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sdiff udiff text old ( 7433:b812790a16eb ) new ( 7732:a2c660de7787 )
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1// -*- mode:c++ -*-
3// Copyright (c) 2010 ARM Limited
4// All rights reserved
6// The license below extends only to copyright in the software and shall
7// not be construed as granting a license to any other intellectual
8// property including but not limited to intellectual property relating

--- 76 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

85 }
86 0x2: AddrMode2::addrMode2(True);
87 0x3: decode OPCODE_4 {
88 0: AddrMode2::addrMode2(False);
89 1: decode OPCODE_24_23 {
90 0x0: ArmParallelAddSubtract::armParallelAddSubtract();
91 0x1: ArmPackUnpackSatReverse::armPackUnpackSatReverse();
92 0x2: ArmSignedMultiplies::armSignedMultiplies();
93 0x3: ArmMiscMedia::armMiscMedia();
94 }
95 }
96 0x4: ArmMacroMem::armMacroMem();
97 0x5: decode OPCODE_24 {
98 0: ArmBBlxImm::armBBlxImm();
99 1: ArmBlBlxImm::armBlBlxImm();
100 }
101 0x6: decode CPNUM {
102 0xa, 0xb: ExtensionRegLoadStore::extensionRegLoadStore();
103 }
104 0x7: decode OPCODE_24 {
105 0: decode OPCODE_4 {
106 0: decode CPNUM {
107 0xa, 0xb: VfpData::vfpData();
108 } // CPNUM
109 1: decode CPNUM { // 27-24=1110,4 ==1
110 0xa, 0xb: ShortFpTransfer::shortFpTransfer();
111 0xf: McrMrc15::mcrMrc15();
112 } // CPNUM (OP4 == 1)
113 } //OPCODE_4
115 1: Svc::svc();
116 } // OPCODE_24