(12564:2778478ca882) (13731:67cd980cb20f)
1# Copyright (c) 2015-2016 ARM Limited
2# All rights reserved.
4# The license below extends only to copyright in the software and shall
5# not be construed as granting a license to any other intellectual
6# property including but not limited to intellectual property relating
7# to a hardware implementation of the functionality of the software
8# licensed hereunder. You may use the software subject to the license

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241 # Create a subsystem to contain the crossbar and caches, and
242 # any testers
243 subsys = SubSystem()
244 setattr(system, 'l%dsubsys%d' % (level, index), subsys)
246 # The levels are indexing backwards through the list
247 ntesters = testerspec[len(cachespec) - level]
1# Copyright (c) 2015-2016 ARM Limited
2# All rights reserved.
4# The license below extends only to copyright in the software and shall
5# not be construed as granting a license to any other intellectual
6# property including but not limited to intellectual property relating
7# to a hardware implementation of the functionality of the software
8# licensed hereunder. You may use the software subject to the license

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241 # Create a subsystem to contain the crossbar and caches, and
242 # any testers
243 subsys = SubSystem()
244 setattr(system, 'l%dsubsys%d' % (level, index), subsys)
246 # The levels are indexing backwards through the list
247 ntesters = testerspec[len(cachespec) - level]
249 testers = [proto_tester() for i in xrange(ntesters)]
249 testers = [proto_tester() for i in range(ntesters)]
250 checkers = [MemCheckerMonitor(memchecker = system.memchecker) \
250 checkers = [MemCheckerMonitor(memchecker = system.memchecker) \
251 for i in xrange(ntesters)]
251 for i in range(ntesters)]
252 if ntesters:
253 subsys.tester = testers
254 subsys.checkers = checkers
256 if level != 0:
257 # Create a crossbar and add it to the subsystem, note that
258 # we do this even with a single element on this level
259 xbar = L2XBar(width = 32)
260 subsys.xbar = xbar
261 if next_cache:
262 xbar.master = next_cache.cpu_side
264 # Create and connect the caches, both the ones fanning out
265 # to create the tree, and the ones used to connect testers
266 # on this level
252 if ntesters:
253 subsys.tester = testers
254 subsys.checkers = checkers
256 if level != 0:
257 # Create a crossbar and add it to the subsystem, note that
258 # we do this even with a single element on this level
259 xbar = L2XBar(width = 32)
260 subsys.xbar = xbar
261 if next_cache:
262 xbar.master = next_cache.cpu_side
264 # Create and connect the caches, both the ones fanning out
265 # to create the tree, and the ones used to connect testers
266 # on this level
267 tree_caches = [prototypes[0]() for i in xrange(ncaches[0])]
268 tester_caches = [proto_l1() for i in xrange(ntesters)]
267 tree_caches = [prototypes[0]() for i in range(ncaches[0])]
268 tester_caches = [proto_l1() for i in range(ntesters)]
270 subsys.cache = tester_caches + tree_caches
271 for cache in tree_caches:
272 cache.mem_side = xbar.slave
273 make_cache_level(ncaches[1:], prototypes[1:], level - 1, cache)
274 for tester, checker, cache in zip(testers, checkers, tester_caches):
275 tester.port = checker.slave
276 checker.master = cache.cpu_side

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270 subsys.cache = tester_caches + tree_caches
271 for cache in tree_caches:
272 cache.mem_side = xbar.slave
273 make_cache_level(ncaches[1:], prototypes[1:], level - 1, cache)
274 for tester, checker, cache in zip(testers, checkers, tester_caches):
275 tester.port = checker.slave
276 checker.master = cache.cpu_side

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