< link = IntLink(link_id=self.num_int_links(), node_a=self.router, node_b=node.router)
> link = IntLink(link_id=self.num_int_links(), node_a=self.router,
> node_b=node.router)
< elif self.intBW: # if there is an interanl b/w for this node and no ext b/w to override
> # if there is an interanl b/w for this node
> # and no ext b/w to override
> elif self.intBW:
< # node is just a controller connect it to the router via a ext_link
< link = ExtLink(link_id=self.num_ext_links(), ext_node=node, int_node=self.router)
> # node is just a controller,
> # connect it to the router via a ext_link
> link = ExtLink(link_id=self.num_ext_links(), ext_node=node,
> int_node=self.router)