> * Copyright (c) 2010 ARM Limited
> * All rights reserved
> *
> * The license below extends only to copyright in the software and shall
> * not be construed as granting a license to any other intellectual
> * property including but not limited to intellectual property relating
> * to a hardware implementation of the functionality of the software
> * licensed hereunder. You may use the software subject to the license
> * terms below provided that you ensure that this notice is replicated
> * unmodified and in its entirety in all distributions of the software,
> * modified or unmodified, in source code or in binary form.
> *
< * Authors: Stephen Hines
> * Authors: Ali Saidi
> * Stephen Hines
> /// Basic ARM Linux types
> typedef uint32_t size_t;
> typedef uint32_t off_t;
> typedef int32_t time_t;
> typedef int32_t clock_t;
> //@}
> //@{
> /// Limit struct for getrlimit/setrlimit.
> struct rlimit {
> uint32_t rlim_cur; //!< soft limit
> uint32_t rlim_max; //!< hard limit
> };
> /// For gettimeofday().
> struct timeval {
> int32_t tv_sec; //!< seconds
> int32_t tv_usec; //!< microseconds
> };
> // For writev/readv
> struct tgt_iovec {
> uint32_t iov_base; // void *
> uint32_t iov_len;
> };
> /// For getrusage().
> struct rusage {
> struct timeval ru_utime; //!< user time used
> struct timeval ru_stime; //!< system time used
> int32_t ru_maxrss; //!< max rss
> int32_t ru_ixrss; //!< integral shared memory size
> int32_t ru_idrss; //!< integral unshared data "
> int32_t ru_isrss; //!< integral unshared stack "
> int32_t ru_minflt; //!< page reclaims - total vmfaults
> int32_t ru_majflt; //!< page faults
> int32_t ru_nswap; //!< swaps
> int32_t ru_inblock; //!< block input operations
> int32_t ru_oublock; //!< block output operations
> int32_t ru_msgsnd; //!< messages sent
> int32_t ru_msgrcv; //!< messages received
> int32_t ru_nsignals; //!< signals received
> int32_t ru_nvcsw; //!< voluntary context switches
> int32_t ru_nivcsw; //!< involuntary "
> };
> /// For times().
> struct tms {
> int32_t tms_utime; //!< user time
> int32_t tms_stime; //!< system time
> int32_t tms_cutime; //!< user time of children
> int32_t tms_cstime; //!< system time of children
> };