< (currently just "ply")
> (currently ply and libelf)
< Although M5 is capable of full-system simulation, the only OS it
< currently supports is the proprietary Compaq/HP Tru64 version of Unix.
< We are thus unable to distribute bootable disk images freely. If you
< have a Tru64 license and are interested in obtaining disk images,
< contact us at m5-dev@eecs.umich.edu.
> M5 is a capable, full-system simulator that current supports both Linux
> 2.4/2.6 and the proprietary Compaq/HP Tru64 version of Unix. We are able
> to distribute Linux bootdisks, but we are unable to distribute bootable
> disk images of Tru64 Unix. If you have a Tru64 license and are interested
> in obtaining disk images, contact us at m5-dev@eecs.umich.edu.
> -------------
> -GCC(3.X)
> -Python(2.2.2+)
> ------------------
> -MySQL (for statistics complex statistics storage/retrieval)
> -Python-MysqlDB (for statistics analysis)
< cd $top/m5/setup
< ./setup ALPHA # set up build/ALPHA directory
< cd $top/m5/build/ALPHA
< make m5.opt # use "-j N" if you've got an MP system
< # wait for build...
> There are three different build targets and three optimizations in each level:
> Target:
> -------
> ALPHA - Syscall emulation simulation
> KERNEL - Linux full system simulation
> KERNEL_TLASER - Tru64 Unix full system simulation
> Optimization:
> -------------
> m5.debug - debug version of the code with tracing and without optimization
> m5.opt - optimized version of code with tracing
> m5.fast - optimized version of the code without tracing and asserts
> cd $top/m5/build
> scons TARGET/OPTLEVL # e.g. KERNEL/m5.opt, use -j N if you have a MP system
> ./do-tests.pl -B KERNEL # test what you just built
< If you run into errors regarding m5/arch/alpha/decoder.cc, just
< "touch" that file to update its timestamp. This file is generated
< from a compact ISA description using a program written in Python. If
< you have Python 2.2.2 or later installed on your system, you should be
< able to generate it yourself, but if you don't have Python (or have an
< older version), you may run in to trouble. Since we've shipped a
< working copy of decoder.cc, it's not necessary to have Python to build
< M5 (unless you start modifying the ISA decription). Unfortunately,
< sometimes make gets confused and tries to do so anyway. The "touch"
< should convince make to stop trying.