< * Copyright (c) 2010 ARM Limited
> * Copyright (c) 2010-2013 ARM Limited
> #include "arch/arm/insts/neon64_mem.hh"
> PairMemOp::PairMemOp(const char *mnem, ExtMachInst machInst, OpClass __opClass,
> uint32_t size, bool fp, bool load, bool noAlloc,
> bool signExt, bool exclusive, bool acrel,
> int64_t imm, AddrMode mode,
> IntRegIndex rn, IntRegIndex rt, IntRegIndex rt2) :
> PredMacroOp(mnem, machInst, __opClass)
> {
> bool writeback = (mode != AddrMd_Offset);
> numMicroops = 1 + (size / 4) + (writeback ? 1 : 0);
> microOps = new StaticInstPtr[numMicroops];
> StaticInstPtr *uop = microOps;
> bool post = (mode == AddrMd_PostIndex);
> rn = makeSP(rn);
> *uop = new MicroAddXiSpAlignUop(machInst, INTREG_UREG0, rn, post ? 0 : imm);
> if (fp) {
> if (size == 16) {
> if (load) {
> *++uop = new MicroLdrQBFpXImmUop(machInst, rt,
> INTREG_UREG0, 0, noAlloc, exclusive, acrel);
> *++uop = new MicroLdrQTFpXImmUop(machInst, rt,
> INTREG_UREG0, 0, noAlloc, exclusive, acrel);
> *++uop = new MicroLdrQBFpXImmUop(machInst, rt2,
> INTREG_UREG0, 16, noAlloc, exclusive, acrel);
> *++uop = new MicroLdrQTFpXImmUop(machInst, rt2,
> INTREG_UREG0, 16, noAlloc, exclusive, acrel);
> } else {
> *++uop = new MicroStrQBFpXImmUop(machInst, rt,
> INTREG_UREG0, 0, noAlloc, exclusive, acrel);
> *++uop = new MicroStrQTFpXImmUop(machInst, rt,
> INTREG_UREG0, 0, noAlloc, exclusive, acrel);
> *++uop = new MicroStrQBFpXImmUop(machInst, rt2,
> INTREG_UREG0, 16, noAlloc, exclusive, acrel);
> *++uop = new MicroStrQTFpXImmUop(machInst, rt2,
> INTREG_UREG0, 16, noAlloc, exclusive, acrel);
> }
> } else if (size == 8) {
> if (load) {
> *++uop = new MicroLdrFpXImmUop(machInst, rt,
> INTREG_UREG0, 0, noAlloc, exclusive, acrel);
> *++uop = new MicroLdrFpXImmUop(machInst, rt2,
> INTREG_UREG0, 8, noAlloc, exclusive, acrel);
> } else {
> *++uop = new MicroStrFpXImmUop(machInst, rt,
> INTREG_UREG0, 0, noAlloc, exclusive, acrel);
> *++uop = new MicroStrFpXImmUop(machInst, rt2,
> INTREG_UREG0, 8, noAlloc, exclusive, acrel);
> }
> } else if (size == 4) {
> if (load) {
> *++uop = new MicroLdrDFpXImmUop(machInst, rt, rt2,
> INTREG_UREG0, 0, noAlloc, exclusive, acrel);
> } else {
> *++uop = new MicroStrDFpXImmUop(machInst, rt, rt2,
> INTREG_UREG0, 0, noAlloc, exclusive, acrel);
> }
> }
> } else {
> if (size == 8) {
> if (load) {
> *++uop = new MicroLdrXImmUop(machInst, rt, INTREG_UREG0,
> 0, noAlloc, exclusive, acrel);
> *++uop = new MicroLdrXImmUop(machInst, rt2, INTREG_UREG0,
> size, noAlloc, exclusive, acrel);
> } else {
> *++uop = new MicroStrXImmUop(machInst, rt, INTREG_UREG0,
> 0, noAlloc, exclusive, acrel);
> *++uop = new MicroStrXImmUop(machInst, rt2, INTREG_UREG0,
> size, noAlloc, exclusive, acrel);
> }
> } else if (size == 4) {
> if (load) {
> if (signExt) {
> *++uop = new MicroLdrDSXImmUop(machInst, rt, rt2,
> INTREG_UREG0, 0, noAlloc, exclusive, acrel);
> } else {
> *++uop = new MicroLdrDUXImmUop(machInst, rt, rt2,
> INTREG_UREG0, 0, noAlloc, exclusive, acrel);
> }
> } else {
> *++uop = new MicroStrDXImmUop(machInst, rt, rt2,
> INTREG_UREG0, 0, noAlloc, exclusive, acrel);
> }
> }
> }
> if (writeback) {
> *++uop = new MicroAddXiUop(machInst, rn, INTREG_UREG0,
> post ? imm : 0);
> }
> (*uop)->setLastMicroop();
> for (StaticInstPtr *curUop = microOps;
> !(*curUop)->isLastMicroop(); curUop++) {
> (*curUop)->setDelayedCommit();
> }
> }
> BigFpMemImmOp::BigFpMemImmOp(const char *mnem, ExtMachInst machInst,
> OpClass __opClass, bool load, IntRegIndex dest,
> IntRegIndex base, int64_t imm) :
> PredMacroOp(mnem, machInst, __opClass)
> {
> numMicroops = 2;
> microOps = new StaticInstPtr[numMicroops];
> if (load) {
> microOps[0] = new MicroLdrQBFpXImmUop(machInst, dest, base, imm);
> microOps[1] = new MicroLdrQTFpXImmUop(machInst, dest, base, imm);
> } else {
> microOps[0] = new MicroStrQBFpXImmUop(machInst, dest, base, imm);
> microOps[1] = new MicroStrQTFpXImmUop(machInst, dest, base, imm);
> }
> microOps[0]->setDelayedCommit();
> microOps[1]->setLastMicroop();
> }
> BigFpMemPostOp::BigFpMemPostOp(const char *mnem, ExtMachInst machInst,
> OpClass __opClass, bool load, IntRegIndex dest,
> IntRegIndex base, int64_t imm) :
> PredMacroOp(mnem, machInst, __opClass)
> {
> numMicroops = 3;
> microOps = new StaticInstPtr[numMicroops];
> if (load) {
> microOps[0] = new MicroLdrQBFpXImmUop(machInst, dest, base, 0);
> microOps[1] = new MicroLdrQTFpXImmUop(machInst, dest, base, 0);
> } else {
> microOps[0] = new MicroStrQBFpXImmUop(machInst, dest, base, 0);
> microOps[1] = new MicroStrQTFpXImmUop(machInst, dest, base, 0);
> }
> microOps[2] = new MicroAddXiUop(machInst, base, base, imm);
> microOps[0]->setDelayedCommit();
> microOps[1]->setDelayedCommit();
> microOps[2]->setLastMicroop();
> }
> BigFpMemPreOp::BigFpMemPreOp(const char *mnem, ExtMachInst machInst,
> OpClass __opClass, bool load, IntRegIndex dest,
> IntRegIndex base, int64_t imm) :
> PredMacroOp(mnem, machInst, __opClass)
> {
> numMicroops = 3;
> microOps = new StaticInstPtr[numMicroops];
> if (load) {
> microOps[0] = new MicroLdrQBFpXImmUop(machInst, dest, base, imm);
> microOps[1] = new MicroLdrQTFpXImmUop(machInst, dest, base, imm);
> } else {
> microOps[0] = new MicroStrQBFpXImmUop(machInst, dest, base, imm);
> microOps[1] = new MicroStrQTFpXImmUop(machInst, dest, base, imm);
> }
> microOps[2] = new MicroAddXiUop(machInst, base, base, imm);
> microOps[0]->setDelayedCommit();
> microOps[1]->setDelayedCommit();
> microOps[2]->setLastMicroop();
> }
> BigFpMemRegOp::BigFpMemRegOp(const char *mnem, ExtMachInst machInst,
> OpClass __opClass, bool load, IntRegIndex dest,
> IntRegIndex base, IntRegIndex offset,
> ArmExtendType type, int64_t imm) :
> PredMacroOp(mnem, machInst, __opClass)
> {
> numMicroops = 2;
> microOps = new StaticInstPtr[numMicroops];
> if (load) {
> microOps[0] = new MicroLdrQBFpXRegUop(machInst, dest, base,
> offset, type, imm);
> microOps[1] = new MicroLdrQTFpXRegUop(machInst, dest, base,
> offset, type, imm);
> } else {
> microOps[0] = new MicroStrQBFpXRegUop(machInst, dest, base,
> offset, type, imm);
> microOps[1] = new MicroStrQTFpXRegUop(machInst, dest, base,
> offset, type, imm);
> }
> microOps[0]->setDelayedCommit();
> microOps[1]->setLastMicroop();
> }
> BigFpMemLitOp::BigFpMemLitOp(const char *mnem, ExtMachInst machInst,
> OpClass __opClass, IntRegIndex dest,
> int64_t imm) :
> PredMacroOp(mnem, machInst, __opClass)
> {
> numMicroops = 2;
> microOps = new StaticInstPtr[numMicroops];
> microOps[0] = new MicroLdrQBFpXLitUop(machInst, dest, imm);
> microOps[1] = new MicroLdrQTFpXLitUop(machInst, dest, imm);
> microOps[0]->setDelayedCommit();
> microOps[1]->setLastMicroop();
> }
< RegIndex rMid = deinterleave ? NumFloatArchRegs : vd * 2;
> RegIndex rMid = deinterleave ? NumFloatV7ArchRegs : vd * 2;
< RegIndex ufp0 = NumFloatArchRegs;
> RegIndex ufp0 = NumFloatV7ArchRegs;
< RegIndex rMid = interleave ? NumFloatArchRegs : vd * 2;
> RegIndex rMid = interleave ? NumFloatV7ArchRegs : vd * 2;
< RegIndex ufp0 = NumFloatArchRegs;
> RegIndex ufp0 = NumFloatV7ArchRegs;
> VldMultOp64::VldMultOp64(const char *mnem, ExtMachInst machInst,
> OpClass __opClass, RegIndex rn, RegIndex vd,
> RegIndex rm, uint8_t eSize, uint8_t dataSize,
> uint8_t numStructElems, uint8_t numRegs, bool wb) :
> PredMacroOp(mnem, machInst, __opClass)
> {
> RegIndex vx = NumFloatV8ArchRegs / 4;
> RegIndex rnsp = (RegIndex) makeSP((IntRegIndex) rn);
> bool baseIsSP = isSP((IntRegIndex) rnsp);
> numMicroops = wb ? 1 : 0;
> int totNumBytes = numRegs * dataSize / 8;
> assert(totNumBytes <= 64);
> // The guiding principle here is that no more than 16 bytes can be
> // transferred at a time
> int numMemMicroops = totNumBytes / 16;
> int residuum = totNumBytes % 16;
> if (residuum)
> ++numMemMicroops;
> numMicroops += numMemMicroops;
> int numMarshalMicroops = numRegs / 2 + (numRegs % 2 ? 1 : 0);
> numMicroops += numMarshalMicroops;
> microOps = new StaticInstPtr[numMicroops];
> unsigned uopIdx = 0;
> uint32_t memaccessFlags = TLB::MustBeOne | (TLB::ArmFlags) eSize |
> TLB::AllowUnaligned;
> int i = 0;
> for(; i < numMemMicroops - 1; ++i) {
> microOps[uopIdx++] = new MicroNeonLoad64(
> machInst, vx + (RegIndex) i, rnsp, 16 * i, memaccessFlags,
> baseIsSP, 16 /* accSize */, eSize);
> }
> microOps[uopIdx++] = new MicroNeonLoad64(
> machInst, vx + (RegIndex) i, rnsp, 16 * i, memaccessFlags, baseIsSP,
> residuum ? residuum : 16 /* accSize */, eSize);
> // Writeback microop: the post-increment amount is encoded in "Rm": a
> // 64-bit general register OR as '11111' for an immediate value equal to
> // the total number of bytes transferred (i.e. 8, 16, 24, 32, 48 or 64)
> if (wb) {
> if (rm != ((RegIndex) INTREG_X31)) {
> microOps[uopIdx++] = new MicroAddXERegUop(machInst, rnsp, rnsp, rm,
> UXTX, 0);
> } else {
> microOps[uopIdx++] = new MicroAddXiUop(machInst, rnsp, rnsp,
> totNumBytes);
> }
> }
> for (int i = 0; i < numMarshalMicroops; ++i) {
> microOps[uopIdx++] = new MicroDeintNeon64(
> machInst, vd + (RegIndex) (2 * i), vx, eSize, dataSize,
> numStructElems, numRegs, i /* step */);
> }
> assert(uopIdx == numMicroops);
> for (int i = 0; i < numMicroops - 1; ++i) {
> microOps[i]->setDelayedCommit();
> }
> microOps[numMicroops - 1]->setLastMicroop();
> }
> VstMultOp64::VstMultOp64(const char *mnem, ExtMachInst machInst,
> OpClass __opClass, RegIndex rn, RegIndex vd,
> RegIndex rm, uint8_t eSize, uint8_t dataSize,
> uint8_t numStructElems, uint8_t numRegs, bool wb) :
> PredMacroOp(mnem, machInst, __opClass)
> {
> RegIndex vx = NumFloatV8ArchRegs / 4;
> RegIndex rnsp = (RegIndex) makeSP((IntRegIndex) rn);
> bool baseIsSP = isSP((IntRegIndex) rnsp);
> numMicroops = wb ? 1 : 0;
> int totNumBytes = numRegs * dataSize / 8;
> assert(totNumBytes <= 64);
> // The guiding principle here is that no more than 16 bytes can be
> // transferred at a time
> int numMemMicroops = totNumBytes / 16;
> int residuum = totNumBytes % 16;
> if (residuum)
> ++numMemMicroops;
> numMicroops += numMemMicroops;
> int numMarshalMicroops = totNumBytes > 32 ? 2 : 1;
> numMicroops += numMarshalMicroops;
> microOps = new StaticInstPtr[numMicroops];
> unsigned uopIdx = 0;
> for(int i = 0; i < numMarshalMicroops; ++i) {
> microOps[uopIdx++] = new MicroIntNeon64(
> machInst, vx + (RegIndex) (2 * i), vd, eSize, dataSize,
> numStructElems, numRegs, i /* step */);
> }
> uint32_t memaccessFlags = TLB::MustBeOne | (TLB::ArmFlags) eSize |
> TLB::AllowUnaligned;
> int i = 0;
> for(; i < numMemMicroops - 1; ++i) {
> microOps[uopIdx++] = new MicroNeonStore64(
> machInst, vx + (RegIndex) i, rnsp, 16 * i, memaccessFlags,
> baseIsSP, 16 /* accSize */, eSize);
> }
> microOps[uopIdx++] = new MicroNeonStore64(
> machInst, vx + (RegIndex) i, rnsp, 16 * i, memaccessFlags, baseIsSP,
> residuum ? residuum : 16 /* accSize */, eSize);
> // Writeback microop: the post-increment amount is encoded in "Rm": a
> // 64-bit general register OR as '11111' for an immediate value equal to
> // the total number of bytes transferred (i.e. 8, 16, 24, 32, 48 or 64)
> if (wb) {
> if (rm != ((RegIndex) INTREG_X31)) {
> microOps[uopIdx++] = new MicroAddXERegUop(machInst, rnsp, rnsp, rm,
> UXTX, 0);
> } else {
> microOps[uopIdx++] = new MicroAddXiUop(machInst, rnsp, rnsp,
> totNumBytes);
> }
> }
> assert(uopIdx == numMicroops);
> for (int i = 0; i < numMicroops - 1; i++) {
> microOps[i]->setDelayedCommit();
> }
> microOps[numMicroops - 1]->setLastMicroop();
> }
> VldSingleOp64::VldSingleOp64(const char *mnem, ExtMachInst machInst,
> OpClass __opClass, RegIndex rn, RegIndex vd,
> RegIndex rm, uint8_t eSize, uint8_t dataSize,
> uint8_t numStructElems, uint8_t index, bool wb,
> bool replicate) :
> PredMacroOp(mnem, machInst, __opClass)
> {
> RegIndex vx = NumFloatV8ArchRegs / 4;
> RegIndex rnsp = (RegIndex) makeSP((IntRegIndex) rn);
> bool baseIsSP = isSP((IntRegIndex) rnsp);
> numMicroops = wb ? 1 : 0;
> int eSizeBytes = 1 << eSize;
> int totNumBytes = numStructElems * eSizeBytes;
> assert(totNumBytes <= 64);
> // The guiding principle here is that no more than 16 bytes can be
> // transferred at a time
> int numMemMicroops = totNumBytes / 16;
> int residuum = totNumBytes % 16;
> if (residuum)
> ++numMemMicroops;
> numMicroops += numMemMicroops;
> int numMarshalMicroops = numStructElems / 2 + (numStructElems % 2 ? 1 : 0);
> numMicroops += numMarshalMicroops;
> microOps = new StaticInstPtr[numMicroops];
> unsigned uopIdx = 0;
> uint32_t memaccessFlags = TLB::MustBeOne | (TLB::ArmFlags) eSize |
> TLB::AllowUnaligned;
> int i = 0;
> for (; i < numMemMicroops - 1; ++i) {
> microOps[uopIdx++] = new MicroNeonLoad64(
> machInst, vx + (RegIndex) i, rnsp, 16 * i, memaccessFlags,
> baseIsSP, 16 /* accSize */, eSize);
> }
> microOps[uopIdx++] = new MicroNeonLoad64(
> machInst, vx + (RegIndex) i, rnsp, 16 * i, memaccessFlags, baseIsSP,
> residuum ? residuum : 16 /* accSize */, eSize);
> // Writeback microop: the post-increment amount is encoded in "Rm": a
> // 64-bit general register OR as '11111' for an immediate value equal to
> // the total number of bytes transferred (i.e. 8, 16, 24, 32, 48 or 64)
> if (wb) {
> if (rm != ((RegIndex) INTREG_X31)) {
> microOps[uopIdx++] = new MicroAddXERegUop(machInst, rnsp, rnsp, rm,
> UXTX, 0);
> } else {
> microOps[uopIdx++] = new MicroAddXiUop(machInst, rnsp, rnsp,
> totNumBytes);
> }
> }
> for(int i = 0; i < numMarshalMicroops; ++i) {
> microOps[uopIdx++] = new MicroUnpackNeon64(
> machInst, vd + (RegIndex) (2 * i), vx, eSize, dataSize,
> numStructElems, index, i /* step */, replicate);
> }
> assert(uopIdx == numMicroops);
> for (int i = 0; i < numMicroops - 1; i++) {
> microOps[i]->setDelayedCommit();
> }
> microOps[numMicroops - 1]->setLastMicroop();
> }
> VstSingleOp64::VstSingleOp64(const char *mnem, ExtMachInst machInst,
> OpClass __opClass, RegIndex rn, RegIndex vd,
> RegIndex rm, uint8_t eSize, uint8_t dataSize,
> uint8_t numStructElems, uint8_t index, bool wb,
> bool replicate) :
> PredMacroOp(mnem, machInst, __opClass)
> {
> RegIndex vx = NumFloatV8ArchRegs / 4;
> RegIndex rnsp = (RegIndex) makeSP((IntRegIndex) rn);
> bool baseIsSP = isSP((IntRegIndex) rnsp);
> numMicroops = wb ? 1 : 0;
> int eSizeBytes = 1 << eSize;
> int totNumBytes = numStructElems * eSizeBytes;
> assert(totNumBytes <= 64);
> // The guiding principle here is that no more than 16 bytes can be
> // transferred at a time
> int numMemMicroops = totNumBytes / 16;
> int residuum = totNumBytes % 16;
> if (residuum)
> ++numMemMicroops;
> numMicroops += numMemMicroops;
> int numMarshalMicroops = totNumBytes > 32 ? 2 : 1;
> numMicroops += numMarshalMicroops;
> microOps = new StaticInstPtr[numMicroops];
> unsigned uopIdx = 0;
> for(int i = 0; i < numMarshalMicroops; ++i) {
> microOps[uopIdx++] = new MicroPackNeon64(
> machInst, vx + (RegIndex) (2 * i), vd, eSize, dataSize,
> numStructElems, index, i /* step */, replicate);
> }
> uint32_t memaccessFlags = TLB::MustBeOne | (TLB::ArmFlags) eSize |
> TLB::AllowUnaligned;
> int i = 0;
> for(; i < numMemMicroops - 1; ++i) {
> microOps[uopIdx++] = new MicroNeonStore64(
> machInst, vx + (RegIndex) i, rnsp, 16 * i, memaccessFlags,
> baseIsSP, 16 /* accsize */, eSize);
> }
> microOps[uopIdx++] = new MicroNeonStore64(
> machInst, vx + (RegIndex) i, rnsp, 16 * i, memaccessFlags, baseIsSP,
> residuum ? residuum : 16 /* accSize */, eSize);
> // Writeback microop: the post-increment amount is encoded in "Rm": a
> // 64-bit general register OR as '11111' for an immediate value equal to
> // the total number of bytes transferred (i.e. 8, 16, 24, 32, 48 or 64)
> if (wb) {
> if (rm != ((RegIndex) INTREG_X31)) {
> microOps[uopIdx++] = new MicroAddXERegUop(machInst, rnsp, rnsp, rm,
> UXTX, 0);
> } else {
> microOps[uopIdx++] = new MicroAddXiUop(machInst, rnsp, rnsp,
> totNumBytes);
> }
> }
> assert(uopIdx == numMicroops);
> for (int i = 0; i < numMicroops - 1; i++) {
> microOps[i]->setDelayedCommit();
> }
> microOps[numMicroops - 1]->setLastMicroop();
> }
< if (count == 0 || count > NumFloatArchRegs)
> if (count == 0 || count > NumFloatV7ArchRegs)
< if (count > NumFloatArchRegs)
< count = NumFloatArchRegs;
> if (count > NumFloatV7ArchRegs)
> count = NumFloatV7ArchRegs;
> MicroIntImmXOp::generateDisassembly(Addr pc, const SymbolTable *symtab) const
> {
> std::stringstream ss;
> printMnemonic(ss);
> printReg(ss, ura);
> ss << ", ";
> printReg(ss, urb);
> ss << ", ";
> ccprintf(ss, "#%d", imm);
> return ss.str();
> }
> std::string
> MicroIntRegXOp::generateDisassembly(Addr pc, const SymbolTable *symtab) const
> {
> std::stringstream ss;
> printMnemonic(ss);
> printReg(ss, ura);
> ccprintf(ss, ", ");
> printReg(ss, urb);
> printExtendOperand(false, ss, (IntRegIndex)urc, type, shiftAmt);
> return ss.str();
> }
> std::string