> // Multiprocessor Affinity Register MPIDR from Cortex(tm)-A15 Technical
> // Reference Manual
> //
> // bit 31 - Multi-processor extensions available
> // bit 30 - Uni-processor system
> // bit 24 - Multi-threaded cores
> // bit 11-8 - Cluster ID
> // bit 1-0 - CPU ID
> //
> // We deliberately extend both the Cluster ID and CPU ID fields to allow
> // for simulation of larger systems
> assert((0 <= tc->cpuId()) && (tc->cpuId() < 256));
> assert((0 <= tc->socketId()) && (tc->socketId() < 65536));
< tc->cpuId();
> tc->cpuId() | tc->socketId() << 8;
< tc->cpuId();
> tc->cpuId() | tc->socketId() << 8;