(6987:31ba8b062d08) (6988:55b7e9ba3b4f)
1# Copyright (c) 2003-2005 The Regents of The University of Michigan
2# All rights reserved.
4# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
5# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
6# met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
7# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
8# redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright

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1190 list.__init__(self, items)
1192 def push(self, item):
1193 self.append(item);
1195 def top(self):
1196 return self[-1]
1# Copyright (c) 2003-2005 The Regents of The University of Michigan
2# All rights reserved.
4# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
5# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
6# met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
7# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
8# redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright

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1190 list.__init__(self, items)
1192 def push(self, item):
1193 self.append(item);
1195 def top(self):
1196 return self[-1]
1198# The global format stack.
1199formatStack = Stack(NoFormat())
1201# The global default case stack.
1202defaultStack = Stack(None)
1204# Global stack that tracks current file and line number.
1205# Each element is a tuple (filename, lineno) that records the
1206# *current* filename and the line number in the *previous* file where
1207# it was included.
1208fileNameStack = Stack()

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1252class ISAParser(Grammar):
1253 def __init__(self, output_dir):
1254 super(ISAParser, self).__init__()
1255 self.output_dir = output_dir
1257 self.templateMap = {}
1198# Global stack that tracks current file and line number.
1199# Each element is a tuple (filename, lineno) that records the
1200# *current* filename and the line number in the *previous* file where
1201# it was included.
1202fileNameStack = Stack()

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1246class ISAParser(Grammar):
1247 def __init__(self, output_dir):
1248 super(ISAParser, self).__init__()
1249 self.output_dir = output_dir
1251 self.templateMap = {}
1253 # The format stack.
1254 self.formatStack = Stack(NoFormat())
1256 # The default case stack.
1257 self.defaultStack = Stack(None)
1259 #####################################################################
1260 #
1261 # Lexer
1262 #
1263 # The PLY lexer module takes two things as input:
1264 # - A list of token names (the string list 'tokens')
1265 # - A regular expression describing a match for each token. The
1266 # regexp for token FOO can be provided in two ways:

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1685 ##############
1687 #
1688 # A decode block looks like:
1689 # decode <field1> [, <field2>]* [default <inst>] { ... }
1690 #
1691 def p_decode_block(self, t):
1692 'decode_block : DECODE ID opt_default LBRACE decode_stmt_list RBRACE'
1259 #####################################################################
1260 #
1261 # Lexer
1262 #
1263 # The PLY lexer module takes two things as input:
1264 # - A list of token names (the string list 'tokens')
1265 # - A regular expression describing a match for each token. The
1266 # regexp for token FOO can be provided in two ways:

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1685 ##############
1687 #
1688 # A decode block looks like:
1689 # decode <field1> [, <field2>]* [default <inst>] { ... }
1690 #
1691 def p_decode_block(self, t):
1692 'decode_block : DECODE ID opt_default LBRACE decode_stmt_list RBRACE'
1693 default_defaults = defaultStack.pop()
1693 default_defaults = self.defaultStack.pop()
1694 codeObj = t[5]
1695 # use the "default defaults" only if there was no explicit
1696 # default statement in decode_stmt_list
1697 if not codeObj.has_decode_default:
1698 codeObj += default_defaults
1699 codeObj.wrap_decode_block('switch (%s) {\n' % t[2], '}\n')
1700 t[0] = codeObj
1702 # The opt_default statement serves only to push the "default
1703 # defaults" onto defaultStack. This value will be used by nested
1704 # decode blocks, and used and popped off when the current
1705 # decode_block is processed (in p_decode_block() above).
1706 def p_opt_default_0(self, t):
1707 'opt_default : empty'
1708 # no default specified: reuse the one currently at the top of
1709 # the stack
1694 codeObj = t[5]
1695 # use the "default defaults" only if there was no explicit
1696 # default statement in decode_stmt_list
1697 if not codeObj.has_decode_default:
1698 codeObj += default_defaults
1699 codeObj.wrap_decode_block('switch (%s) {\n' % t[2], '}\n')
1700 t[0] = codeObj
1702 # The opt_default statement serves only to push the "default
1703 # defaults" onto defaultStack. This value will be used by nested
1704 # decode blocks, and used and popped off when the current
1705 # decode_block is processed (in p_decode_block() above).
1706 def p_opt_default_0(self, t):
1707 'opt_default : empty'
1708 # no default specified: reuse the one currently at the top of
1709 # the stack
1710 defaultStack.push(
1710 self.defaultStack.push(
1711 # no meaningful value returned
1712 t[0] = None
1714 def p_opt_default_1(self, t):
1715 'opt_default : DEFAULT inst'
1716 # push the new default
1717 codeObj = t[2]
1718 codeObj.wrap_decode_block('\ndefault:\n', 'break;\n')
1711 # no meaningful value returned
1712 t[0] = None
1714 def p_opt_default_1(self, t):
1715 'opt_default : DEFAULT inst'
1716 # push the new default
1717 codeObj = t[2]
1718 codeObj.wrap_decode_block('\ndefault:\n', 'break;\n')
1719 defaultStack.push(codeObj)
1719 self.defaultStack.push(codeObj)
1720 # no meaningful value returned
1721 t[0] = None
1723 def p_decode_stmt_list_0(self, t):
1724 'decode_stmt_list : decode_stmt'
1725 t[0] = t[1]
1727 def p_decode_stmt_list_1(self, t):

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1757 # format on the instruction definition or with a nested format
1758 # block.
1759 def p_decode_stmt_format(self, t):
1760 'decode_stmt : FORMAT push_format_id LBRACE decode_stmt_list RBRACE'
1761 # The format will be pushed on the stack when 'push_format_id'
1762 # is processed (see below). Once the parser has recognized
1763 # the full production (though the right brace), we're done
1764 # with the format, so now we can pop it.
1720 # no meaningful value returned
1721 t[0] = None
1723 def p_decode_stmt_list_0(self, t):
1724 'decode_stmt_list : decode_stmt'
1725 t[0] = t[1]
1727 def p_decode_stmt_list_1(self, t):

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1757 # format on the instruction definition or with a nested format
1758 # block.
1759 def p_decode_stmt_format(self, t):
1760 'decode_stmt : FORMAT push_format_id LBRACE decode_stmt_list RBRACE'
1761 # The format will be pushed on the stack when 'push_format_id'
1762 # is processed (see below). Once the parser has recognized
1763 # the full production (though the right brace), we're done
1764 # with the format, so now we can pop it.
1765 formatStack.pop()
1765 self.formatStack.pop()
1766 t[0] = t[4]
1768 # This rule exists so we can set the current format (& push the
1769 # stack) when we recognize the format name part of the format
1770 # block.
1771 def p_push_format_id(self, t):
1772 'push_format_id : ID'
1773 try:
1766 t[0] = t[4]
1768 # This rule exists so we can set the current format (& push the
1769 # stack) when we recognize the format name part of the format
1770 # block.
1771 def p_push_format_id(self, t):
1772 'push_format_id : ID'
1773 try:
1774 formatStack.push(formatMap[t[1]])
1774 self.formatStack.push(formatMap[t[1]])
1775 t[0] = ('', '// format %s' % t[1])
1776 except KeyError:
1777 error(t, 'instruction format "%s" not defined.' % t[1])
1779 # Nested decode block: if the value of the current field matches
1780 # the specified constant, do a nested decode on some other field.
1781 def p_decode_stmt_decode(self, t):
1782 'decode_stmt : case_label COLON decode_block'

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1826 t[0].append(t[3])
1828 # Define an instruction using the current instruction format
1829 # (specified by an enclosing format block).
1830 # "<mnemonic>(<args>)"
1831 def p_inst_0(self, t):
1832 'inst : ID LPAREN arg_list RPAREN'
1833 # Pass the ID and arg list to the current format class to deal with.
1775 t[0] = ('', '// format %s' % t[1])
1776 except KeyError:
1777 error(t, 'instruction format "%s" not defined.' % t[1])
1779 # Nested decode block: if the value of the current field matches
1780 # the specified constant, do a nested decode on some other field.
1781 def p_decode_stmt_decode(self, t):
1782 'decode_stmt : case_label COLON decode_block'

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1826 t[0].append(t[3])
1828 # Define an instruction using the current instruction format
1829 # (specified by an enclosing format block).
1830 # "<mnemonic>(<args>)"
1831 def p_inst_0(self, t):
1832 'inst : ID LPAREN arg_list RPAREN'
1833 # Pass the ID and arg list to the current format class to deal with.
1834 currentFormat =
1834 currentFormat =
1835 codeObj = currentFormat.defineInst(t[1], t[3], t.lexer.lineno)
1836 args = ','.join(map(str, t[3]))
1837 args = re.sub('(?m)^', '//', args)
1838 args = re.sub('^//', '', args)
1839 comment = '\n// %s::%s(%s)\n' % (, t[1], args)
1840 codeObj.prepend_all(comment)
1841 t[0] = codeObj

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1835 codeObj = currentFormat.defineInst(t[1], t[3], t.lexer.lineno)
1836 args = ','.join(map(str, t[3]))
1837 args = re.sub('(?m)^', '//', args)
1838 args = re.sub('^//', '', args)
1839 comment = '\n// %s::%s(%s)\n' % (, t[1], args)
1840 codeObj.prepend_all(comment)
1841 t[0] = codeObj

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