> #include "base/bitunion.hh"
< // See the EJTAG Specification - Revision 4.10
< // Also see PDTrace Specification - Revision 4.30
< // Debug Register - CP0 Reg 23, Sel 0
< const unsigned Debug_DBD = 31;
< const unsigned Debug_DM_HI = 30;
< const unsigned Debug_DM_LO = 30;
< const unsigned Debug_NODCR = 29;
< const unsigned Debug_LSNM = 28;
< const unsigned Debug_DOZE = 27;
< const unsigned Debug_HALT = 26;
< const unsigned Debug_COUNTDM = 25;
< const unsigned Debug_IBUSEP = 24;
< const unsigned Debug_MCHECKEP = 23;
< const unsigned Debug_CACHEEP = 22;
< const unsigned Debug_DBUSEP = 21;
< const unsigned Debug_IEXI_HI = 20;
< const unsigned Debug_IEXI_LO = 20;
< const unsigned Debug_DDBS_IMPR = 19;
< const unsigned Debug_DDBL_IMPR = 18;
< const unsigned Debug_EJTAGVER_2 =17;
< const unsigned Debug_EJTAGVER_1 =16;
< const unsigned Debug_EJTAGVER_0 =15;
< const unsigned Debug_EJTAGVER_HI = 17;
< const unsigned Debug_EJTAGVER_LO = 15;
< const unsigned Debug_DEXC_CODE_HI = 14;
< const unsigned Debug_DEXC_CODE_LO = 10;
< const unsigned Debug_NOSST = 9;
< const unsigned Debug_SST = 8;
< const unsigned Debug_OFFLINE = 7;
< const unsigned Debug_DIBIMPR = 6;
< const unsigned Debug_DINT = 5;
< const unsigned Debug_DIB = 4;
< const unsigned Debug_DDBS = 3;
< const unsigned Debug_DDBL = 2;
< const unsigned Debug_DBp = 1;
< const unsigned Debug_DSS = 0;
> BitUnion32(DebugReg)
> Bitfield<31> dbd;
> Bitfield<30> dm;
> Bitfield<29> nodcr;
> Bitfield<28> lsnm;
> Bitfield<27> doze;
> Bitfield<26> halt;
> Bitfield<25> conutdm;
> Bitfield<24> ibusep;
> Bitfield<23> mcheckep;
> Bitfield<22> cacheep;
> Bitfield<21> dbusep;
> Bitfield<20, 19> iexi;
> Bitfield<19> ddbsImpr;
> Bitfield<18> ddblImpr;
> SubBitUnion(ejtagVer, 17, 15)
> Bitfield<17> ejtagVer2;
> Bitfield<16> ejtagVer1;
> Bitfield<15> ejtagVer0;
> EndSubBitUnion(ejtagVer)
> Bitfield<14, 10> dexcCode;
> Bitfield<9> nosst;
> Bitfield<8> sst;
> Bitfield<7> offline;
> Bitfield<6> dibimpr;
> Bitfield<5> dint;
> Bitfield<4> dib;
> Bitfield<3> ddbs;
> Bitfield<2> ddbl;
> Bitfield<1> dbp;
> Bitfield<0> dss;
> EndBitUnion(DebugReg)
> BitUnion32(TraceControlReg)
> Bitfield<31> ts;
> Bitfield<30> ut;
> Bitfield<27> tb;
> Bitfield<26> io;
> Bitfield<25> d;
> Bitfield<24> e;
> Bitfield<23> k;
> Bitfield<22> s;
> Bitfield<21> u;
> Bitfield<20, 13> asidM;
> Bitfield<12, 5> asid;
> Bitfield<4> g;
> Bitfield<3> tfcr;
> Bitfield<2> tlsm;
> Bitfield<1> tim;
> Bitfield<0> on;
> EndBitUnion(TraceControlReg)
< // TraceControl Register - CP0 Reg 23, Sel 1
< const unsigned TraceControl_TS = 31;
< const unsigned TraceControl_UT = 30;
< const unsigned TraceControl_TB = 27;
< const unsigned TraceControl_IO = 26;
< const unsigned TraceControl_D = 25;
< const unsigned TraceControl_E = 24;
< const unsigned TraceControl_K = 23;
< const unsigned TraceControl_S = 22;
< const unsigned TraceControl_U = 21;
< const unsigned TraceControl_ASID_M_HI = 20;
< const unsigned TraceControl_ASID_M_LO = 13;
< const unsigned TraceControl_ASID_HI = 12;
< const unsigned TraceControl_ASID_LO = 5;
< const unsigned TraceControl_G = 4;
< const unsigned TraceControl_TFCR = 3;
< const unsigned TraceControl_TLSM = 2;
< const unsigned TraceControl_TIM = 1;
< const unsigned TraceControl_ON = 0;
> BitUnion32(TraceControl2Reg)
> Bitfield<29> cpuidv;
> Bitfield<28, 21> cpuid;
> Bitfield<20> tcv;
> Bitfield<19, 12> tcnum;
> Bitfield<11, 7> mode;
> Bitfield<6, 5> validModes;
> Bitfield<4> tbi;
> Bitfield<3> tbu;
> Bitfield<2, 0> syp;
> EndBitUnion(TraceControl2Reg)
< // TraceControl2 Register - CP0 Reg 23, Sel 2
< const unsigned TraceControl2_CPUIDV = 29;
< const unsigned TraceControl2_CPUID_HI = 28;
< const unsigned TraceControl2_CPUID_LO = 21;
< const unsigned TraceControl2_TCV = 20;
< const unsigned TraceControl2_TCNUM_HI = 19;
< const unsigned TraceControl2_TCNUM_LO = 12;
< const unsigned TraceControl2_MODE_HI = 11;
< const unsigned TraceControl2_MODE_LO = 7;
< const unsigned TraceControl2_VALIDMODES_HI = 6;
< const unsigned TraceControl2_VALIDMODES_LO = 5;
< const unsigned TraceControl2_TBI = 4;
< const unsigned TraceControl2_TBU = 3;
< const unsigned TraceControl2_SYP_HI = 2;
< const unsigned TraceControl2_SYP_LO = 0;
> BitUnion32(TraceBPCReg)
> Bitfield<31> mb;
> Bitfield<28> e;
> Bitfield<27> ate;
> Bitfield<26, 24> bpc8;
> Bitfield<23, 21> bpc7;
> Bitfield<20, 18> bpc6;
> Bitfield<17, 15> bpc5;
> Bitfield<14, 12> bpc4;
> Bitfield<11, 9> bpc3;
> Bitfield<8, 6> bpc2;
> Bitfield<5, 3> bpc1;
> Bitfield<2, 0> bpc0;
> EndBitUnion(TraceBPCReg)
< // UserTraceData Register - CP0 Reg 23, Sel 3
< // Just holds 32-bits (or 64-bits) of data
> BitUnion32(TraceBPC2Reg)
> Bitfield<17, 15> bpc14;
> Bitfield<14, 12> bpc13;
> Bitfield<11, 9> bpc12;
> Bitfield<8, 6> bpc11;
> Bitfield<5, 3> bpc10;
> Bitfield<2, 0> bpc9;
> EndBitUnion(TraceBPC2Reg)
< // TraceIBPC Register - CP0 Reg 23, Sel 4
< const unsigned TraceIBPC_MB = 31;
< const unsigned TraceIBPC_IE = 28;
< const unsigned TraceIBPC_ATE = 27;
< const unsigned TraceIBPC_IBPC8_HI = 26;
< const unsigned TraceIBPC_IBPC8_LO = 24;
< const unsigned TraceIBPC_IBPC7_HI = 23;
< const unsigned TraceIBPC_IBPC7_LO = 21;
< const unsigned TraceIBPC_IBPC6_HI = 20;
< const unsigned TraceIBPC_IBPC6_LO = 18;
< const unsigned TraceIBPC_IBPC5_HI = 17;
< const unsigned TraceIBPC_IBPC5_LO = 15;
< const unsigned TraceIBPC_IBPC4_HI = 14;
< const unsigned TraceIBPC_IBPC4_LO = 12;
< const unsigned TraceIBPC_IBPC3_HI = 11;
< const unsigned TraceIBPC_IBPC3_LO = 9;
< const unsigned TraceIBPC_IBPC2_HI = 8;
< const unsigned TraceIBPC_IBPC2_LO = 6;
< const unsigned TraceIBPC_IBPC1_HI = 5;
< const unsigned TraceIBPC_IBPC1_LO = 3;
< const unsigned TraceIBPC_IBPC0_HI = 2;
< const unsigned TraceIBPC_IBPC0_LO = 0;
< // TraceDBPC Register - CP0 Reg 23, Sel 5
< const unsigned TRACEDBPC_MB = 31;
< const unsigned TRACEDBPC_DE = 28;
< const unsigned TRACEDBPC_ATE = 27;
< const unsigned TRACEDBPC_DBPC8_HI = 26;
< const unsigned TRACEDBPC_DBPC8_LO = 24;
< const unsigned TRACEDBPC_DBPC7_HI = 23;
< const unsigned TRACEDBPC_DBPC7_LO = 21;
< const unsigned TRACEDBPC_DBPC6_HI = 20;
< const unsigned TRACEDBPC_DBPC6_LO = 18;
< const unsigned TRACEDBPC_DBPC5_HI = 17;
< const unsigned TRACEDBPC_DBPC5_LO = 15;
< const unsigned TRACEDBPC_DBPC4_HI = 14;
< const unsigned TRACEDBPC_DBPC4_LO = 12;
< const unsigned TRACEDBPC_DBPC3_HI = 11;
< const unsigned TRACEDBPC_DBPC3_LO = 9;
< const unsigned TRACEDBPC_DBPC2_HI = 8;
< const unsigned TRACEDBPC_DBPC2_LO = 6;
< const unsigned TRACEDBPC_DBPC1_HI = 5;
< const unsigned TRACEDBPC_DBPC1_LO = 3;
< const unsigned TRACEDBPC_DBPC0_HI = 2;
< const unsigned TRACEDBPC_DBPC0_LO = 0;
< // TraceIBPC2 - Not part of CP0, but part of TRACE
< const unsigned TraceIBPC_IBPC14_HI = 17;
< const unsigned TraceIBPC_IBPC14_LO = 15;
< const unsigned TraceIBPC_IBPC13_HI = 14;
< const unsigned TraceIBPC_IBPC13_LO = 12;
< const unsigned TraceIBPC_IBPC12_HI = 11;
< const unsigned TraceIBPC_IBPC12_LO = 9;
< const unsigned TraceIBPC_IBPC11_HI = 8;
< const unsigned TraceIBPC_IBPC11_LO = 6;
< const unsigned TraceIBPC_IBPC10_HI = 5;
< const unsigned TraceIBPC_IBPC10_LO = 3;
< const unsigned TraceIBPC_IBPC9_HI = 2;
< const unsigned TraceIBPC_IBPC9_LO = 0;
< // TraceDBPC2 - Not part of CP0, but part of TRACE
< const unsigned TRACEDBPC_DBPC14_HI = 17;
< const unsigned TRACEDBPC_DBPC14_LO = 15;
< const unsigned TRACEDBPC_DBPC13_HI = 14;
< const unsigned TRACEDBPC_DBPC13_LO = 12;
< const unsigned TRACEDBPC_DBPC12_HI = 11;
< const unsigned TRACEDBPC_DBPC12_LO = 9;
< const unsigned TRACEDBPC_DBPC11_HI = 8;
< const unsigned TRACEDBPC_DBPC11_LO = 6;
< const unsigned TRACEDBPC_DBPC10_HI = 5;
< const unsigned TRACEDBPC_DBPC10_LO = 3;
< const unsigned TRACEDBPC_DBPC9_HI = 2;
< const unsigned TRACEDBPC_DBPC9_LO = 0;
< // Debug Register 2 - CP0 Reg 23, Sel 6
< const unsigned DEBUG2_PRM = 3;
< const unsigned DEBUG2_DQ = 2;
< const unsigned DEBUG2_TUP = 1;
< const unsigned DEBUG2_PACO = 0;
< // DEPC Register - CP0 Reg 24, Sel 0
< // Debug Exception Program Counter
< const unsigned DEPC_HI = 31;
< const unsigned DEPC_LO = 0;
< // DESAVE - CP0 Reg 31, Sel 0
< // Debug Exception Save Register
< const unsigned DESAVE_HI = 31;
< const unsigned DESAVE_LO = 0;
> BitUnion32(Debug2Reg)
> Bitfield<3> prm;
> Bitfield<2> dq;
> Bitfield<1> tup;
> Bitfield<0> paco;
> EndBitUnion(Debug2Reg)