< * Copyright (c) 2010 ARM Limited
> * Copyright (c) 2010, 2012-2013 ARM Limited
> #include "dev/arm/generic_timer.hh"
> class ThreadContext;
> /**
> * True if this system implements the Security Extensions
> */
> const bool _haveSecurity;
> /**
> * True if this system implements the Large Physical Address Extension
> */
> const bool _haveLPAE;
> /**
> * True if this system implements the virtualization Extensions
> */
> const bool _haveVirtualization;
> /**
> * True if this system implements the Generic Timer extension
> */
> const bool _haveGenericTimer;
> /**
> * Pointer to the Generic Timer wrapper.
> */
> GenericTimer *_genericTimer;
> /**
> * True if the register width of the highest implemented exception level is
> * 64 bits (ARMv8)
> */
> bool _highestELIs64;
> /**
> * Reset address if the highest implemented exception level is 64 bits
> * (ARMv8)
> */
> const Addr _resetAddr64;
> /**
> * Supported physical address range in bits if the highest implemented
> * exception level is 64 bits (ARMv8)
> */
> const uint8_t _physAddrRange64;
> /**
> * True if ASID is 16 bits in AArch64 (ARMv8)
> */
> const bool _haveLargeAsid64;
> /** Returns true if this system implements the Security Extensions */
> bool haveSecurity() const { return _haveSecurity; }
> /** Returns true if this system implements the Large Physical Address
> * Extension */
> bool haveLPAE() const { return _haveLPAE; }
> /** Returns true if this system implements the virtualization
> * Extensions
> */
> bool haveVirtualization() const { return _haveVirtualization; }
> /** Returns true if this system implements the Generic Timer extension. */
> bool haveGenericTimer() const { return _haveGenericTimer; }
> /** Sets the pointer to the Generic Timer. */
> void setGenericTimer(GenericTimer *generic_timer)
> {
> _genericTimer = generic_timer;
> }
> /** Returns a pointer to the system counter. */
> GenericTimer::SystemCounter *getSystemCounter() const;
> /** Returns a pointer to the appropriate architected timer. */
> GenericTimer::ArchTimer *getArchTimer(int cpu_id) const;
> /** Returns true if the register width of the highest implemented exception
> * level is 64 bits (ARMv8) */
> bool highestELIs64() const { return _highestELIs64; }
> /** Returns the highest implemented exception level */
> ExceptionLevel highestEL() const
> {
> if (_haveSecurity)
> return EL3;
> // @todo: uncomment this to enable Virtualization
> // if (_haveVirtualization)
> // return EL2;
> return EL1;
> }
> /** Returns the reset address if the highest implemented exception level is
> * 64 bits (ARMv8) */
> Addr resetAddr64() const { return _resetAddr64; }
> /** Returns true if ASID is 16 bits in AArch64 (ARMv8) */
> bool haveLargeAsid64() const { return _haveLargeAsid64; }
> /** Returns the supported physical address range in bits if the highest
> * implemented exception level is 64 bits (ARMv8) */
> uint8_t physAddrRange64() const { return _physAddrRange64; }
> /** Returns the supported physical address range in bits */
> uint8_t physAddrRange() const
> {
> if (_highestELIs64)
> return _physAddrRange64;
> if (_haveLPAE)
> return 40;
> return 32;
> }
> /** Returns the physical address mask */
> Addr physAddrMask() const
> {
> return mask(physAddrRange());
> }
> /** Returns true if the system of a specific thread context implements the
> * Security Extensions
> */
> static bool haveSecurity(ThreadContext *tc);
> /** Returns true if the system of a specific thread context implements the
> * virtualization Extensions
> */
> static bool haveVirtualization(ThreadContext *tc);
> /** Returns true if the system of a specific thread context implements the
> * Large Physical Address Extension
> */
> static bool haveLPAE(ThreadContext *tc);
> /** Returns true if the register width of the highest implemented exception
> * level for the system of a specific thread context is 64 bits (ARMv8)
> */
> static bool highestELIs64(ThreadContext *tc);
> /** Returns the highest implemented exception level for the system of a
> * specific thread context
> */
> static ExceptionLevel highestEL(ThreadContext *tc);
> /** Returns the reset address if the highest implemented exception level for
> * the system of a specific thread context is 64 bits (ARMv8)
> */
> static Addr resetAddr64(ThreadContext *tc);
> /** Returns the supported physical address range in bits for the system of a
> * specific thread context
> */
> static uint8_t physAddrRange(ThreadContext *tc);
> /** Returns the physical address mask for the system of a specific thread
> * context
> */
> static Addr physAddrMask(ThreadContext *tc);
> /** Returns true if ASID is 16 bits for the system of a specific thread
> * context while in AArch64 (ARMv8) */
> static bool haveLargeAsid64(ThreadContext *tc);