> #include <unistd.h>
< #include <unistd.h>
< RemoteGDB::RemoteGDB(System *_system, ThreadContext *c)
< : BaseRemoteGDB(_system, c, KGDB_NUMREGS)
> RemoteGDB::RemoteGDB(System *_system, ThreadContext *tc)
> : BaseRemoteGDB(_system, tc, KGDB_NUMREGS)
< ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
< // RemoteGDB::acc
< //
< // Determine if the mapping at va..(va+len) is valid.
< //
> /*
> * Determine if the mapping at va..(va+len) is valid.
> */
< /**
< * This code says that all accesses to palcode (instruction and data)
< * are valid since there isn't a va->pa mapping because palcode is
< * accessed physically. At some point this should probably be cleaned up
< * but there is no easy way to do it.
< */
> /**
> * This code says that all accesses to palcode (instruction
> * and data) are valid since there isn't a va->pa mapping
> * because palcode is accessed physically. At some point this
> * should probably be cleaned up but there is no easy way to
> * do it.
> */
< PageTableEntry pte = kernel_pte_lookup(context->getPhysPort(), ptbr, va);
> PageTableEntry pte =
> kernel_pte_lookup(context->getPhysPort(), ptbr, va);
< ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
< // RemoteGDB::getregs
< //
< // Translate the kernel debugger register format into
< // the GDB register format.
> /*
> * Translate the kernel debugger register format into the GDB register
> * format.
> */
< ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
< // RemoteGDB::setregs
< //
< // Translate the GDB register format into the kernel
< // debugger register format.
< //
> /*
> * Translate the GDB register format into the kernel debugger register
> * format.
> */