> # helper function: compare dotted version numbers.
> # E.g., compare_version('1.3.25', '1.4.1')
> # returns -1, 0, 1 if v1 is <, ==, > v2
> def compare_versions(v1, v2):
> # Convert dotted strings to lists
> v1 = map(int, v1.split('.'))
> v2 = map(int, v2.split('.'))
> # Compare corresponding elements of lists
> for n1,n2 in zip(v1, v2):
> if n1 < n2: return -1
> if n1 > n2: return 1
> # all corresponding values are equal... see if one has extra values
> if len(v1) < len(v2): return -1
> if len(v1) > len(v2): return 1
> return 0
< # Set up SWIG flags & scanner
> # Check for SWIG
> if not env.has_key('SWIG'):
> print 'Error: SWIG utility not found.'
> print ' Please install (see http://www.swig.org) and retry.'
> Exit(1)
> # Check for appropriate SWIG version
> swig_version = os.popen('swig -version').read().split()
> # First 3 words should be "SWIG Version x.y.z"
> if swig_version[0] != 'SWIG' or swig_version[1] != 'Version':
> print 'Error determining SWIG version.'
> Exit(1)
> min_swig_version = '1.3.28'
> if compare_versions(swig_version[2], min_swig_version) < 0:
> print 'Error: SWIG version', min_swig_version, 'or newer required.'
> print ' Installed version:', swig_version[2]
> Exit(1)
> # Set up SWIG flags & scanner
< # Other default libraries
< env.Append(LIBS=['z'])
> # Check for zlib. If the check passes, libz will be automatically
> # added to the LIBS environment variable.
> if not conf.CheckLibWithHeader('z', 'zlib.h', 'C++'):
> print 'Error: did not find needed zlib compression library '\
> 'and/or zlib.h header file.'
> print ' Please install zlib and try again.'
> Exit(1)
< mysql_version = mysql_version.split('.')
< mysql_major = int(mysql_version[0])
< mysql_minor = int(mysql_version[1])
< # This version check is probably overly conservative, but it deals
< # with the versions we have installed.
< if mysql_major < 4 or (mysql_major == 4 and mysql_minor < 1):
< print "Warning: MySQL v4.1 or newer required."
> min_mysql_version = '4.1'
> if compare_versions(mysql_version, min_mysql_version) < 0:
> print 'Warning: MySQL', min_mysql_version, 'or newer required.'
> print ' Version', mysql_version, 'detected.'