< * Copyright (c) 2010 ARM Limited
> * Copyright (c) 2010, 2011-2012 ARM Limited
< class ArmLinux : public Linux
> class ArmLinux32 : public Linux
> uint32_t __pad1;
> uint32_t __pad2;
> };
> class ArmLinux64 : public Linux
> {
> public:
> /// This table maps the target open() flags to the corresponding
> /// host open() flags.
> static OpenFlagTransTable openFlagTable[];
> /// Number of entries in openFlagTable[].
> static const int NUM_OPEN_FLAGS;
> //@{
> /// Basic ARM Linux types
> typedef uint64_t size_t;
> typedef uint64_t off_t;
> typedef int64_t time_t;
> typedef int64_t clock_t;
> //@}
> //@{
> /// open(2) flag values.
> static const int TGT_O_RDONLY = 00000000; //!< O_RDONLY
> static const int TGT_O_WRONLY = 00000001; //!< O_WRONLY
> static const int TGT_O_RDWR = 00000002; //!< O_RDWR
> static const int TGT_O_CREAT = 00000100; //!< O_CREAT
> static const int TGT_O_EXCL = 00000200; //!< O_EXCL
> static const int TGT_O_NOCTTY = 00000400; //!< O_NOCTTY
> static const int TGT_O_TRUNC = 00001000; //!< O_TRUNC
> static const int TGT_O_APPEND = 00002000; //!< O_APPEND
> static const int TGT_O_NONBLOCK = 00004000; //!< O_NONBLOCK
> static const int TGT_O_SYNC = 00010000; //!< O_SYNC
> static const int TGT_FASYNC = 00020000; //!< FASYNC
> static const int TGT_O_DIRECT = 00040000; //!< O_DIRECT
> static const int TGT_O_LARGEFILE = 00100000; //!< O_LARGEFILE
> static const int TGT_O_DIRECTORY = 00200000; //!< O_DIRECTORY
> static const int TGT_O_NOFOLLOW = 00400000; //!< O_NOFOLLOW
> static const int TGT_O_NOATIME = 01000000; //!< O_NOATIME
> static const int TGT_O_CLOEXEC = 02000000; //!< O_NOATIME
> //@}
> /// For mmap().
> static const unsigned TGT_MAP_ANONYMOUS = 0x20;
> static const unsigned TGT_MAP_FIXED = 0x10;
> //@{
> /// For getrusage().
> static const int TGT_RUSAGE_SELF = 0;
> static const int TGT_RUSAGE_CHILDREN = -1;
> static const int TGT_RUSAGE_BOTH = -2;
> //@}
> //@{
> /// ioctl() command codes.
> static const unsigned TIOCGETP_ = 0x5401;
> static const unsigned TIOCSETP_ = 0x80067409;
> static const unsigned TIOCSETN_ = 0x8006740a;
> static const unsigned TIOCSETC_ = 0x80067411;
> static const unsigned TIOCGETC_ = 0x40067412;
> static const unsigned FIONREAD_ = 0x4004667f;
> static const unsigned TIOCISATTY_ = 0x2000745e;
> static const unsigned TIOCGETS_ = 0x402c7413;
> static const unsigned TIOCGETA_ = 0x5405;
> static const unsigned TCSETAW_ = 0x5407; // 2.6.15 kernel
> //@}
> /// For table().
> static const int TBL_SYSINFO = 12;
> /// Resource enumeration for getrlimit().
> enum rlimit_resources {
> };
> /// Limit struct for getrlimit/setrlimit.
> struct rlimit {
> uint64_t rlim_cur; //!< soft limit
> uint64_t rlim_max; //!< hard limit
> };
> /// For gettimeofday().
> struct timeval {
> int64_t tv_sec; //!< seconds
> int64_t tv_usec; //!< microseconds
> };
> // For writev/readv
> struct tgt_iovec {
> uint64_t iov_base; // void *
> uint64_t iov_len;
> };
> typedef struct {
> uint64_t st_dev;
> uint64_t st_ino;
> uint64_t st_nlink;
> uint32_t st_mode;
> uint32_t st_uid;
> uint32_t st_gid;
> uint32_t __pad0;
> uint64_t st_rdev;
> uint64_t st_size;
> uint64_t st_blksize;
> uint64_t st_blocks;
> uint64_t st_atimeX;
> uint64_t st_atime_nsec;
> uint64_t st_mtimeX;
> uint64_t st_mtime_nsec;
> uint64_t st_ctimeX;
> uint64_t st_ctime_nsec;
> } tgt_stat;
> typedef struct {
> uint64_t st_dev;
> uint64_t st_ino;
> uint32_t st_mode;
> uint32_t st_nlink;
> uint32_t st_uid;
> uint32_t st_gid;
> uint32_t __pad0;
> uint64_t st_rdev;
> uint64_t st_size;
> uint64_t st_blksize;
> uint64_t st_blocks;
> uint64_t st_atimeX;
> uint64_t st_atime_nsec;
> uint64_t st_mtimeX;
> uint64_t st_mtime_nsec;
> uint64_t st_ctimeX;
> uint64_t st_ctime_nsec;
> } tgt_stat64;
> typedef struct {
> int64_t uptime; /* Seconds since boot */
> uint64_t loads[3]; /* 1, 5, and 15 minute load averages */
> uint64_t totalram; /* Total usable main memory size */
> uint64_t freeram; /* Available memory size */
> uint64_t sharedram; /* Amount of shared memory */
> uint64_t bufferram; /* Memory used by buffers */
> uint64_t totalswap; /* Total swap space size */
> uint64_t freeswap; /* swap space still available */
> uint16_t procs; /* Number of current processes */
> uint16_t pad;
> uint64_t totalhigh; /* Total high memory size */
> uint64_t freehigh; /* Available high memory size */
> uint32_t mem_unit; /* Memory unit size in bytes */
> } tgt_sysinfo;
> /// For getrusage().
> struct rusage {
> struct timeval ru_utime; //!< user time used
> struct timeval ru_stime; //!< system time used
> int64_t ru_maxrss; //!< max rss
> int64_t ru_ixrss; //!< integral shared memory size
> int64_t ru_idrss; //!< integral unshared data "
> int64_t ru_isrss; //!< integral unshared stack "
> int64_t ru_minflt; //!< page reclaims - total vmfaults
> int64_t ru_majflt; //!< page faults
> int64_t ru_nswap; //!< swaps
> int64_t ru_inblock; //!< block input operations
> int64_t ru_oublock; //!< block output operations
> int64_t ru_msgsnd; //!< messages sent
> int64_t ru_msgrcv; //!< messages received
> int64_t ru_nsignals; //!< signals received
> int64_t ru_nvcsw; //!< voluntary context switches
> int64_t ru_nivcsw; //!< involuntary "
> };
> /// For times().
> struct tms {
> int64_t tms_utime; //!< user time
> int64_t tms_stime; //!< system time
> int64_t tms_cutime; //!< user time of children
> int64_t tms_cstime; //!< system time of children
> };