< # export TERM so that clang reports errors in color
< use_vars = set([ 'AS', 'AR', 'CC', 'CXX', 'HOME', 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH',
> main = Environment()
< use_prefixes = [
< "ASAN_", # address sanitizer symbolizer path and settings
< "CCACHE_", # ccache (caching compiler wrapper) configuration
< "CCC_", # clang static analyzer configuration
< "DISTCC_", # distcc (distributed compiler wrapper) configuration
< "INCLUDE_SERVER_", # distcc pump server settings
< "M5", # M5 configuration (e.g., path to kernels)
< ]
< use_env = {}
< for key,val in sorted(os.environ.iteritems()):
< if key in use_vars or \
< any([key.startswith(prefix) for prefix in use_prefixes]):
< use_env[key] = val
< # Tell scons to avoid implicit command dependencies to avoid issues
< # with the param wrappes being compiled twice (see
< # http://scons.tigris.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=2811)
< main = Environment(ENV=use_env, IMPLICIT_COMMAND_DEPENDENCIES=0)
< main.Decider('MD5-timestamp')
< main.root = Dir(".") # The current directory (where this file lives).
< main.srcdir = Dir("src") # The source directory