< # if we're dealing with an InstObjParams object, we need to be a
< # little more sophisticated. Otherwise, just do what we've always
< # done
> # Build a dict ('myDict') to use for the template substitution.
> # Start with the template namespace. Make a copy since we're
> # going to modify it.
> myDict = templateMap.copy()
< # The instruction wide parameters are already formed, but the
< # parameters which are only function wide still need to be
< # generated.
< perFuncNames = ['op_decl', 'op_src_decl', 'op_dest_decl', \
< 'op_rd', 'op_wb', 'mem_acc_size', 'mem_acc_type']
> # If we're dealing with an InstObjParams object, we need
> # to be a little more sophisticated. The instruction-wide
> # parameters are already formed, but the parameters which
> # are only function wide still need to be generated.
< myDict = templateMap.copy()
< for name in labelRE.findall(template):
< # Don't try to find a snippet to go with things that will
< # match against attributes of d, or that are other templates,
< # or that we're going to generate later, or that we've already
< # found.
< if not hasattr(d, name) and \
< not templateMap.has_key(name) and \
< not myDict.has_key(name) and \
< name not in perFuncNames:
< myDict[name] = d.snippets[name]
< if isinstance(myDict[name], str):
< myDict[name] = substMungedOpNames(substBitOps(myDict[name]))
< compositeCode += (" " + myDict[name])
> snippetLabels = [l for l in labelRE.findall(template)
> if d.snippets.has_key(l)]
< compositeCode += (" " + template)
> snippets = dict([(s, mungeSnippet(d.snippets[s]))
> for s in snippetLabels])
> myDict.update(snippets)
> compositeCode = ' '.join(map(str, snippets.values()))
> # Add in template itself in case it references any
> # operands explicitly (like Mem)
> compositeCode += ' ' + template
< else:
< # Start with the template namespace. Make a copy since we're
< # going to modify it.
< myDict = templateMap.copy()
> elif isinstance(d, dict):
< if isinstance(d, dict):
< myDict.update(d)
> myDict.update(d)
> elif hasattr(d, '__dict__'):
< elif hasattr(d, '__dict__'):
< myDict.update(d.__dict__)
< else:
< raise TypeError, "Template.subst() arg must be or have dictionary"
> myDict.update(d.__dict__)
> else:
> raise TypeError, "Template.subst() arg must be or have dictionary"
< def joinLists(t):
< return map(string.join, t)
> # Fix up code snippets for final substitution in templates.
> def mungeSnippet(s):
> if isinstance(s, str):
> return substMungedOpNames(substBitOps(s))
> else:
> return s
< snippets = None, opt_args = []):
> snippets = {}, opt_args = []):
< compositeCode = ''
< if snippets:
< if not isinstance(snippets, dict):
< snippets = {'code' : snippets}
< for snippet in snippets.values():
< if isinstance(snippet, str):
< compositeCode += (" " + snippet)
> if not isinstance(snippets, dict):
> snippets = {'code' : snippets}
> compositeCode = ' '.join(map(str, snippets.values()))