< import Simulation
< execfile("Options.py")
> # System options
> parser.add_option("-d", "--detailed", action="store_true")
> parser.add_option("-t", "--timing", action="store_true")
> parser.add_option("--caches", action="store_true")
> # Run duration options
> parser.add_option("-m", "--maxtick", type="int")
> parser.add_option("--maxtime", type="float")
> #Checkpointing options
> ###Note that performing checkpointing via python script files will override
> ###checkpoint instructions built into binaries.
> parser.add_option("--take_checkpoints", action="store", type="string",
> help="<M,N> will take checkpoint at cycle M and every N cycles \
> thereafter")
> parser.add_option("--max_checkpoints", action="store", type="int",
> help="the maximum number of checkpoints to drop",
> default=5)
> parser.add_option("--checkpoint_dir", action="store", type="string",
> help="Place all checkpoints in this absolute directory")
> parser.add_option("-r", "--checkpoint_restore", action="store", type="int",
> help="restore from checkpoint <N>")
> #CPU Switching - default switch model generally goes from a checkpoint
> #to a timing simple CPU with caches to warm up, then to detailed CPU for
> #data measurement
> parser.add_option("-s", "--standard_switch", action="store_true",
> help="switch from one cpu mode to another")
> class MyCache(BaseCache):
> assoc = 2
> block_size = 64
> latency = 1
> mshrs = 10
> tgts_per_mshr = 5
< CPUClass = TimingSimpleCPU
< test_mem_mode = 'timing'
> cpu = TimingSimpleCPU()
< CPUClass = DerivO3CPU
< test_mem_mode = 'timing'
> cpu = DerivO3CPU()
< CPUClass = AtomicSimpleCPU
< test_mem_mode = 'atomic'
> cpu = AtomicSimpleCPU()
< CPUClass.clock = '2GHz'
> cpu.workload = process
> cpu.cpu_id = 0
< np = options.num_cpus
< system = System(cpu = [CPUClass(cpu_id=i) for i in xrange(np)],
> system = System(cpu = cpu,
< membus = Bus(), mem_mode = test_mem_mode)
> membus = Bus())
> if options.caches and not options.standard_switch:
> system.cpu.addPrivateSplitL1Caches(MyCache(size = '32kB'),
> MyCache(size = '64kB'))
> system.cpu.connectMemPorts(system.membus)
> system.cpu.mem = system.physmem
> system.cpu.clock = '2GHz'
> root = Root(system = system)
< for i in xrange(np):
< if options.caches and not options.standard_switch:
< system.cpu[i].addPrivateSplitL1Caches(L1Cache(size = '32kB'),
< L2Cache(size = '64kB'))
< system.cpu[i].connectMemPorts(system.membus)
< system.cpu[i].mem = system.physmem
< system.cpu[i].workload = process
> if options.timing or options.detailed:
> root.system.mem_mode = 'timing'
< root = Root(system = system)
> if options.standard_switch:
> switch_cpu = TimingSimpleCPU(defer_registration=True, cpu_id=1)
> switch_cpu1 = DerivO3CPU(defer_registration=True, cpu_id=2)
> switch_cpu.system = system
> switch_cpu1.system = system
> switch_cpu.clock = cpu.clock
> switch_cpu1.clock = cpu.clock
> if options.caches:
> switch_cpu.addPrivateSplitL1Caches(MyCache(size = '32kB'),
> MyCache(size = '64kB'))
< Simulation.run(options, root, system)
> switch_cpu.workload = process
> switch_cpu1.workload = process
> switch_cpu.mem = system.physmem
> switch_cpu1.mem = system.physmem
> switch_cpu.connectMemPorts(system.membus)
> root.switch_cpu = switch_cpu
> root.switch_cpu1 = switch_cpu1
> switch_cpu_list = [(system.cpu, switch_cpu)]
> switch_cpu_list1 = [(switch_cpu, switch_cpu1)]
> # instantiate configuration
> m5.instantiate(root)
> if options.checkpoint_dir:
> cptdir = options.checkpoint_dir
> else:
> cptdir = os.getcwd()
> if options.checkpoint_restore:
> from os.path import isdir
> from os import listdir, getcwd
> import re
> if not isdir(cptdir):
> m5.panic("checkpoint dir %s does not exist!" % cptdir)
> dirs = listdir(cptdir)
> expr = re.compile('cpt.([0-9]*)')
> cpts = []
> for dir in dirs:
> match = expr.match(dir)
> if match:
> cpts.append(match.group(1))
> cpts.sort(lambda a,b: cmp(long(a), long(b)))
> if options.checkpoint_restore > len(cpts):
> m5.panic('Checkpoint %d not found' % options.checkpoint_restore)
> print "restoring checkpoint from ","/".join([cptdir, "cpt.%s" % cpts[options.checkpoint_restore - 1]])
> m5.restoreCheckpoint(root, "/".join([cptdir, "cpt.%s" % cpts[options.checkpoint_restore - 1]]))
> if options.standard_switch:
> exit_event = m5.simulate(10000)
> ## when you change to Timing (or Atomic), you halt the system given
> ## as argument. When you are finished with the system changes
> ## (including switchCpus), you must resume the system manually.
> ## You DON'T need to resume after just switching CPUs if you haven't
> ## changed anything on the system level.
> m5.changeToTiming(system)
> m5.switchCpus(switch_cpu_list)
> m5.resume(system)
> exit_event = m5.simulate(500000000000)
> m5.switchCpus(switch_cpu_list1)
> if options.maxtick:
> maxtick = options.maxtick
> elif options.maxtime:
> simtime = int(options.maxtime * root.clock.value)
> print "simulating for: ", simtime
> maxtick = simtime
> else:
> maxtick = -1
> num_checkpoints = 0
> exit_cause = ''
> if options.take_checkpoints:
> [when, period] = options.take_checkpoints.split(",", 1)
> when = int(when)
> period = int(period)
> exit_event = m5.simulate(when)
> while exit_event.getCause() == "checkpoint":
> exit_event = m5.simulate(when - m5.curTick())
> if exit_event.getCause() == "simulate() limit reached":
> m5.checkpoint(root, cptdir + "cpt.%d")
> num_checkpoints += 1
> sim_ticks = when
> exit_cause = "maximum %d checkpoints dropped" % options.max_checkpoints
> while num_checkpoints < options.max_checkpoints:
> if (sim_ticks + period) > maxtick and maxtick != -1:
> exit_event = m5.simulate(maxtick - sim_ticks)
> exit_cause = exit_event.getCause()
> break
> else:
> exit_event = m5.simulate(period)
> sim_ticks += period
> while exit_event.getCause() == "checkpoint":
> exit_event = m5.simulate(period - m5.curTick())
> if exit_event.getCause() == "simulate() limit reached":
> m5.checkpoint(root, cptdir + "cpt.%d")
> num_checkpoints += 1
> else: #no checkpoints being taken via this script
> exit_event = m5.simulate(maxtick)
> while exit_event.getCause() == "checkpoint":
> m5.checkpoint(root, cptdir + "cpt.%d")
> num_checkpoints += 1
> if num_checkpoints == options.max_checkpoints:
> exit_cause = "maximum %d checkpoints dropped" % options.max_checkpoints
> break
> if maxtick == -1:
> exit_event = m5.simulate(maxtick)
> else:
> exit_event = m5.simulate(maxtick - m5.curTick())
> exit_cause = exit_event.getCause()
> if exit_cause == '':
> exit_cause = exit_event.getCause()
> print 'Exiting @ cycle', m5.curTick(), 'because ', exit_cause