< # Trace Flags
> # Debug Flags
< trace_flags = {}
< def TraceFlag(name, desc=None):
< if name in trace_flags:
> debug_flags = {}
> def DebugFlag(name, desc=None):
> if name in debug_flags:
< trace_flags[name] = (name, (), desc)
> debug_flags[name] = (name, (), desc)
> TraceFlag = DebugFlag
< if name in trace_flags:
> if name in debug_flags:
< trace_flags[name] = (name, compound, desc)
> debug_flags[name] = (name, compound, desc)
> Export('DebugFlag')
< def getFlags(source_flags):
< flagsMap = {}
< flagsList = []
< for s in source_flags:
< val = eval(s.get_contents())
< name, compound, desc = val
< flagsList.append(val)
< flagsMap[name] = bool(compound)
< for name, compound, desc in flagsList:
< for flag in compound:
< if flag not in flagsMap:
< raise AttributeError, "Trace flag %s not found" % flag
< if flagsMap[flag]:
< raise AttributeError, \
< "Compound flag can't point to another compound flag"
> #
> # Handle debug flags
> #
> def makeDebugFlagCC(target, source, env):
> assert(len(target) == 1 and len(source) == 1)
< flagsList.sort()
< return flagsList
> val = eval(source[0].get_contents())
> name, compound, desc = val
> compound = list(sorted(compound))
< # Generate traceflags.py
< def traceFlagsPy(target, source, env):
< assert(len(target) == 1)
< allFlags = getFlags(source)
< code('basic = [')
< code.indent()
< for flag, compound, desc in allFlags:
< if not compound:
< code("'$flag',")
< code(']')
< code.dedent()
< code()
< code('compound = [')
< code.indent()
< code("'All',")
< for flag, compound, desc in allFlags:
< if compound:
< code("'$flag',")
< code("]")
< code.dedent()
< code()
< code("all = frozenset(basic + compound)")
< code()
< code('compoundMap = {')
< code.indent()
< all = tuple([flag for flag,compound,desc in allFlags if not compound])
< code("'All' : $all,")
< for flag, compound, desc in allFlags:
< if compound:
< code("'$flag' : $compound,")
< code('}')
< code.dedent()
< code()
< code('descriptions = {')
< code.indent()
< code("'All' : 'All flags',")
< for flag, compound, desc in allFlags:
< code("'$flag' : '$desc',")
< code("}")
< code.dedent()
< code.write(str(target[0]))
< def traceFlagsCC(target, source, env):
< assert(len(target) == 1)
< allFlags = getFlags(source)
< code = code_formatter()
< #include "base/traceflags.hh"
< using namespace Trace;
< const char *Trace::flagStrings[] =
< {''')
< code.indent()
< # The string array is used by SimpleEnumParam to map the strings
< # provided by the user to enum values.
< for flag, compound, desc in allFlags:
< if not compound:
< code('"$flag",')
< code('"All",')
< for flag, compound, desc in allFlags:
< if compound:
< code('"$flag",')
< code.dedent()
< code('''\
< };
< const int Trace::numFlagStrings = ${{len(allFlags) + 1}};
> #include "base/debug.hh"
< # Now define the individual compound flag arrays. There is an array
< # for each compound flag listing the component base flags.
< all = tuple([flag for flag,compound,desc in allFlags if not compound])
< code('static const Flags AllMap[] = {')
< code.indent()
< for flag, compound, desc in allFlags:
< if not compound:
< code('$flag,')
< code.dedent()
< code('};')
> for flag in compound:
> code('#include "debug/$flag.hh"')
> code('namespace Debug {')
> code()
< for flag, compound, desc in allFlags:
< if not compound:
< continue
< code('static const Flags ${flag}Map[] = {')
> if not compound:
> code('SimpleFlag $name("$name", "$desc");')
> else:
> code('CompoundFlag $name("$name", "$desc",')
< for flag in compound:
< code('$flag,')
< code('(Flags)-1')
> last = len(compound) - 1
> for i,flag in enumerate(compound):
> if i != last:
> code('$flag,')
> else:
> code('$flag);')
< code('};')
< code()
< # Finally the compoundFlags[] array maps the compound flags
< # to their individual arrays/
< code('const Flags *Trace::compoundFlags[] = {')
< code.indent()
< code('AllMap,')
< for flag, compound, desc in allFlags:
< if compound:
< code('${flag}Map,')
< # file trailer
< code.dedent()
< code('};')
> code()
> code('} // namespace Debug')
< def traceFlagsHH(target, source, env):
< assert(len(target) == 1)
> def makeDebugFlagHH(target, source, env):
> assert(len(target) == 1 and len(source) == 1)
< allFlags = getFlags(source)
> val = eval(source[0].get_contents())
> name, compound, desc = val
< * Automatically generated from traceflags.py
> * Automatically generated by SCons
< #ifndef __BASE_TRACE_FLAGS_HH__
< #define __BASE_TRACE_FLAGS_HH__
> #ifndef __DEBUG_${name}_HH__
> #define __DEBUG_${name}_HH__
< namespace Trace {
> namespace Debug {
> ''')
< enum Flags {''')
> if compound:
> code('class CompoundFlag;')
> code('class SimpleFlag;')
< # Generate the enum. Base flags come first, then compound flags.
< idx = 0
< code.indent()
< for flag, compound, desc in allFlags:
< if not compound:
< code('$flag = $idx,')
< idx += 1
> if compound:
> code('extern CompoundFlag $name;')
> for flag in compound:
> code('extern SimpleFlag $flag;')
> else:
> code('extern SimpleFlag $name;')
< numBaseFlags = idx
< code('NumFlags = $idx,')
< code.dedent()
< code()
< # put a comment in here to separate base from compound flags
< // The remaining enum values are *not* valid indices for Trace::flags.
< // They are "compound" flags, which correspond to sets of base
< // flags, and are used by changeFlag.''')
> }
< code.indent()
< code('All = $idx,')
< idx += 1
< for flag, compound, desc in allFlags:
< if compound:
< code('$flag = $idx,')
< idx += 1
< numCompoundFlags = idx - numBaseFlags
< code('NumCompoundFlags = $numCompoundFlags')
< code.dedent()
< # trailer boilerplate
< code('''\
< }; // enum Flags
< // Array of strings for SimpleEnumParam
< extern const char *flagStrings[];
< extern const int numFlagStrings;
< // Array of arraay pointers: for each compound flag, gives the list of
< // base flags to set. Inidividual flag arrays are terminated by -1.
< extern const Flags *compoundFlags[];
< } // namespace Trace
< #endif // __BASE_TRACE_FLAGS_HH__
> #endif // __DEBUG_${name}_HH__
< flags = map(Value, trace_flags.values())
< env.Command('base/traceflags.py', flags,
< MakeAction(traceFlagsPy, Transform("TRACING", 0)))
< PySource('m5', 'base/traceflags.py')
> for name,flag in sorted(debug_flags.iteritems()):
> n, compound, desc = flag
> assert n == name
< env.Command('base/traceflags.hh', flags,
< MakeAction(traceFlagsHH, Transform("TRACING", 0)))
< env.Command('base/traceflags.cc', flags,
< MakeAction(traceFlagsCC, Transform("TRACING", 0)))
< Source('base/traceflags.cc')
> env.Command('debug/%s.hh' % name, Value(flag),
> MakeAction(makeDebugFlagHH, Transform("TRACING", 0)))
> env.Command('debug/%s.cc' % name, Value(flag),
> MakeAction(makeDebugFlagCC, Transform("TRACING", 0)))
> Source('debug/%s.cc' % name)