micro_asm.py (4613:7f670817a86c) micro_asm.py (5009:78d53ea88c74)
1# Copyright (c) 2003-2005 The Regents of The University of Michigan
2# All rights reserved.
4# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
5# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
6# met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
7# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
8# redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright

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135 microop = eval('__microopClassFromInsideTheAssembler(%s)' %
136 statement.params, {}, parser.symbols)
137 except:
138 print_error("Error creating microop object with mnemonic %s." % \
139 statement.mnemonic)
140 raise
141 try:
142 for label in statement.labels:
1# Copyright (c) 2003-2005 The Regents of The University of Michigan
2# All rights reserved.
4# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
5# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
6# met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
7# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
8# redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright

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135 microop = eval('__microopClassFromInsideTheAssembler(%s)' %
136 statement.params, {}, parser.symbols)
137 except:
138 print_error("Error creating microop object with mnemonic %s." % \
139 statement.mnemonic)
140 raise
141 try:
142 for label in statement.labels:
143 container.labels[label.name] = microop
143 container.labels[label.text] = microop
144 if label.extern:
144 if label.extern:
145 container.externs[label.name] = microop
145 container.externs[label.text] = microop
146 container.add_microop(microop)
147 except:
148 print_error("Error adding microop.")
149 raise
150 elif statement.is_directive:
151 if statement.name not in container.directives.keys():
152 raise Exception, "Unrecognized directive: %s" % statement.name
153 parser.symbols["__directiveFunctionFromInsideTheAssembler"] = \

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434 'labels : label'
435 t[0] = [t[1]]
437def p_labels_1(t):
438 'labels : labels label'
439 t[1].append(t[2])
440 t[0] = t[1]
146 container.add_microop(microop)
147 except:
148 print_error("Error adding microop.")
149 raise
150 elif statement.is_directive:
151 if statement.name not in container.directives.keys():
152 raise Exception, "Unrecognized directive: %s" % statement.name
153 parser.symbols["__directiveFunctionFromInsideTheAssembler"] = \

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434 'labels : label'
435 t[0] = [t[1]]
437def p_labels_1(t):
438 'labels : labels label'
439 t[1].append(t[2])
440 t[0] = t[1]
442# labels on lines by themselves are attached to the following instruction.
443def p_labels_2(t):
444 'labels : labels NEWLINE'
445 t[0] = t[1]
442def p_label_0(t):
443 'label : ID COLON'
444 label = Label()
445 label.is_extern = False
446 label.text = t[1]
447 t[0] = label
449def p_label_1(t):

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447def p_label_0(t):
448 'label : ID COLON'
449 label = Label()
450 label.is_extern = False
451 label.text = t[1]
452 t[0] = label
454def p_label_1(t):

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