> class ProtoBuf(SourceFile):
> '''Add a Protocol Buffer to build'''
> def __init__(self, source, **guards):
> '''Specify the source file, and any guards'''
> super(ProtoBuf, self).__init__(source, **guards)
> # Get the file name and the extension
> modname,ext = self.extname
> assert ext == 'proto'
> # Currently, we stick to generating the C++ headers, so we
> # only need to track the source and header.
> self.cc_file = File(joinpath(self.dirname, modname + '.pb.cc'))
> self.hh_file = File(joinpath(self.dirname, modname + '.pb.h'))
> Export('ProtoBuf')
> # Build all protocol buffers if we have got protoc and protobuf available
> if env['HAVE_PROTOBUF']:
> for proto in ProtoBuf.all:
> # Use both the source and header as the target, and the .proto
> # file as the source. When executing the protoc compiler, also
> # specify the proto_path to avoid having the generated files
> # include the path.
> env.Command([proto.cc_file, proto.hh_file], proto.tnode,
> MakeAction('$PROTOC --cpp_out ${TARGET.dir} '
> '--proto_path ${SOURCE.dir} $SOURCE',
> Transform("PROTOC")))
> # Add the C++ source file
> Source(proto.cc_file, **proto.guards)
> elif ProtoBuf.all:
> print 'Got protobuf to build, but lacks support!'
> Exit(1)