< 0: decode OPCODE {
< 0x0: mul({{ Rn = resTemp = Rm * Rs; }}, none);
< 0x1: mla({{ Rn = resTemp = (Rm * Rs) + Rd; }}, none);
< 0x2: WarnUnimpl::umall();
< 0x4: umull({{
< resTemp = ((uint64_t)Rm)*((uint64_t)Rs);
< Rd = (uint32_t)(resTemp & 0xffffffff);
< Rn = (uint32_t)(resTemp >> 32);
< }}, llbit);
< 0x5: smlal({{
< resTemp = ((int64_t)Rm) * ((int64_t)Rs);
< resTemp += (((uint64_t)Rn) << 32) | ((uint64_t)Rd);
< Rd = (uint32_t)(resTemp & 0xffffffff);
< Rn = (uint32_t)(resTemp >> 32);
< }}, llbit);
< 0x6: smull({{
< resTemp = ((int64_t)(int32_t)Rm)*
< ((int64_t)(int32_t)Rs);
< Rd = (int32_t)(resTemp & 0xffffffff);
< Rn = (int32_t)(resTemp >> 32);
< }}, llbit);
< 0x7: umlal({{
< resTemp = ((uint64_t)Rm)*((uint64_t)Rs);
< resTemp += ((uint64_t)Rn << 32)+((uint64_t)Rd);
< Rd = (uint32_t)(resTemp & 0xffffffff);
< Rn = (uint32_t)(resTemp >> 32);
< }}, llbit);
< }
> 0: ArmMultAndMultAcc::armMultAndMultAcc();
< 1: decode MISC_OPCODE {
< 0x0: decode OPCODE {
< 0x8: PredOp::mrs_cpsr({{
< Rd = (Cpsr | CondCodes) & 0xF8FF03DF;
< }});
< 0x9: decode USEIMM {
< // The mask field is the same as the RN index.
< 0: PredOp::msr_cpsr_reg({{
< uint32_t newCpsr =
< cpsrWriteByInstr(Cpsr | CondCodes,
< Rm, RN, false);
< Cpsr = ~CondCodesMask & newCpsr;
< CondCodes = CondCodesMask & newCpsr;
> 1: decode OPCODE_7 {
> 0x0: decode MISC_OPCODE {
> 0x0: decode OPCODE {
> 0x8: PredOp::mrs_cpsr({{
> Rd = (Cpsr | CondCodes) & 0xF8FF03DF;
< 1: PredImmOp::msr_cpsr_imm({{
< uint32_t newCpsr =
< cpsrWriteByInstr(Cpsr | CondCodes,
< rotated_imm, RN, false);
< Cpsr = ~CondCodesMask & newCpsr;
< CondCodes = CondCodesMask & newCpsr;
< }});
> 0x9: decode USEIMM {
> // The mask field is the same as the RN index.
> 0: PredOp::msr_cpsr_reg({{
> uint32_t newCpsr =
> cpsrWriteByInstr(Cpsr | CondCodes,
> Rm, RN, false);
> Cpsr = ~CondCodesMask & newCpsr;
> CondCodes = CondCodesMask & newCpsr;
> }});
> 1: PredImmOp::msr_cpsr_imm({{
> uint32_t newCpsr =
> cpsrWriteByInstr(Cpsr | CondCodes,
> rotated_imm, RN, false);
> Cpsr = ~CondCodesMask & newCpsr;
> CondCodes = CondCodesMask & newCpsr;
> }});
> }
> 0xa: PredOp::mrs_spsr({{ Rd = Spsr; }});
> 0xb: decode USEIMM {
> // The mask field is the same as the RN index.
> 0: PredOp::msr_spsr_reg({{
> Spsr = spsrWriteByInstr(Spsr, Rm, RN, false);
> }});
> 1: PredImmOp::msr_spsr_imm({{
> Spsr = spsrWriteByInstr(Spsr, rotated_imm,
> RN, false);
> }});
> }
< 0xa: PredOp::mrs_spsr({{ Rd = Spsr; }});
< 0xb: decode USEIMM {
< // The mask field is the same as the RN index.
< 0: PredOp::msr_spsr_reg({{
< Spsr = spsrWriteByInstr(Spsr, Rm, RN, false);
> 0x1: decode OPCODE {
> 0x9: ArmBx::armBx();
> 0xb: PredOp::clz({{
> Rd = ((Rm == 0) ? 32 : (31 - findMsbSet(Rm)));
< 1: PredImmOp::msr_spsr_imm({{
< Spsr = spsrWriteByInstr(Spsr, rotated_imm,
< RN, false);
< }});
> 0x2: decode OPCODE {
> 0x9: WarnUnimpl::bxj();
> }
> 0x3: decode OPCODE {
> 0x9: ArmBlxReg::armBlxReg();
> }
> 0x5: decode OPCODE {
> 0x8: WarnUnimpl::qadd();
> 0x9: WarnUnimpl::qsub();
> 0xa: WarnUnimpl::qdadd();
> 0xb: WarnUnimpl::qdsub();
> }
< 0x1: decode OPCODE {
< 0x9: ArmBx::armBx();
< 0xb: PredOp::clz({{
< Rd = ((Rm == 0) ? 32 : (31 - findMsbSet(Rm)));
< }});
< }
< 0x2: decode OPCODE {
< 0x9: WarnUnimpl::bxj();
< }
< 0x3: decode OPCODE {
< 0x9: ArmBlxReg::armBlxReg();
< }
< 0x5: decode OPCODE {
< 0x8: WarnUnimpl::qadd();
< 0x9: WarnUnimpl::qsub();
< 0xa: WarnUnimpl::qdadd();
< 0xb: WarnUnimpl::qdsub();
< }
< 0x8: decode OPCODE {
< 0x8: smlabb({{ Rn = resTemp = sext<16>(Rm<15:0>) * sext<16>(Rs<15:0>) + Rd; }}, overflow);
< 0x9: WarnUnimpl::smlalbb();
< 0xa: WarnUnimpl::smlawb();
< 0xb: smulbb({{ Rn = resTemp = sext<16>(Rm<15:0>) * sext<16>(Rs<15:0>); }}, none);
< }
< 0xa: decode OPCODE {
< 0x8: smlatb({{ Rn = resTemp = sext<16>(Rm<31:16>) * sext<16>(Rs<15:0>) + Rd; }}, overflow);
< 0x9: smulwb({{
< Rn = resTemp = bits(sext<32>(Rm) * sext<16>(Rs<15:0>), 47, 16);
< }}, none);
< 0xa: WarnUnimpl::smlaltb();
< 0xb: smultb({{ Rn = resTemp = sext<16>(Rm<31:16>) * sext<16>(Rs<15:0>); }}, none);
< }
< 0xc: decode OPCODE {
< 0x8: smlabt({{ Rn = resTemp = sext<16>(Rm<15:0>) * sext<16>(Rs<31:16>) + Rd; }}, overflow);
< 0x9: WarnUnimpl::smlawt();
< 0xa: WarnUnimpl::smlalbt();
< 0xb: smulbt({{ Rn = resTemp = sext<16>(Rm<15:0>) * sext<16>(Rs<31:16>); }}, none);
< }
< 0xe: decode OPCODE {
< 0x8: smlatt({{ Rn = resTemp = sext<16>(Rm<31:16>) * sext<16>(Rs<31:16>) + Rd; }}, overflow);
< 0x9: smulwt({{
< Rn = resTemp = bits(sext<32>(Rm) * sext<16>(Rs<31:16>), 47, 16);
< }}, none);
< 0xa: WarnUnimpl::smlaltt();
< 0xb: smultt({{ Rn = resTemp = sext<16>(Rm<31:16>) * sext<16>(Rs<31:16>); }}, none);
< }
> 0x1: ArmHalfWordMultAndMultAcc::armHalfWordMultAndMultAcc();
< 1: decode MEDIA_OPCODE {
< 0x0, 0x1, 0x2, 0x3, 0x4, 0x5, 0x6, 0x7: WarnUnimpl::parallel_add_subtract_instructions();
< 0x8: decode MISC_OPCODE {
< 0x1, 0x9: WarnUnimpl::pkhbt();
< 0x7: WarnUnimpl::sxtab16();
< 0xb: WarnUnimpl::sel();
< 0x5, 0xd: WarnUnimpl::pkhtb();
< 0x3: WarnUnimpl::sign_zero_extend_add();
< }
< 0xa, 0xb: decode SHIFT {
< 0x0, 0x2: WarnUnimpl::ssat();
< 0x1: WarnUnimpl::ssat16();
< }
< 0xe, 0xf: decode SHIFT {
< 0x0, 0x2: WarnUnimpl::usat();
< 0x1: WarnUnimpl::usat16();
< }
< 0x10: decode RN {
< 0xf: decode MISC_OPCODE {
< 0x1: WarnUnimpl::smuad();
< 0x3: WarnUnimpl::smuadx();
< 0x5: WarnUnimpl::smusd();
< 0x7: WarnUnimpl::smusdx();
> 1: decode OPCODE_24_23 {
> 0x0: WarnUnimpl::parallel_add_subtract_instructions();
> 0x1: decode MEDIA_OPCODE {
> 0x8: decode MISC_OPCODE {
> 0x1, 0x9: WarnUnimpl::pkhbt();
> 0x7: WarnUnimpl::sxtab16();
> 0xb: WarnUnimpl::sel();
> 0x5, 0xd: WarnUnimpl::pkhtb();
> 0x3: WarnUnimpl::sign_zero_extend_add();
< default: decode MISC_OPCODE {
< 0x1: WarnUnimpl::smlad();
< 0x3: WarnUnimpl::smladx();
< 0x5: WarnUnimpl::smlsd();
< 0x7: WarnUnimpl::smlsdx();
> 0xa, 0xb: decode SHIFT {
> 0x0, 0x2: WarnUnimpl::ssat();
> 0x1: WarnUnimpl::ssat16();
> 0xe, 0xf: decode SHIFT {
> 0x0, 0x2: WarnUnimpl::usat();
> 0x1: WarnUnimpl::usat16();
> }
< 0x14: decode MISC_OPCODE {
< 0x1: WarnUnimpl::smlald();
< 0x3: WarnUnimpl::smlaldx();
< 0x5: WarnUnimpl::smlsld();
< 0x7: WarnUnimpl::smlsldx();
< }
< 0x15: decode RN {
< 0xf: decode MISC_OPCODE {
< 0x1: WarnUnimpl::smmul();
< 0x3: WarnUnimpl::smmulr();
> 0x2: ArmSignedMultiplies::armSignedMultiplies();
> 0x3: decode MEDIA_OPCODE {
> 0x18: decode RN {
> 0xf: WarnUnimpl::usada8();
> default: WarnUnimpl::usad8();
< default: decode MISC_OPCODE {
< 0x1: WarnUnimpl::smmla();
< 0x3: WarnUnimpl::smmlar();
< 0xd: WarnUnimpl::smmls();
< 0xf: WarnUnimpl::smmlsr();
< }
< 0x18: decode RN {
< 0xf: WarnUnimpl::usada8();
< default: WarnUnimpl::usad8();
< }