODE_X, &dspctl ); }});
> 0x1: dpsqx_s_w_ph({{ dspac = dspDpsq( dspac, Rs.sw, Rt.sw, ACDST, SIMD_FMT_PH,
> SIMD_FMT_W, NOSATURATE, MODE_X, &dspctl ); }});
> 0x2: dpaqx_sa_w_ph({{ dspac = dspDpaq( dspac, Rs.sw, Rt.sw, ACDST, SIMD_FMT_PH,
> SIMD_FMT_W, SATURATE, MODE_X, &dspctl ); }});
> 0x3: dpsqx_sa_w_ph({{ dspac = dspDpsq( dspac, Rs.sw, Rt.sw, ACDST, SIMD_FMT_PH,
> SIMD_FMT_W, SATURATE, MODE_X, &dspctl ); }});
> }
> }
> }
> //Table 3.3 MIPS32 APPEND Encoding of the op Field
> 0x1: decode OP_HI {
> 0x0: decode OP_LO {
> format IntOp {
> 0x0: append({{ Rt.uw = (Rt.uw << RD) | bits(Rs.uw,RD-1,0); }});
> 0x1: prepend({{ Rt.uw = (Rt.uw >> RD) | (bits(Rs.uw,RD-1,0) << 32-RD); }});
> }
> }
> 0x2: decode OP_LO {
> format IntOp {
> 0x0: balign({{ Rt.uw = (Rt.uw << (8*BP)) | (Rs.uw >> (8*(4-BP))); }});
> }
> }
> }
> 0x7: decode FUNCTION_LO {
> //Table 5-11 MIPS32 EXTR.W Encoding of the op Field (DSP ASE MANUAL)
> 0x0: decode OP_HI {
> 0x0: decode OP_LO {
> format DspHiLoOp {
> 0x0: extr_w({{ Rt.uw = dspExtr( dspac, SIMD_FMT_W, RS,
> NOROUND, NOSATURATE, &dspctl ); }});
> 0x1: extrv_w({{ Rt.uw = dspExtr( dspac, SIMD_FMT_W, Rs.uw,
> NOROUND, NOSATURATE, &dspctl ); }});
> 0x2: extp({{ Rt.uw = dspExtp( dspac, RS, &dspctl ); }});
> 0x3: extpv({{ Rt.uw = dspExtp( dspac, Rs.uw, &dspctl ); }});
> 0x4: extr_r_w({{ Rt.uw = dspExtr( dspac, SIMD_FMT_W, RS,
> ROUND, NOSATURATE, &dspctl ); }});
> 0x5: extrv_r_w({{ Rt.uw = dspExtr( dspac, SIMD_FMT_W, Rs.uw,
> ROUND, NOSATURATE, &dspctl ); }});
> 0x6: extr_rs_w({{ Rt.uw = dspExtr( dspac, SIMD_FMT_W, RS,
> ROUND, SATURATE, &dspctl ); }});
> 0x7: extrv_rs_w({{ Rt.uw = dspExtr( dspac, SIMD_FMT_W, Rs.uw,
> ROUND, SATURATE, &dspctl ); }});
> }
> }
> 0x1: decode OP_LO {
> format DspHiLoOp {
> 0x2: extpdp({{ Rt.uw = dspExtpd( dspac, RS, &dspctl ); }});
> 0x3: extpdpv({{ Rt.uw = dspExtpd( dspac, Rs.uw, &dspctl ); }});
> 0x6: extr_s_h({{ Rt.uw = dspExtr( dspac, SIMD_FMT_PH, RS,
> NOROUND, SATURATE, &dspctl ); }});
> 0x7: extrv_s_h({{ Rt.uw = dspExtr( dspac, SIMD_FMT_PH, Rs.uw,
> NOROUND, SATURATE, &dspctl ); }});
> }
> }
> 0x2: decode OP_LO {
> format DspIntOp {
> 0x2: rddsp({{ Rd.uw = readDSPControl( &dspctl, RDDSPMASK ); }});
> 0x3: wrdsp({{ writeDSPControl( &dspctl, Rs.uw, WRDSPMASK ); }});
> }
> }
> 0x3: decode OP_LO {
> format DspHiLoOp {
> 0x2: shilo({{ if( sext<6>(HILOSA) < 0 )
> dspac = (uint64_t)dspac << -sext<6>(HILOSA);
> else
> dspac = (uint64_t)dspac >> sext<6>(HILOSA); }});
> 0x3: shilov({{ if( sext<6>(Rs.sw<5:0>) < 0 )
> dspac = (uint64_t)dspac << -sext<6>(Rs.sw<5:0>);
> else
> dspac = (uint64_t)dspac >> sext<6>(Rs.sw<5:0>); }});
> 0x7: mthlip({{ dspac = dspac << 32;
> dspac |= Rs.uw;
> dspctl = insertBits( dspctl, 5, 0,
> dspctl<5:0>+32 ); }});
> }
> }
> }
> }
< Rt.uw & mask(mem_shift);
> Rt.uw & mask(mem_shift);
< mem_word >> mem_shift;
> mem_word >> mem_shift;
< }
> }
< if (tmp == 1) {
< xc->setStCondFailures(0);
< }