< print 'Error: Don\'t know what compiler options to use for your compiler.'
< print ' Please fix SConstruct and src/SConscript and try again.'
> print termcap.Yellow + termcap.Bold + 'Error' + termcap.Normal,
> print "Don't know what compiler options to use for your compiler."
> print termcap.Yellow + ' compiler:' + termcap.Normal, main['CXX']
> print termcap.Yellow + ' version:' + termcap.Normal,
> if not CXX_version:
> print termcap.Yellow + termcap.Bold + "COMMAND NOT FOUND!" +\
> termcap.Normal
> else:
> print CXX_version.replace('\n', '<nl>')
> print " If you're trying to use a compiler other than GCC, ICC, SunCC,"
> print " or clang, there appears to be something wrong with your"
> print " environment."
> print " "
> print " If you are trying to use a compiler other than those listed"
> print " above you will need to ease fix SConstruct and "
> print " src/SConscript to support that compiler."