release.rst (11986:c12e4625ab56) release.rst (12037:d28054ac6ec9)
1To release a new version of pybind11:
3- Update the version number and push to pypi
1To release a new version of pybind11:
3- Update the version number and push to pypi
4 - Update ``pybind11/`` (set release version, remove 'dev')
5 - Update version in ``docs/``
4 - Update ``pybind11/`` (set release version, remove 'dev').
5 - Update ``PYBIND11_VERSION_MAJOR`` etc. in ``include/pybind11/common.h``.
6 - Ensure that all the information in ```` is up-to-date.
7 - Update version in ``docs/``.
6 - Tag release date in ``docs/changelog.rst``.
7 - ``git add`` and ``git commit``.
8 - if new minor version: ``git checkout -b vX.Y``, ``git push -u origin vX.Y``
9 - ``git tag -a vX.Y.Z -m 'vX.Y.Z release'``.
10 - ``git push``
11 - ``git push --tags``.
12 - ``python sdist upload``.
13 - ``python bdist_wheel upload``.
14- Update conda-forge ( via PR
15 - change version number in ``recipe/meta.yml``
16 - update checksum to match the one computed by pypi
17- Get back to work
18 - Update ```` (add 'dev' and increment minor).
19 - Update version in ``docs/``
20 - Update version macros in ``include/pybind11/common.h``
21 - ``git add`` and ``git commit``.
22 ``git push``
8 - Tag release date in ``docs/changelog.rst``.
9 - ``git add`` and ``git commit``.
10 - if new minor version: ``git checkout -b vX.Y``, ``git push -u origin vX.Y``
11 - ``git tag -a vX.Y.Z -m 'vX.Y.Z release'``.
12 - ``git push``
13 - ``git push --tags``.
14 - ``python sdist upload``.
15 - ``python bdist_wheel upload``.
16- Update conda-forge ( via PR
17 - change version number in ``recipe/meta.yml``
18 - update checksum to match the one computed by pypi
19- Get back to work
20 - Update ```` (add 'dev' and increment minor).
21 - Update version in ``docs/``
22 - Update version macros in ``include/pybind11/common.h``
23 - ``git add`` and ``git commit``.
24 ``git push``