> /** Look up table for subByttes transformation */
> static const uint8_t aesSBOX[256];
> /** Look up table for inverse subBytes transformation */
> static const uint8_t aesInvSBOX[256];
> static const uint8_t aesSHIFT[16];
> static const uint8_t aesINVSHIFT[16];
> /**
> * Look up table for Finite Field logarithm where the base
> * is the element {03} in the field G(256)
> */
> static const uint8_t aesFFLOG[256];
> /**
> * Look up table for {03}^X where {03} and X are elements
> * in the filed G(256)
> */
> static const uint8_t aesFFEXP[256];
> /** Finite field multiplication of two elements in the field G(256) */
> uint8_t aesFFMul(uint8_t a, uint8_t b);
> uint8_t aesFFMul2(uint8_t a)
> {
> return ((a & 0x80) ? ((a << 1) ^ 0x1b) : (a << 1));
> }
> void aesSubBytes(uint8_t *output, uint8_t *input);
> void aesInvSubBytes(uint8_t *output, uint8_t *input);
> void aesShiftRows(uint8_t *output, uint8_t *input);
> void aesInvShiftRows(uint8_t *output, uint8_t *input);
> void aesAddRoundKey(uint8_t *output, uint8_t *input, uint8_t *key);
> void aesMixColumns(uint8_t *output, uint8_t *input);
> void aesInvMixColumns(uint8_t *output, uint8_t *input);
> void aesEncrypt(uint8_t *output, uint8_t *input, uint8_t *key);
> void aesDecrypt(uint8_t *output, uint8_t *input, uint8_t *key);