< def createSystem(kernel, mem_mode, bootscript, disks=[]):
> class BigCluster(devices.CpuCluster):
> def __init__(self, system, num_cpus, cpu_clock,
> cpu_voltage="1.0V"):
> cpu_config = [ CpuConfig.get("arm_detailed"), devices.L1I, devices.L1D,
> devices.WalkCache, devices.L2 ]
> super(BigCluster, self).__init__(system, num_cpus, cpu_clock,
> cpu_voltage, *cpu_config)
> class LittleCluster(devices.CpuCluster):
> def __init__(self, system, num_cpus, cpu_clock,
> cpu_voltage="1.0V"):
> cpu_config = [ CpuConfig.get("minor"), devices.L1I, devices.L1D,
> devices.WalkCache, devices.L2 ]
> super(LittleCluster, self).__init__(system, num_cpus, cpu_clock,
> cpu_voltage, *cpu_config)
> def createSystem(kernel, bootscript, disks=[]):
< mem_mode=mem_mode,
< class CpuCluster(SubSystem):
< def addCPUs(self, cpu_config, num_cpus, cpu_clock, cpu_voltage="1.0V"):
< try:
< self._cluster_id
< m5.util.panic("CpuCluster.addCPUs() must be called exactly once")
< except AttributeError:
< pass
< assert num_cpus > 0
< system = self._parent
< self._cluster_id = len(system._clusters)
< system._clusters.append(self)
< self._config = cpu_config
< self.voltage_domain = VoltageDomain(voltage=cpu_voltage)
< self.clk_domain = SrcClockDomain(clock=cpu_clock,
< voltage_domain=self.voltage_domain)
< cpu_class = cpu_config['cpu']
< self.cpus = [ cpu_class(cpu_id=len(system._cpus) + idx,
< clk_domain=self.clk_domain)
< for idx in range(num_cpus) ]
< for cpu in self.cpus:
< cpu.createThreads()
< cpu.createInterruptController()
< cpu.socket_id = self._cluster_id
< system._cpus.append(cpu)
< def createCache(self, key):
< try:
< return self._config[key]()
< except KeyError:
< return None
< def addL1(self):
< self._cluster_id
< for cpu in self.cpus:
< l1i = self.createCache('l1i')
< l1d = self.createCache('l1d')
< iwc = self.createCache('wcache')
< dwc = self.createCache('wcache')
< cpu.addPrivateSplitL1Caches(l1i, l1d, iwc, dwc)
< def addL2(self, clk_domain):
< self._cluster_id
< self.toL2Bus = L2XBar(width=64, clk_domain=clk_domain)
< #self.toL2Bus = L2XBar(width=64, clk_domain=clk_domain,
< #snoop_filter=NULL)
< self.l2 = self._config['l2']()
< for cpu in self.cpus:
< cpu.connectAllPorts(self.toL2Bus)
< self.toL2Bus.master = self.l2.cpu_side
< def connectMemSide(self, bus):
< self._cluster_id
< bus.slave
< try:
< self.l2.mem_side = bus.slave
< except AttributeError:
< for cpu in self.cpus:
< cpu.connectAllPorts(bus)
< def addCaches(system, last_cache_level):
< cluster_mem_bus = system.membus
< assert last_cache_level >= 1 and last_cache_level <= 3
< for cluster in system._clusters:
< cluster.addL1()
< if last_cache_level > 1:
< for cluster in system._clusters:
< cluster.addL2(cluster.clk_domain)
< if last_cache_level > 2:
< max_clock_cluster = max(system._clusters,
< key=lambda c: c.clk_domain.clock[0])
< system.l3 = devices.L3(clk_domain=max_clock_cluster.clk_domain)
< system.toL3Bus = L2XBar(width=64)
< system.toL3Bus.master = system.l3.cpu_side
< system.l3.mem_side = system.membus.slave
< cluster_mem_bus = system.toL3Bus
< return cluster_mem_bus
< if options.atomic:
< cpu_config = { 'cpu' : AtomicSimpleCPU }
< big_cpu_config, little_cpu_config = cpu_config, cpu_config
< else:
< big_cpu_config = { 'cpu' : CpuConfig.get("arm_detailed"),
< 'l1i' : devices.L1I,
< 'l1d' : devices.L1D,
< 'wcache' : devices.WalkCache,
< 'l2' : devices.L2 }
< little_cpu_config = { 'cpu' : MinorCPU,
< 'l1i' : devices.L1I,
< 'l1d' : devices.L1D,
< 'wcache' : devices.WalkCache,
< 'l2' : devices.L2 }
< big_cpu_class = big_cpu_config['cpu']
< little_cpu_class = little_cpu_config['cpu']
< assert big_cpu_class.memory_mode() == little_cpu_class.memory_mode()
< system = createSystem(options.kernel, big_cpu_class.memory_mode(),
< options.bootscript, disks=disks)
> system = createSystem(options.kernel, options.bootscript, disks=disks)
< # big cluster
< if options.big_cpus > 0:
< system.bigCluster = CpuCluster()
< system.bigCluster.addCPUs(big_cpu_config, options.big_cpus,
< options.big_cpu_clock)
> AtomicCluster = devices.AtomicCluster
> if options.big_cpus + options.little_cpus == 0:
> m5.util.panic("Empty CPU clusters")
< # LITTLE cluster
> # big cluster
> if options.big_cpus > 0:
> if options.atomic:
> system.bigCluster = AtomicCluster(system, options.big_cpus,
> options.big_cpu_clock)
> else:
> system.bigCluster = BigCluster(system, options.big_cpus,
> options.big_cpu_clock)
> mem_mode = system.bigCluster.memoryMode()
> # little cluster
< system.littleCluster = CpuCluster()
< system.littleCluster.addCPUs(little_cpu_config, options.little_cpus,
< options.little_cpu_clock)
> if options.atomic:
> system.littleCluster = AtomicCluster(system, options.little_cpus,
> options.little_cpu_clock)
< # add caches
< if options.caches:
< cluster_mem_bus = addCaches(system, options.last_cache_level)
< else:
< if big_cpu_class.require_caches():
< m5.util.panic("CPU model %s requires caches" % str(big_cpu_class))
< if little_cpu_class.require_caches():
< m5.util.panic("CPU model %s requires caches" %
< str(little_cpu_class))
< cluster_mem_bus = system.membus
> else:
> system.littleCluster = LittleCluster(system, options.little_cpus,
> options.little_cpu_clock)
> mem_mode = system.littleCluster.memoryMode()
< # connect each cluster to the memory hierarchy
< for cluster in system._clusters:
< cluster.connectMemSide(cluster_mem_bus)
> if options.big_cpus > 0 and options.little_cpus > 0:
> if system.bigCluster.memoryMode() != system.littleCluster.memoryMode():
> m5.util.panic("Memory mode missmatch among CPU clusters")
> system.mem_mode = mem_mode
> # create caches
> system.addCaches(options.caches, options.last_cache_level)
> if not options.caches:
> if options.big_cpus > 0 and system.bigCluster.requireCaches():
> m5.util.panic("Big CPU model requires caches")
> if options.little_cpus > 0 and system.littleCluster.requireCaches():
> m5.util.panic("Little CPU model requires caches")