< from Benchmarks import *
> from common.Benchmarks import *
< import CpuConfig
< import MemConfig
< import PlatformConfig
> from common import CpuConfig
> from common import MemConfig
> from common import PlatformConfig
< from FSConfig import os_types
< def addCommonOptions(parser):
< # system options
< parser.add_option("--list-cpu-types",
< action="callback", callback=_listCpuTypes,
< help="List available CPU types")
< parser.add_option("--cpu-type", type="choice", default="atomic",
< choices=CpuConfig.cpu_names(),
< help = "type of cpu to run with")
< parser.add_option("--checker", action="store_true");
> # Add the very basic options that work also in the case of the no ISA
> # being used, and consequently no CPUs, but rather various types of
> # testers and traffic generators.
> def addNoISAOptions(parser):
< parser.add_option("--cpu-clock", action="store", type="string",
< default='2GHz',
< help="Clock for blocks running at CPU speed")
< parser.add_option("--smt", action="store_true", default=False,
< help = """
< Only used if multiple programs are specified. If true,
< then the number of threads per cpu is same as the
< number of programs.""")
< parser.add_option("--elastic-trace-en", action="store_true",
< help="""Enable capture of data dependency and instruction
< fetch traces using elastic trace probe.""")
< # Trace file paths input to trace probe in a capture simulation and input
< # to Trace CPU in a replay simulation
< parser.add_option("--inst-trace-file", action="store", type="string",
< help="""Instruction fetch trace file input to
< Elastic Trace probe in a capture simulation and
< Trace CPU in a replay simulation""", default="")
< parser.add_option("--data-trace-file", action="store", type="string",
< help="""Data dependency trace file input to
< Elastic Trace probe in a capture simulation and
< Trace CPU in a replay simulation""", default="")
< parser.add_option("-l", "--lpae", action="store_true")
< parser.add_option("-V", "--virtualisation", action="store_true")
< parser.add_option("--fastmem", action="store_true")
> # Enable Ruby
> parser.add_option("--ruby", action="store_true")
> # Run duration options
> parser.add_option("-m", "--abs-max-tick", type="int", default=m5.MaxTick,
> metavar="TICKS", help="Run to absolute simulated tick "
> "specified including ticks from a restored checkpoint")
> parser.add_option("--rel-max-tick", type="int", default=None,
> metavar="TICKS", help="Simulate for specified number of"
> " ticks relative to the simulation start tick (e.g. if "
> "restoring a checkpoint)")
> parser.add_option("--maxtime", type="float", default=None,
> help="Run to the specified absolute simulated time in "
> "seconds")
> # Add common options that assume a non-NULL ISA.
> def addCommonOptions(parser):
> # start by adding the base options that do not assume an ISA
> addNoISAOptions(parser)
> # system options
> parser.add_option("--list-cpu-types",
> action="callback", callback=_listCpuTypes,
> help="List available CPU types")
> parser.add_option("--cpu-type", type="choice", default="atomic",
> choices=CpuConfig.cpu_names(),
> help = "type of cpu to run with")
> parser.add_option("--checker", action="store_true");
> parser.add_option("--cpu-clock", action="store", type="string",
> default='2GHz',
> help="Clock for blocks running at CPU speed")
> parser.add_option("--smt", action="store_true", default=False,
> help = """
> Only used if multiple programs are specified. If true,
> then the number of threads per cpu is same as the
> number of programs.""")
> parser.add_option("--elastic-trace-en", action="store_true",
> help="""Enable capture of data dependency and instruction
> fetch traces using elastic trace probe.""")
> # Trace file paths input to trace probe in a capture simulation and input
> # to Trace CPU in a replay simulation
> parser.add_option("--inst-trace-file", action="store", type="string",
> help="""Instruction fetch trace file input to
> Elastic Trace probe in a capture simulation and
> Trace CPU in a replay simulation""", default="")
> parser.add_option("--data-trace-file", action="store", type="string",
> help="""Data dependency trace file input to
> Elastic Trace probe in a capture simulation and
> Trace CPU in a replay simulation""", default="")
> parser.add_option("-l", "--lpae", action="store_true")
> parser.add_option("-V", "--virtualisation", action="store_true")
> parser.add_option("--fastmem", action="store_true")
< # Enable Ruby
< parser.add_option("--ruby", action="store_true")
< parser.add_option("-m", "--abs-max-tick", type="int", default=m5.MaxTick,
< metavar="TICKS", help="Run to absolute simulated tick " \
< "specified including ticks from a restored checkpoint")
< parser.add_option("--rel-max-tick", type="int", default=None,
< metavar="TICKS", help="Simulate for specified number of" \
< " ticks relative to the simulation start tick (e.g. if " \
< "restoring a checkpoint)")
< parser.add_option("--maxtime", type="float", default=None,
< help="Run to the specified absolute simulated time in " \
< "seconds")
> from FSConfig import os_types