< # all-isas -> all-deps -> all-environs -> all_targets
< main.Alias('#all-isas', [])
< main.Alias('#all-deps', '#all-isas')
< # Dummy target to ensure all environments are created before telling
< # SCons what to actually make (the command line arguments). We attach
< # them to the dependence graph after the environments are complete.
< ORIG_BUILD_TARGETS = list(BUILD_TARGETS) # force a copy; gets closure to work.
< def environsComplete(target, source, env):
< main.Depends('#all-targets', t)
< # Each build/* switching_dir attaches its *-environs target to #all-environs.
< main.Append(BUILDERS = {'CompleteEnvirons' :
< Builder(action=MakeAction(environsComplete, None))})
< main.CompleteEnvirons('#all-environs', [])
< def doNothing(**ignored): pass
< main.Append(BUILDERS = {'Dummy': Builder(action=MakeAction(doNothing, None))})
< # The final target to which all the original targets ultimately get attached.
< main.Dummy('#all-targets', '#all-environs')
< BUILD_TARGETS[:] = ['#all-targets']
< def variant_name(path):
< return os.path.basename(path).lower().replace('_', '-')
< main['variant_name'] = variant_name
< main['VARIANT_NAME'] = '${variant_name(BUILDDIR)}'
< def pairwise(iterable):
< "s -> (s0,s1), (s1,s2), (s2, s3), ..."
< a, b = itertools.tee(iterable)
< b.next()
< return itertools.izip(a, b)
< variant_names = [variant_name(path) for path in variant_paths]
< # Create false dependencies so SCons will parse ISAs, establish
< # dependencies, and setup the build Environments serially. Either
< # SCons (likely) and/or our SConscripts (possibly) cannot cope with -j
< # greater than 1. It appears to be standard race condition stuff; it
< # doesn't always fail, but usually, and the behaviors are different.
< # Every time I tried to remove this, builds would fail in some
< # creative new way. So, don't do that. You'll want to, though, because
< # tests/SConscript takes a long time to make its Environments.
< for t1, t2 in pairwise(sorted(variant_names)):
< main.Depends('#%s-deps' % t2, '#%s-deps' % t1)
< main.Depends('#%s-environs' % t2, '#%s-environs' % t1)