# Copyright (c) 2017 Mark D. Hill and David A. Wood # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer; # redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution; # neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from # this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # Authors: Sean Wilson ''' Built in test cases that verify particular details about a gem5 run. ''' import re from testlib import test from testlib.config import constants from testlib.helper import joinpath, diff_out_file class Verifier(object): def __init__(self, fixtures=tuple()): self.fixtures = fixtures def _test(self, *args, **kwargs): # Use a callback wrapper to make stack # traces easier to understand. self.test(*args, **kwargs) def instantiate_test(self, name_pfx): name = '-'.join([name_pfx, self.__class__.__name__]) return test.TestFunction(self._test, name=name, fixtures=self.fixtures) def failed(self, fixtures): ''' Called if this verifier fails to cleanup (or not) as needed. ''' try: fixtures[constants.tempdir_fixture_name].skip_cleanup() except KeyError: pass # No need to do anything if the tempdir fixture doesn't exist class MatchGoldStandard(Verifier): ''' Compares a standard output to the test output and passes if they match, fails if they do not. ''' def __init__(self, standard_filename, ignore_regex=None, test_filename='simout'): ''' :param standard_filename: The path of the standard file to compare output to. :param ignore_regex: A string, compiled regex, or iterable containing either which will be ignored in 'standard' and test output files when diffing. ''' super(MatchGoldStandard, self).__init__() self.standard_filename = standard_filename self.test_filename = test_filename self.ignore_regex = _iterable_regex(ignore_regex) def test(self, params): # We need a tempdir fixture from our parent verifier suite. fixtures = params.fixtures # Get the file from the tempdir of the test. tempdir = fixtures[constants.tempdir_fixture_name].path self.test_filename = joinpath(tempdir, self.test_filename) diff = diff_out_file(self.standard_filename, self.test_filename, ignore_regexes=self.ignore_regex, logger=params.log) if diff is not None: self.failed(fixtures) test.fail('Stdout did not match:\n%s\nSee %s for full results' % (diff, tempdir)) def _generic_instance_warning(self, kwargs): ''' Method for helper classes to tell users to use this more generic class if they are going to manually override the test_filename param. ''' if 'test_filename' in kwargs: raise ValueError('If you are setting test_filename use the more' ' generic %s' ' instead' % MatchGoldStandard.__name__) class DerivedGoldStandard(MatchGoldStandard): __ignore_regex_sentinel = object() _file = None _default_ignore_regex = [] def __init__(self, standard_filename, ignore_regex=__ignore_regex_sentinel, **kwargs): if ignore_regex == self.__ignore_regex_sentinel: ignore_regex = self._default_ignore_regex self._generic_instance_warning(kwargs) super(DerivedGoldStandard, self).__init__( standard_filename, test_filename=self._file, ignore_regex=ignore_regex, **kwargs) class MatchStdout(DerivedGoldStandard): _file = constants.gem5_simulation_stdout _default_ignore_regex = [ re.compile('^Redirecting (stdout|stderr) to'), re.compile('^gem5 compiled '), re.compile('^gem5 started '), re.compile('^gem5 executing on '), re.compile('^command line:'), re.compile("^Couldn't import dot_parser,"), re.compile("^info: kernel located at:"), re.compile("^info: Standard input is not a terminal"), re.compile("^Couldn't unlink "), re.compile("^Using GPU kernel code file\(s\) "), ] class MatchStdoutNoPerf(MatchStdout): _file = constants.gem5_simulation_stdout _default_ignore_regex = MatchStdout._default_ignore_regex + [ re.compile('^Exiting @ tick'), ] class MatchStderr(DerivedGoldStandard): _file = constants.gem5_simulation_stderr _default_ignore_regex = [] class MatchStats(DerivedGoldStandard): # TODO: Likely will want to change this verifier since we have the weird # perl script right now. A simple diff probably isn't going to work. _file = constants.gem5_simulation_stats _default_ignore_regex = [] class MatchConfigINI(DerivedGoldStandard): _file = constants.gem5_simulation_config_ini _default_ignore_regex = ( re.compile("^(executable|readfile|kernel|image_file)="), re.compile("^(cwd|input|codefile)="), ) class MatchConfigJSON(DerivedGoldStandard): _file = constants.gem5_simulation_config_json _default_ignore_regex = ( re.compile(r'''^\s*"(executable|readfile|kernel|image_file)":'''), re.compile(r'''^\s*"(cwd|input|codefile)":'''), ) class MatchRegex(Verifier): def __init__(self, regex, match_stderr=True, match_stdout=True): super(MatchRegex, self).__init__() self.regex = _iterable_regex(regex) self.match_stderr = match_stderr self.match_stdout = match_stdout def test(self, params): fixtures = params.fixtures # Get the file from the tempdir of the test. tempdir = fixtures[constants.tempdir_fixture_name].path def parse_file(fname): with open(fname, 'r') as file_: for line in file_: for regex in self.regex: if re.match(regex, line): return True if self.match_stdout: if parse_file(joinpath(tempdir, constants.gem5_simulation_stdout)): return # Success if self.match_stderr: if parse_file(joinpath(tempdir, constants.gem5_simulation_stderr)): return # Success self.failed(fixtures) test.fail('Could not match regex.') _re_type = type(re.compile('')) def _iterable_regex(regex): if isinstance(regex, _re_type) or isinstance(regex, str): regex = (regex,) return regex