< // SIMD formats
< enum {
< SIMD_FMT_L, // long word
< SIMD_FMT_W, // word
< SIMD_FMT_PH, // paired halfword
< SIMD_FMT_QB, // quad byte
< };
> // SIMD formats
> enum {
> SIMD_FMT_L, // long word
> SIMD_FMT_W, // word
> SIMD_FMT_PH, // paired halfword
> SIMD_FMT_QB, // quad byte
> };
< // DSPControl Fields
< enum {
< DSP_POS, // insertion bitfield position
< DSP_SCOUNT, // insertion bitfield size
< DSP_C, // carry bit
< DSP_OUFLAG, // overflow-underflow flag
< DSP_CCOND, // condition code
< DSP_EFI, // extract fail indicator bit
< };
> // DSPControl Fields
> enum {
> DSP_POS, // insertion bitfield position
> DSP_SCOUNT, // insertion bitfield size
> DSP_C, // carry bit
> DSP_OUFLAG, // overflow-underflow flag
> DSP_CCOND, // condition code
> DSP_EFI, // extract fail indicator bit
> };
< // compare instruction operations
< enum {
< CMP_EQ, // equal
< CMP_LT, // less than
< CMP_LE // less than or equal
< };
> // compare instruction operations
> enum {
> CMP_EQ, // equal
> CMP_LT, // less than
> CMP_LE // less than or equal
> };
< // SIMD operation order modes
< enum {
< MODE_L, // left
< MODE_R, // right
< MODE_LA, // left-alternate
< MODE_RA, // right-alternate
< MODE_X // cross
< };
> // SIMD operation order modes
> enum {
> MODE_L, // left
> MODE_R, // right
> MODE_LA, // left-alternate
> MODE_RA, // right-alternate
> MODE_X // cross
> };
< // dsp operation parameters
< enum { UNSIGNED, SIGNED };
< enum { NOROUND, ROUND };
> // dsp operation parameters
> enum { UNSIGNED, SIGNED };
> enum { NOROUND, ROUND };
< // DSPControl field positions and masks
< const uint32_t DSP_CTL_POS[DSP_NUM_FIELDS] = { 0, 7, 13, 16, 24, 14 };
< const uint32_t DSP_CTL_MASK[DSP_NUM_FIELDS] = { 0x0000003f, 0x00001f80, 0x00002000,
< 0x00ff0000, 0x0f000000, 0x00004000 };
> // DSPControl field positions and masks
> const uint32_t DSP_CTL_POS[DSP_NUM_FIELDS] = { 0, 7, 13, 16, 24, 14 };
> const uint32_t DSP_CTL_MASK[DSP_NUM_FIELDS] =
> { 0x0000003f, 0x00001f80, 0x00002000,
> 0x00ff0000, 0x0f000000, 0x00004000 };
< // SIMD format constants
< const uint32_t SIMD_MAX_VALS = 4; // maximum values per register
< const uint32_t SIMD_NVALS[SIMD_NUM_FMTS] = { 1, 1, 2, 4 }; // number of values in fmt
< const uint32_t SIMD_NBITS[SIMD_NUM_FMTS] = { 64, 32, 16, 8 }; // number of bits per value
< const uint32_t SIMD_LOG2N[SIMD_NUM_FMTS] = { 6, 5, 4, 3 }; // log2( bits per value )
> /*
> * SIMD format constants
> */
< // DSP maximum values
< const uint64_t FIXED_L_SMAX = ULL(0x7fffffffffffffff);
< const uint64_t FIXED_W_SMAX = ULL(0x000000007fffffff);
< const uint64_t FIXED_H_SMAX = ULL(0x0000000000007fff);
< const uint64_t FIXED_B_SMAX = ULL(0x000000000000007f);
< const uint64_t FIXED_L_UMAX = ULL(0xffffffffffffffff);
< const uint64_t FIXED_W_UMAX = ULL(0x00000000ffffffff);
< const uint64_t FIXED_H_UMAX = ULL(0x000000000000ffff);
< const uint64_t FIXED_B_UMAX = ULL(0x00000000000000ff);
> // maximum values per register
> const uint32_t SIMD_MAX_VALS = 4;
> // number of values in fmt
> const uint32_t SIMD_NVALS[SIMD_NUM_FMTS] = { 1, 1, 2, 4 };
> // number of bits per value
> const uint32_t SIMD_NBITS[SIMD_NUM_FMTS] = { 64, 32, 16, 8 };
> // log2(bits per value)
> const uint32_t SIMD_LOG2N[SIMD_NUM_FMTS] = { 6, 5, 4, 3 };
< // DSP minimum values
< const uint64_t FIXED_L_SMIN = ULL(0x8000000000000000);
< const uint64_t FIXED_W_SMIN = ULL(0xffffffff80000000);
< const uint64_t FIXED_H_SMIN = ULL(0xffffffffffff8000);
< const uint64_t FIXED_B_SMIN = ULL(0xffffffffffffff80);
< const uint64_t FIXED_L_UMIN = ULL(0x0000000000000000);
< const uint64_t FIXED_W_UMIN = ULL(0x0000000000000000);
< const uint64_t FIXED_H_UMIN = ULL(0x0000000000000000);
< const uint64_t FIXED_B_UMIN = ULL(0x0000000000000000);
< // DSP utility functions
< int32_t bitrev( int32_t value );
< uint64_t dspSaturate( uint64_t value, int32_t fmt, int32_t sign, uint32_t *overflow );
< uint64_t checkOverflow( uint64_t value, int32_t fmt, int32_t sign, uint32_t *overflow );
< uint64_t signExtend( uint64_t value, int32_t signpos );
< uint64_t addHalfLsb( uint64_t value, int32_t lsbpos );
< int32_t dspAbs( int32_t a, int32_t fmt, uint32_t *dspctl );
< int32_t dspAdd( int32_t a, int32_t b, int32_t fmt, int32_t saturate, int32_t sign, uint32_t *dspctl );
< int32_t dspAddh( int32_t a, int32_t b, int32_t fmt, int32_t round, int32_t sign );
< int32_t dspSub( int32_t a, int32_t b, int32_t fmt, int32_t saturate, int32_t sign, uint32_t *dspctl );
< int32_t dspSubh( int32_t a, int32_t b, int32_t fmt, int32_t round, int32_t sign );
< int32_t dspShll( int32_t a, uint32_t sa, int32_t fmt, int32_t saturate, int32_t sign, uint32_t *dspctl );
< int32_t dspShrl( int32_t a, uint32_t sa, int32_t fmt, int32_t sign );
< int32_t dspShra( int32_t a, uint32_t sa, int32_t fmt, int32_t round, int32_t sign, uint32_t *dspctl );
< int32_t dspMul( int32_t a, int32_t b, int32_t fmt, int32_t saturate, uint32_t *dspctl );
< int32_t dspMulq( int32_t a, int32_t b, int32_t fmt, int32_t saturate, int32_t round, uint32_t *dspctl );
< int32_t dspMuleu( int32_t a, int32_t b, int32_t mode, uint32_t *dspctl );
< int32_t dspMuleq( int32_t a, int32_t b, int32_t mode, uint32_t *dspctl );
< int64_t dspDpaq( int64_t dspac, int32_t a, int32_t b, int32_t ac, int32_t infmt,
< int32_t outfmt, int32_t postsat, int32_t mode, uint32_t *dspctl );
< int64_t dspDpsq( int64_t dspac, int32_t a, int32_t b, int32_t ac, int32_t infmt,
< int32_t outfmt, int32_t postsat, int32_t mode, uint32_t *dspctl );
< int64_t dspDpa( int64_t dspac, int32_t a, int32_t b, int32_t ac, int32_t fmt, int32_t sign, int32_t mode );
< int64_t dspDps( int64_t dspac, int32_t a, int32_t b, int32_t ac, int32_t fmt, int32_t sign, int32_t mode );
< int64_t dspMaq( int64_t dspac, int32_t a, int32_t b, int32_t ac,
< int32_t fmt, int32_t mode, int32_t saturate, uint32_t *dspctl );
< int64_t dspMulsa( int64_t dspac, int32_t a, int32_t b, int32_t ac, int32_t fmt );
< int64_t dspMulsaq( int64_t dspac, int32_t a, int32_t b, int32_t ac, int32_t fmt, uint32_t *dspctl );
< void dspCmp( int32_t a, int32_t b, int32_t fmt, int32_t sign, int32_t op, uint32_t *dspctl );
< int32_t dspCmpg( int32_t a, int32_t b, int32_t fmt, int32_t sign, int32_t op );
< int32_t dspCmpgd( int32_t a, int32_t b, int32_t fmt, int32_t sign, int32_t op, uint32_t *dspctl );
< int32_t dspPrece( int32_t a, int32_t infmt, int32_t insign, int32_t outfmt, int32_t outsign, int32_t mode );
< int32_t dspPrecrqu( int32_t a, int32_t b, uint32_t *dspctl );
< int32_t dspPrecrq( int32_t a, int32_t b, int32_t fmt, uint32_t *dspctl );
< int32_t dspPrecrSra( int32_t a, int32_t b, int32_t sa, int32_t fmt, int32_t round );
< int32_t dspPick( int32_t a, int32_t b, int32_t fmt, uint32_t *dspctl );
< int32_t dspPack( int32_t a, int32_t b, int32_t fmt );
< int32_t dspExtr( int64_t dspac, int32_t fmt, int32_t sa, int32_t round,
< int32_t saturate, uint32_t *dspctl );
< int32_t dspExtp( int64_t dspac, int32_t size, uint32_t *dspctl );
< int32_t dspExtpd( int64_t dspac, int32_t size, uint32_t *dspctl );
> // DSP maximum values
> const uint64_t FIXED_L_SMAX = ULL(0x7fffffffffffffff);
> const uint64_t FIXED_W_SMAX = ULL(0x000000007fffffff);
> const uint64_t FIXED_H_SMAX = ULL(0x0000000000007fff);
> const uint64_t FIXED_B_SMAX = ULL(0x000000000000007f);
> const uint64_t FIXED_L_UMAX = ULL(0xffffffffffffffff);
> const uint64_t FIXED_W_UMAX = ULL(0x00000000ffffffff);
> const uint64_t FIXED_H_UMAX = ULL(0x000000000000ffff);
> const uint64_t FIXED_B_UMAX = ULL(0x00000000000000ff);
> const uint64_t FIXED_SMAX[SIMD_NUM_FMTS] =
> const uint64_t FIXED_UMAX[SIMD_NUM_FMTS] =
< // SIMD pack/unpack utility functions
< void simdPack( uint64_t *values_ptr, int32_t *reg, int32_t fmt );
< void simdUnpack( int32_t reg, uint64_t *values_ptr, int32_t fmt, int32_t sign );
> // DSP minimum values
> const uint64_t FIXED_L_SMIN = ULL(0x8000000000000000);
> const uint64_t FIXED_W_SMIN = ULL(0xffffffff80000000);
> const uint64_t FIXED_H_SMIN = ULL(0xffffffffffff8000);
> const uint64_t FIXED_B_SMIN = ULL(0xffffffffffffff80);
> const uint64_t FIXED_L_UMIN = ULL(0x0000000000000000);
> const uint64_t FIXED_W_UMIN = ULL(0x0000000000000000);
> const uint64_t FIXED_H_UMIN = ULL(0x0000000000000000);
> const uint64_t FIXED_B_UMIN = ULL(0x0000000000000000);
> const uint64_t FIXED_SMIN[SIMD_NUM_FMTS] =
> const uint64_t FIXED_UMIN[SIMD_NUM_FMTS] =
< // DSPControl r/w utility functions
< void writeDSPControl( uint32_t *dspctl, uint32_t value, uint32_t mask );
< uint32_t readDSPControl( uint32_t *dspctl, uint32_t mask );
< };
> // DSP utility functions
> int32_t bitrev(int32_t value);
> uint64_t dspSaturate(uint64_t value, int32_t fmt, int32_t sign,
> uint32_t *overflow);
> uint64_t checkOverflow(uint64_t value, int32_t fmt, int32_t sign,
> uint32_t *overflow);
> uint64_t signExtend(uint64_t value, int32_t signpos);
> uint64_t addHalfLsb(uint64_t value, int32_t lsbpos);
> int32_t dspAbs(int32_t a, int32_t fmt, uint32_t *dspctl);
> int32_t dspAdd(int32_t a, int32_t b, int32_t fmt, int32_t saturate,
> int32_t sign, uint32_t *dspctl);
> int32_t dspAddh(int32_t a, int32_t b, int32_t fmt, int32_t round,
> int32_t sign);
> int32_t dspSub(int32_t a, int32_t b, int32_t fmt, int32_t saturate,
> int32_t sign, uint32_t *dspctl);
> int32_t dspSubh(int32_t a, int32_t b, int32_t fmt, int32_t round,
> int32_t sign);
> int32_t dspShll(int32_t a, uint32_t sa, int32_t fmt, int32_t saturate,
> int32_t sign, uint32_t *dspctl);
> int32_t dspShrl(int32_t a, uint32_t sa, int32_t fmt, int32_t sign);
> int32_t dspShra(int32_t a, uint32_t sa, int32_t fmt, int32_t round,
> int32_t sign, uint32_t *dspctl);
> int32_t dspMul(int32_t a, int32_t b, int32_t fmt, int32_t saturate,
> uint32_t *dspctl);
> int32_t dspMulq(int32_t a, int32_t b, int32_t fmt, int32_t saturate,
> int32_t round, uint32_t *dspctl);
> int32_t dspMuleu(int32_t a, int32_t b, int32_t mode, uint32_t *dspctl);
> int32_t dspMuleq(int32_t a, int32_t b, int32_t mode, uint32_t *dspctl);
> int64_t dspDpaq(int64_t dspac, int32_t a, int32_t b, int32_t ac,
> int32_t infmt, int32_t outfmt, int32_t postsat, int32_t mode,
> uint32_t *dspctl);
> int64_t dspDpsq(int64_t dspac, int32_t a, int32_t b, int32_t ac,
> int32_t infmt, int32_t outfmt, int32_t postsat, int32_t mode,
> uint32_t *dspctl);
> int64_t dspDpa(int64_t dspac, int32_t a, int32_t b, int32_t ac, int32_t fmt,
> int32_t sign, int32_t mode);
> int64_t dspDps(int64_t dspac, int32_t a, int32_t b, int32_t ac, int32_t fmt,
> int32_t sign, int32_t mode);
> int64_t dspMaq(int64_t dspac, int32_t a, int32_t b, int32_t ac,
> int32_t fmt, int32_t mode, int32_t saturate, uint32_t *dspctl);
> int64_t dspMulsa(int64_t dspac, int32_t a, int32_t b, int32_t ac, int32_t fmt);
> int64_t dspMulsaq(int64_t dspac, int32_t a, int32_t b, int32_t ac, int32_t fmt,
> uint32_t *dspctl);
> void dspCmp(int32_t a, int32_t b, int32_t fmt, int32_t sign, int32_t op,
> uint32_t *dspctl);
> int32_t dspCmpg(int32_t a, int32_t b, int32_t fmt, int32_t sign, int32_t op);
> int32_t dspCmpgd(int32_t a, int32_t b, int32_t fmt, int32_t sign, int32_t op,
> uint32_t *dspctl);
> int32_t dspPrece(int32_t a, int32_t infmt, int32_t insign, int32_t outfmt,
> int32_t outsign, int32_t mode);
> int32_t dspPrecrqu(int32_t a, int32_t b, uint32_t *dspctl);
> int32_t dspPrecrq(int32_t a, int32_t b, int32_t fmt, uint32_t *dspctl);
> int32_t dspPrecrSra(int32_t a, int32_t b, int32_t sa, int32_t fmt,
> int32_t round);
> int32_t dspPick(int32_t a, int32_t b, int32_t fmt, uint32_t *dspctl);
> int32_t dspPack(int32_t a, int32_t b, int32_t fmt);
> int32_t dspExtr(int64_t dspac, int32_t fmt, int32_t sa, int32_t round,
> int32_t saturate, uint32_t *dspctl);
> int32_t dspExtp(int64_t dspac, int32_t size, uint32_t *dspctl);
> int32_t dspExtpd(int64_t dspac, int32_t size, uint32_t *dspctl);
< #endif
> // SIMD pack/unpack utility functions
> void simdPack(uint64_t *values_ptr, int32_t *reg, int32_t fmt);
> void simdUnpack(int32_t reg, uint64_t *values_ptr, int32_t fmt, int32_t sign);
> // DSPControl r/w utility functions
> void writeDSPControl(uint32_t *dspctl, uint32_t value, uint32_t mask);
> uint32_t readDSPControl(uint32_t *dspctl, uint32_t mask);
> } /* namespace MipsISA */
> #endif // __ARCH_MIPS_DSP_HH__