< using namespace LittleEndianGuest;
> typedef uint32_t MachInst;
> typedef uint64_t ExtMachInst;
> typedef uint8_t RegIndex;
> const int NumIntArchRegs = 32;
> const int NumPALShadowRegs = 8;
> const int NumFloatArchRegs = 32;
> // @todo: Figure out what this number really should be.
> const int NumMiscArchRegs = 32;
> // Static instruction parameters
> const int MaxInstSrcRegs = 3;
> const int MaxInstDestRegs = 2;
> // semantically meaningful register indices
> const int ZeroReg = 31; // architecturally meaningful
> // the rest of these depend on the ABI
> const int StackPointerReg = 30;
> const int GlobalPointerReg = 29;
> const int ProcedureValueReg = 27;
> const int ReturnAddressReg = 26;
> const int ReturnValueReg = 0;
> const int FramePointerReg = 15;
> const int ArgumentReg0 = 16;
> const int ArgumentReg1 = 17;
> const int ArgumentReg2 = 18;
> const int ArgumentReg3 = 19;
> const int ArgumentReg4 = 20;
> const int ArgumentReg5 = 21;
> const int SyscallNumReg = ReturnValueReg;
> const int SyscallPseudoReturnReg = ArgumentReg4;
> const int SyscallSuccessReg = 19;
> const int LogVMPageSize = 13; // 8K bytes
> const int VMPageSize = (1 << LogVMPageSize);
> const int BranchPredAddrShiftAmt = 2; // instructions are 4-byte aligned
> const int WordBytes = 4;
> const int HalfwordBytes = 2;
> const int ByteBytes = 1;
> const int NumIntRegs = NumIntArchRegs + NumPALShadowRegs;
> const int NumFloatRegs = NumFloatArchRegs;
> const int NumMiscRegs = NumMiscArchRegs;
< StaticInstPtr decodeInst(ExtMachInst);
> typedef uint64_t IntReg;
> typedef IntReg IntRegFile[NumIntRegs];
< // Alpha Does NOT have a delay slot
< #define ISA_HAS_DELAY_SLOT 0
> // floating point register file entry type
> typedef union {
> uint64_t q;
> double d;
> } FloatReg;
< const Addr PageShift = 13;
< const Addr PageBytes = ULL(1) << PageShift;
< const Addr PageMask = ~(PageBytes - 1);
< const Addr PageOffset = PageBytes - 1;
> typedef union {
> uint64_t q[NumFloatRegs]; // integer qword view
> double d[NumFloatRegs]; // double-precision floating point view
> void clear()
> { bzero(d, sizeof(d)); }
> } FloatRegFile;
> extern const Addr PageShift;
> extern const Addr PageBytes;
> extern const Addr PageMask;
> extern const Addr PageOffset;
> // redirected register map, really only used for the full system case.
> extern const int reg_redir[NumIntRegs];
< ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
< //
< // Translation stuff
< //
> typedef uint64_t InternalProcReg;
< const Addr PteShift = 3;
< const Addr NPtePageShift = PageShift - PteShift;
< const Addr NPtePage = ULL(1) << NPtePageShift;
< const Addr PteMask = NPtePage - 1;
> #include "arch/alpha/isa_fullsys_traits.hh"
< // User Virtual
< const Addr USegBase = ULL(0x0);
< const Addr USegEnd = ULL(0x000003ffffffffff);
> #else
> const int NumInternalProcRegs = 0;
> #endif
< // Kernel Direct Mapped
< const Addr K0SegBase = ULL(0xfffffc0000000000);
< const Addr K0SegEnd = ULL(0xfffffdffffffffff);
> // control register file contents
> typedef uint64_t MiscReg;
> class MiscRegFile {
> protected:
> uint64_t fpcr; // floating point condition codes
> uint64_t uniq; // process-unique register
> bool lock_flag; // lock flag for LL/SC
> Addr lock_addr; // lock address for LL/SC
< // Kernel Virtual
< const Addr K1SegBase = ULL(0xfffffe0000000000);
< const Addr K1SegEnd = ULL(0xffffffffffffffff);
> public:
> MiscReg readReg(int misc_reg);
< // For loading... XXX This maybe could be USegEnd?? --ali
< const Addr LoadAddrMask = ULL(0xffffffffff);
> //These functions should be removed once the simplescalar cpu model
> //has been replaced.
> int getInstAsid();
> int getDataAsid();
< ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
< //
< // Interrupt levels
< //
< enum InterruptLevels
< {
> MiscReg readRegWithEffect(int misc_reg, Fault &fault, ExecContext *xc);
> Fault setReg(int misc_reg, const MiscReg &val);
> Fault setRegWithEffect(int misc_reg, const MiscReg &val,
> ExecContext *xc);
> void serialize(std::ostream &os);
< NumInterruptLevels = INTLEVEL_EXTERNAL_MAX
< };
> void unserialize(Checkpoint *cp, const std::string &section);
> void clear()
> {
> fpcr = uniq = 0;
> lock_flag = 0;
> lock_addr = 0;
> }
< // EV5 modes
< enum mode_type
< {
< mode_kernel = 0, // kernel
< mode_executive = 1, // executive (unused by unix)
< mode_supervisor = 2, // supervisor (unused by unix)
< mode_user = 3, // user mode
< mode_number // number of modes
< };
> protected:
> InternalProcReg ipr[NumInternalProcRegs]; // Internal processor regs
> private:
> MiscReg readIpr(int idx, Fault &fault, ExecContext *xc);
> Fault setIpr(int idx, uint64_t val, ExecContext *xc);
> void copyIprs(ExecContext *xc);
> friend class RegFile;
> };
> const int TotalNumRegs = NumIntRegs + NumFloatRegs +
> NumMiscRegs + NumInternalProcRegs;
> const int TotalDataRegs = NumIntRegs + NumFloatRegs;
> typedef union {
> IntReg intreg;
> FloatReg fpreg;
> MiscReg ctrlreg;
> } AnyReg;
> struct RegFile {
> IntRegFile intRegFile; // (signed) integer register file
> FloatRegFile floatRegFile; // floating point register file
> MiscRegFile miscRegs; // control register file
> Addr pc; // program counter
> Addr npc; // next-cycle program counter
> Addr nnpc;
< ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
< //
< // Internal Processor Reigsters
< //
< enum md_ipr_names
< {
< IPR_ISR = 0x100, // interrupt summary register
< IPR_ITB_TAG = 0x101, // ITLB tag register
< IPR_ITB_PTE = 0x102, // ITLB page table entry register
< IPR_ITB_ASN = 0x103, // ITLB address space register
< IPR_ITB_PTE_TEMP = 0x104, // ITLB page table entry temp register
< IPR_ITB_IA = 0x105, // ITLB invalidate all register
< IPR_ITB_IAP = 0x106, // ITLB invalidate all process register
< IPR_ITB_IS = 0x107, // ITLB invalidate select register
< IPR_SIRR = 0x108, // software interrupt request register
< IPR_ASTRR = 0x109, // asynchronous system trap request register
< IPR_ASTER = 0x10a, // asynchronous system trap enable register
< IPR_EXC_ADDR = 0x10b, // exception address register
< IPR_EXC_SUM = 0x10c, // exception summary register
< IPR_EXC_MASK = 0x10d, // exception mask register
< IPR_PAL_BASE = 0x10e, // PAL base address register
< IPR_ICM = 0x10f, // instruction current mode
< IPR_IPLR = 0x110, // interrupt priority level register
< IPR_INTID = 0x111, // interrupt ID register
< IPR_IFAULT_VA_FORM = 0x112, // formatted faulting virtual addr register
< IPR_IVPTBR = 0x113, // virtual page table base register
< IPR_HWINT_CLR = 0x115, // H/W interrupt clear register
< IPR_SL_XMIT = 0x116, // serial line transmit register
< IPR_SL_RCV = 0x117, // serial line receive register
< IPR_ICSR = 0x118, // instruction control and status register
< IPR_IC_FLUSH = 0x119, // instruction cache flush control
< IPR_IC_PERR_STAT = 0x11a, // inst cache parity error status register
< IPR_PMCTR = 0x11c, // performance counter register
> int intrflag; // interrupt flag
> inline int instAsid()
> { return EV5::ITB_ASN_ASN(miscRegs.ipr[IPR_ITB_ASN]); }
> inline int dataAsid()
> { return EV5::DTB_ASN_ASN(miscRegs.ipr[IPR_DTB_ASN]); }
> #endif // FULL_SYSTEM
< // PAL temporary registers...
< // register meanings gleaned from osfpal.s source code
< IPR_PALtemp0 = 0x140, // local scratch
< IPR_PALtemp1 = 0x141, // local scratch
< IPR_PALtemp2 = 0x142, // entUna
< IPR_PALtemp3 = 0x143, // CPU specific impure area pointer
< IPR_PALtemp4 = 0x144, // memory management temp
< IPR_PALtemp5 = 0x145, // memory management temp
< IPR_PALtemp6 = 0x146, // memory management temp
< IPR_PALtemp7 = 0x147, // entIF
< IPR_PALtemp8 = 0x148, // intmask
< IPR_PALtemp9 = 0x149, // entSys
< IPR_PALtemp10 = 0x14a, // ??
< IPR_PALtemp11 = 0x14b, // entInt
< IPR_PALtemp12 = 0x14c, // entArith
< IPR_PALtemp13 = 0x14d, // reserved for platform specific PAL
< IPR_PALtemp14 = 0x14e, // reserved for platform specific PAL
< IPR_PALtemp15 = 0x14f, // reserved for platform specific PAL
< IPR_PALtemp16 = 0x150, // scratch / whami<7:0> / mces<4:0>
< IPR_PALtemp17 = 0x151, // sysval
< IPR_PALtemp18 = 0x152, // usp
< IPR_PALtemp19 = 0x153, // ksp
< IPR_PALtemp20 = 0x154, // PTBR
< IPR_PALtemp21 = 0x155, // entMM
< IPR_PALtemp22 = 0x156, // kgp
< IPR_PALtemp23 = 0x157, // PCBB
> void serialize(std::ostream &os);
> void unserialize(Checkpoint *cp, const std::string &section);
< IPR_DTB_ASN = 0x200, // DTLB address space number register
< IPR_DTB_CM = 0x201, // DTLB current mode register
< IPR_DTB_TAG = 0x202, // DTLB tag register
< IPR_DTB_PTE = 0x203, // DTLB page table entry register
< IPR_DTB_PTE_TEMP = 0x204, // DTLB page table entry temporary register
> void clear()
> {
> bzero(intRegFile, sizeof(intRegFile));
> floatRegFile.clear();
> miscRegs.clear();
> }
> };
< IPR_MM_STAT = 0x205, // data MMU fault status register
< IPR_VA = 0x206, // fault virtual address register
< IPR_VA_FORM = 0x207, // formatted virtual address register
< IPR_MVPTBR = 0x208, // MTU virtual page table base register
< IPR_DTB_IAP = 0x209, // DTLB invalidate all process register
< IPR_DTB_IA = 0x20a, // DTLB invalidate all register
< IPR_DTB_IS = 0x20b, // DTLB invalidate single register
< IPR_ALT_MODE = 0x20c, // alternate mode register
< IPR_CC = 0x20d, // cycle counter register
< IPR_CC_CTL = 0x20e, // cycle counter control register
< IPR_MCSR = 0x20f, // MTU control register
> static inline ExtMachInst makeExtMI(MachInst inst, const uint64_t &pc);
< IPR_DC_FLUSH = 0x210,
< IPR_DC_PERR_STAT = 0x212, // Dcache parity error status register
< IPR_DC_TEST_CTL = 0x213, // Dcache test tag control register
< IPR_DC_TEST_TAG = 0x214, // Dcache test tag register
< IPR_DC_TEST_TAG_TEMP = 0x215, // Dcache test tag temporary register
< IPR_DC_MODE = 0x216, // Dcache mode register
< IPR_MAF_MODE = 0x217, // miss address file mode register
> StaticInstPtr decodeInst(ExtMachInst);
< NumInternalProcRegs // number of IPR registers
> // Alpha Does NOT have a delay slot
> #define ISA_HAS_DELAY_SLOT 0
> // return a no-op instruction... used for instruction fetch faults
> extern const ExtMachInst NoopMachInst;
> enum annotes {
> // An impossible number for instruction annotations
> ITOUCH_ANNOTE = 0xffffffff,
< #else
< const int NumInternalProcRegs = 0;
< #endif
< // Constants Related to the number of registers
> static inline bool isCallerSaveIntegerRegister(unsigned int reg) {
> panic("register classification not implemented");
> return (reg >= 1 && reg <= 8 || reg >= 22 && reg <= 25 || reg == 27);
> }
< const int NumIntArchRegs = 32;
< const int NumPALShadowRegs = 8;
< const int NumFloatArchRegs = 32;
< // @todo: Figure out what this number really should be.
< const int NumMiscArchRegs = 32;
> static inline bool isCalleeSaveIntegerRegister(unsigned int reg) {
> panic("register classification not implemented");
> return (reg >= 9 && reg <= 15);
> }
< const int NumIntRegs = NumIntArchRegs + NumPALShadowRegs;
< const int NumFloatRegs = NumFloatArchRegs;
< const int NumMiscRegs = NumMiscArchRegs;
> static inline bool isCallerSaveFloatRegister(unsigned int reg) {
> panic("register classification not implemented");
> return false;
> }
< const int TotalNumRegs = NumIntRegs + NumFloatRegs +
< NumMiscRegs + NumInternalProcRegs;
> static inline bool isCalleeSaveFloatRegister(unsigned int reg) {
> panic("register classification not implemented");
> return false;
> }
< const int TotalDataRegs = NumIntRegs + NumFloatRegs;
> static inline Addr alignAddress(const Addr &addr,
> unsigned int nbytes) {
> return (addr & ~(nbytes - 1));
> }
< // Static instruction parameters
< const int MaxInstSrcRegs = 3;
< const int MaxInstDestRegs = 2;
> // Instruction address compression hooks
> static inline Addr realPCToFetchPC(const Addr &addr) {
> return addr;
> }
< // semantically meaningful register indices
< const int ZeroReg = 31; // architecturally meaningful
< // the rest of these depend on the ABI
< const int StackPointerReg = 30;
< const int GlobalPointerReg = 29;
< const int ProcedureValueReg = 27;
< const int ReturnAddressReg = 26;
< const int ReturnValueReg = 0;
< const int FramePointerReg = 15;
< const int ArgumentReg0 = 16;
< const int ArgumentReg1 = 17;
< const int ArgumentReg2 = 18;
< const int ArgumentReg3 = 19;
< const int ArgumentReg4 = 20;
< const int ArgumentReg5 = 21;
< const int SyscallNumReg = ReturnValueReg;
< const int SyscallPseudoReturnReg = ArgumentReg4;
< const int SyscallSuccessReg = 19;
> static inline Addr fetchPCToRealPC(const Addr &addr) {
> return addr;
> }
< const int LogVMPageSize = 13; // 8K bytes
< const int VMPageSize = (1 << LogVMPageSize);
> // the size of "fetched" instructions (not necessarily the size
> // of real instructions for PISA)
> static inline size_t fetchInstSize() {
> return sizeof(MachInst);
> }
< const int BranchPredAddrShiftAmt = 2; // instructions are 4-byte aligned
> static inline MachInst makeRegisterCopy(int dest, int src) {
> panic("makeRegisterCopy not implemented");
> return 0;
> }
< const int MachineBytes = 8;
< const int WordBytes = 4;
< const int HalfwordBytes = 2;
< const int ByteBytes = 1;
> // Machine operations
< // return a no-op instruction... used for instruction fetch faults
< // Alpha UNOP (ldq_u r31,0(r0))
< const ExtMachInst NoopMachInst = 0x2ffe0000;
> void saveMachineReg(AnyReg &savereg, const RegFile &reg_file,
> int regnum);
< // redirected register map, really only used for the full system case.
< extern const int reg_redir[NumIntRegs];
> void restoreMachineReg(RegFile &regs, const AnyReg &reg,
> int regnum);
> #if 0
> static void serializeSpecialRegs(const Serializable::Proxy &proxy,
> const RegFile &regs);
> static void unserializeSpecialRegs(const IniFile *db,
> const std::string &category,
> ConfigNode *node,
> RegFile &regs);
> #endif
> /**
> * Function to insure ISA semantics about 0 registers.
> * @param xc The execution context.
> */
> template <class XC>
> void zeroRegisters(XC *xc);
> const Addr MaxAddr = (Addr)-1;
> static inline void setSyscallReturn(SyscallReturn return_value, RegFile *regs)
> {
> // check for error condition. Alpha syscall convention is to
> // indicate success/failure in reg a3 (r19) and put the
> // return value itself in the standard return value reg (v0).
> if (return_value.successful()) {
> // no error
> regs->intRegFile[SyscallSuccessReg] = 0;
> regs->intRegFile[ReturnValueReg] = return_value.value();
> } else {
> // got an error, return details
> regs->intRegFile[SyscallSuccessReg] = (IntReg) -1;
> regs->intRegFile[ReturnValueReg] = -return_value.value();
> }
> }
> #endif
> void copyRegs(ExecContext *src, ExecContext *dest);
> void copyMiscRegs(ExecContext *src, ExecContext *dest);
> void copyIprs(ExecContext *src, ExecContext *dest);
> #endif