< // Copyright (c) 2007-2008 The Florida State University
< // All rights reserved.
> // Copyright (c) 2010 ARM Limited
> // All rights reserved
> // The license below extends only to copyright in the software and shall
> // not be construed as granting a license to any other intellectual
> // property including but not limited to intellectual property relating
> // to a hardware implementation of the functionality of the software
> // licensed hereunder. You may use the software subject to the license
> // terms below provided that you ensure that this notice is replicated
> // unmodified and in its entirety in all distributions of the software,
> // modified or unmodified, in source code or in binary form.
> //
< // Authors: Stephen Hines
< // Gabe Black
> // Authors: Gabe Black
< ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
< //
< // Common microop templates
< //
< def template MicroConstructor {{
< inline %(class_name)s::%(class_name)s(ExtMachInst machInst,
< RegIndex _ura,
< RegIndex _urb,
< uint8_t _imm)
< : %(base_class)s("%(mnemonic)s", machInst, %(op_class)s,
< _ura, _urb, _imm)
< {
< %(constructor)s;
< }
< }};
< ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
< //
< // Load/store microops
< //
< def template MicroMemDeclare {{
< class %(class_name)s : public %(base_class)s
< {
< public:
< %(class_name)s(ExtMachInst machInst,
< RegIndex _ura, RegIndex _urb,
< uint8_t _imm);
< %(BasicExecDeclare)s
< %(InitiateAccDeclare)s
< %(CompleteAccDeclare)s
< };
< }};
< let {{
< microLdrUopIop = InstObjParams('ldr_uop', 'MicroLdrUop',
< 'MicroMemOp',
< {'memacc_code': 'Ra = Mem;',
< 'ea_code': 'EA = Rb + (UP ? imm : -imm);',
< 'predicate_test': predicateTest},
< ['IsMicroop'])
< microLdrRetUopCode = '''
< Ra = Mem;
< Cpsr = cpsrWriteByInstr(Cpsr, Spsr, 0xF, true);
> def format ArmMacroMem() {{
> decode_block = '''
> return new LdmStm(machInst, (IntRegIndex)(uint32_t)RN, !PREPOST, UP,
> PSRUSER, WRITEBACK, LOADOP, machInst.regList);
< microLdrRetUopIop = InstObjParams('ldr_ret_uop', 'MicroLdrRetUop',
< 'MicroMemOp',
< {'memacc_code': microLdrRetUopCode,
< 'ea_code':
< 'EA = Rb + (UP ? imm : -imm);',
< 'predicate_test': predicateTest},
< ['IsMicroop'])
< microStrUopIop = InstObjParams('str_uop', 'MicroStrUop',
< 'MicroMemOp',
< {'memacc_code': 'Mem = Ra;',
< 'ea_code': 'EA = Rb + (UP ? imm : -imm);',
< 'predicate_test': predicateTest},
< ['IsMicroop'])
< header_output = MicroMemDeclare.subst(microLdrUopIop) + \
< MicroMemDeclare.subst(microLdrRetUopIop) + \
< MicroMemDeclare.subst(microStrUopIop)
< decoder_output = MicroConstructor.subst(microLdrUopIop) + \
< MicroConstructor.subst(microLdrRetUopIop) + \
< MicroConstructor.subst(microStrUopIop)
< exec_output = LoadExecute.subst(microLdrUopIop) + \
< LoadExecute.subst(microLdrRetUopIop) + \
< StoreExecute.subst(microStrUopIop) + \
< LoadInitiateAcc.subst(microLdrUopIop) + \
< LoadInitiateAcc.subst(microLdrRetUopIop) + \
< StoreInitiateAcc.subst(microStrUopIop) + \
< LoadCompleteAcc.subst(microLdrUopIop) + \
< LoadCompleteAcc.subst(microLdrRetUopIop) + \
< StoreCompleteAcc.subst(microStrUopIop)
< ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
< //
< // Integer = Integer op Immediate microops
< //
< def template MicroIntDeclare {{
< class %(class_name)s : public %(base_class)s
< {
< public:
< %(class_name)s(ExtMachInst machInst,
< RegIndex _ura, RegIndex _urb,
< uint8_t _imm);
< %(BasicExecDeclare)s
< };
< }};
< let {{
< microAddiUopIop = InstObjParams('addi_uop', 'MicroAddiUop',
< 'MicroIntOp',
< {'code': 'Ra = Rb + imm;',
< 'predicate_test': predicateTest},
< ['IsMicroop'])
< microSubiUopIop = InstObjParams('subi_uop', 'MicroSubiUop',
< 'MicroIntOp',
< {'code': 'Ra = Rb - imm;',
< 'predicate_test': predicateTest},
< ['IsMicroop'])
< header_output = MicroIntDeclare.subst(microAddiUopIop) + \
< MicroIntDeclare.subst(microSubiUopIop)
< decoder_output = MicroConstructor.subst(microAddiUopIop) + \
< MicroConstructor.subst(microSubiUopIop)
< exec_output = PredOpExecute.subst(microAddiUopIop) + \
< PredOpExecute.subst(microSubiUopIop)
< }};
< ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
< //
< // Macro Memory-format instructions
< //
< def template MacroStoreDeclare {{
< /**
< * Static instructions class for a store multiple instruction
< */
< class %(class_name)s : public %(base_class)s
< {
< public:
< // Constructor
< %(class_name)s(ExtMachInst machInst);
< %(BasicExecDeclare)s
< };
< }};
< def template MacroStoreConstructor {{
< inline %(class_name)s::%(class_name)s(ExtMachInst machInst)
< : %(base_class)s("%(mnemonic)s", machInst, %(op_class)s)
< {
< %(constructor)s;
< uint32_t regs = reglist;
< uint32_t addr = 0;
< bool up = machInst.puswl.up;
< if (!up)
< addr = (ones << 2) - 4;
< if (machInst.puswl.prepost)
< addr += 4;
< // Add 0 to Rn and stick it in ureg0.
< // This is equivalent to a move.
< microOps[0] = new MicroAddiUop(machInst, INTREG_UREG0, RN, 0);
< unsigned reg = 0;
< bool force_user = machInst.puswl.psruser & !OPCODE_15;
< bool exception_ret = machInst.puswl.psruser & OPCODE_15;
< for (int i = 1; i < ones + 1; i++) {
< // Find the next register.
< while (!bits(regs, reg))
< reg++;
< replaceBits(regs, reg, 0);
< unsigned regIdx = reg;
< if (force_user) {
< regIdx = intRegForceUser(regIdx);
< }
< if (machInst.puswl.loadOp) {
< if (reg == INTREG_PC && exception_ret) {
< // This must be the exception return form of ldm.
< microOps[i] =
< new MicroLdrRetUop(machInst, regIdx, INTREG_UREG0, addr);
< } else {
< microOps[i] =
< new MicroLdrUop(machInst, regIdx, INTREG_UREG0, addr);
< }
< } else {
< microOps[i] =
< new MicroStrUop(machInst, regIdx, INTREG_UREG0, addr);
< }
< if (up)
< addr += 4;
< else
< addr -= 4;
< }
< StaticInstPtr &lastUop = microOps[numMicroops - 1];
< if (machInst.puswl.writeback) {
< if (up) {
< lastUop = new MicroAddiUop(machInst, RN, RN, ones * 4);
< } else {
< lastUop = new MicroSubiUop(machInst, RN, RN, ones * 4);
< }
< }
< lastUop->setLastMicroop();
< }
< }};
< def template MacroStoreExecute {{
< Fault %(class_name)s::execute(%(CPU_exec_context)s *xc, Trace::InstRecord *traceData) const
< {
< Fault fault = NoFault;
< %(fp_enable_check)s;
< %(op_decl)s;
< %(op_rd)s;
< %(code)s;
< if (fault == NoFault)
< {
< %(op_wb)s;
< }
< return fault;
< }
< }};
< def format ArmMacroStore(code, mem_flags = [], inst_flag = [], *opt_flags) {{
< iop = InstObjParams(name, Name, 'ArmMacroMemoryOp', code, opt_flags)
< header_output = MacroStoreDeclare.subst(iop)
< decoder_output = MacroStoreConstructor.subst(iop)
< decode_block = BasicDecode.subst(iop)
< exec_output = MacroStoreExecute.subst(iop)
< }};