> # dist-gem5 options
> parser.add_option("--dist", action="store_true",
> help="Parallel distributed gem5 simulation.")
> parser.add_option("--is-switch", action="store_true",
> help="Select the network switch simulator process for a"\
> "distributed gem5 run")
> parser.add_option("--dist-rank", default=0, action="store", type="int",
> help="Rank of this system within the dist gem5 run.")
> parser.add_option("--dist-size", default=0, action="store", type="int",
> help="Number of gem5 processes within the dist gem5 run.")
> parser.add_option("--dist-server-name",
> default="",
> action="store", type="string",
> help="Name of the message server host\nDEFAULT: localhost")
> parser.add_option("--dist-server-port",
> default=2200,
> action="store", type="int",
> help="Message server listen port\nDEFAULT: 2200")
> parser.add_option("--dist-sync-repeat",
> default="0us",
> action="store", type="string",
> help="Repeat interval for synchronisation barriers among dist-gem5 processes\nDEFAULT: --ethernet-linkdelay")
> parser.add_option("--dist-sync-start",
> default="5200000000000t",
> action="store", type="string",
> help="Time to schedule the first dist synchronisation barrier\nDEFAULT:5200000000000t")
> parser.add_option("--ethernet-linkspeed", default="10Gbps",
> action="store", type="string",
> help="Link speed in bps\nDEFAULT: 10Gbps")
> parser.add_option("--ethernet-linkdelay", default="10us",
> action="store", type="string",
> help="Link delay in seconds\nDEFAULT: 10us")
< parser.add_option("--dist", action="store_true",
< help="Parallel distributed gem5 simulation.")
< parser.add_option("--is-switch", action="store_true",
< help="Select the network switch simulator process for a"\
< "distributed gem5 run")
< parser.add_option("--dist-rank", default=0, action="store", type="int",
< help="Rank of this system within the dist gem5 run.")
< parser.add_option("--dist-size", default=0, action="store", type="int",
< help="Number of gem5 processes within the dist gem5 run.")
< parser.add_option("--dist-server-name",
< default="",
< action="store", type="string",
< help="Name of the message server host\nDEFAULT: localhost")
< parser.add_option("--dist-server-port",
< default=2200,
< action="store", type="int",
< help="Message server listen port\nDEFAULT: 2200")
< parser.add_option("--dist-sync-repeat",
< default="0us",
< action="store", type="string",
< help="Repeat interval for synchronisation barriers among dist-gem5 processes\nDEFAULT: --ethernet-linkdelay")
< parser.add_option("--dist-sync-start",
< default="5200000000000t",
< action="store", type="string",
< help="Time to schedule the first dist synchronisation barrier\nDEFAULT:5200000000000t")
< parser.add_option("--ethernet-linkspeed", default="10Gbps",
< action="store", type="string",
< help="Link speed in bps\nDEFAULT: 10Gbps")
< parser.add_option("--ethernet-linkdelay", default="10us",
< action="store", type="string",
< help="Link delay in seconds\nDEFAULT: 10us")