> def createSimObjectCxxConfig(is_header):
> def body(target, source, env):
> assert len(target) == 1 and len(source) == 1
> name = str(source[0].get_contents())
> obj = sim_objects[name]
> code = code_formatter()
> obj.cxx_config_param_file(code, is_header)
> code.write(target[0].abspath)
> return body
> # C++ parameter description files
> if GetOption('with_cxx_config'):
> for name,simobj in sorted(sim_objects.iteritems()):
> py_source = PySource.modules[simobj.__module__]
> extra_deps = [ py_source.tnode ]
> cxx_config_hh_file = File('cxx_config/%s.hh' % name)
> cxx_config_cc_file = File('cxx_config/%s.cc' % name)
> env.Command(cxx_config_hh_file, Value(name),
> MakeAction(createSimObjectCxxConfig(True),
> Transform("CXXCPRHH")))
> env.Command(cxx_config_cc_file, Value(name),
> MakeAction(createSimObjectCxxConfig(False),
> Transform("CXXCPRCC")))
> env.Depends(cxx_config_hh_file, depends + extra_deps +
> [File('params/%s.hh' % name), File('sim/cxx_config.hh')])
> env.Depends(cxx_config_cc_file, depends + extra_deps +
> [cxx_config_hh_file])
> Source(cxx_config_cc_file)
> cxx_config_init_cc_file = File('cxx_config/init.cc')
> def createCxxConfigInitCC(target, source, env):
> assert len(target) == 1 and len(source) == 1
> code = code_formatter()
> for name,simobj in sorted(sim_objects.iteritems()):
> if not hasattr(simobj, 'abstract') or not simobj.abstract:
> code('#include "cxx_config/${name}.hh"')
> code()
> code('void cxxConfigInit()')
> code('{')
> code.indent()
> for name,simobj in sorted(sim_objects.iteritems()):
> not_abstract = not hasattr(simobj, 'abstract') or \
> not simobj.abstract
> if not_abstract and 'type' in simobj.__dict__:
> code('cxx_config_directory["${name}"] = '
> '${name}CxxConfigParams::makeDirectoryEntry();')
> code.dedent()
> code('}')
> code.write(target[0].abspath)
> py_source = PySource.modules[simobj.__module__]
> extra_deps = [ py_source.tnode ]
> env.Command(cxx_config_init_cc_file, Value(name),
> MakeAction(createCxxConfigInitCC, Transform("CXXCINIT")))
> cxx_param_hh_files = ["cxx_config/%s.hh" % simobj
> for simobj in sorted(sim_objects.itervalues())
> if not hasattr(simobj, 'abstract') or not simobj.abstract]
> Depends(cxx_config_init_cc_file, cxx_param_hh_files +
> [File('sim/cxx_config.hh')])
> Source(cxx_config_init_cc_file)