// Copyright (c) 2007 The Hewlett-Packard Development Company // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use of this software in source and binary forms, // with or without modification, are permitted provided that the // following conditions are met: // // The software must be used only for Non-Commercial Use which means any // use which is NOT directed to receiving any direct monetary // compensation for, or commercial advantage from such use. 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Neither the name of // the COPYRIGHT HOLDER(s), HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY, nor the names of its // contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from // this software without specific prior written permission. No right of // sublicense is granted herewith. Derivatives of the software and // output created using the software may be prepared, but only for // Non-Commercial Uses. Derivatives of the software may be shared with // others provided: (i) the others agree to abide by the list of // conditions herein which includes the Non-Commercial Use restrictions; // and (ii) such Derivatives of the software include the above copyright // notice to acknowledge the contribution from this software where // applicable, this list of conditions and the disclaimer below. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS // "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR // A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT // OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, // DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY // THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT // (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE // OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // // Authors: Gabe Black //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Decode the one byte opcodes // 0x1: decode OPCODE_OP_TOP5 { format WarnUnimpl { 0x00: decode OPCODE_OP_BOTTOM3 { 0x4: Inst::ADD(rAl,Ib); 0x5: Inst::ADD(rAx,Iz); 0x6: push_ES(); 0x7: pop_ES(); default: MultiInst::ADD(OPCODE_OP_BOTTOM3, [Eb,Gb],[Ev,Gv],[Gb,Eb],[Gv,Ev]); } 0x01: decode OPCODE_OP_BOTTOM3 { 0x0: or_Eb_Gb(); 0x1: or_Ev_Gv(); 0x2: or_Gb_Eb(); 0x3: or_Gv_Ev(); 0x4: or_Al_Ib(); 0x5: or_rAX_Iz(); 0x6: push_CS(); //Any time this is seen, it should generate a two byte opcode 0x7: M5InternalError::error( {{"Saw a one byte opcode whose value was 0x0F!"}}); } 0x02: decode OPCODE_OP_BOTTOM3 { 0x0: adc_Eb_Gb(); 0x1: adc_Ev_Gv(); 0x2: adc_Gb_Eb(); 0x3: adc_Gv_Ev(); 0x4: adc_Al_Ib(); 0x5: adc_rAX_Iz(); 0x6: push_SS(); 0x7: pop_SS(); } 0x03: decode OPCODE_OP_BOTTOM3 { 0x0: sbb_Eb_Gb(); 0x1: sbb_Ev_Gv(); 0x2: sbb_Gb_Eb(); 0x3: sbb_Gv_Ev(); 0x4: sbb_Al_Ib(); 0x5: sbb_rAX_Iz(); 0x6: push_DS(); 0x7: pop_DS(); } 0x04: decode OPCODE_OP_BOTTOM3 { 0x0: and_Eb_Gb(); 0x1: and_Ev_Gv(); 0x2: and_Gb_Eb(); 0x3: and_Gv_Ev(); 0x4: and_Al_Ib(); 0x5: and_rAX_Iz(); 0x6: M5InternalError::error( {{"Tried to execute the ES segment override prefix!"}}); 0x7: daa(); } 0x05: decode OPCODE_OP_BOTTOM3 { 0x0: sub_Eb_Gb(); 0x1: sub_Ev_Gv(); 0x2: sub_Gb_Eb(); 0x3: sub_Gv_Ev(); 0x4: sub_Al_Ib(); 0x5: sub_rAX_Iz(); 0x6: M5InternalError::error( {{"Tried to execute the CS segment override prefix!"}}); 0x7: das(); } 0x06: decode OPCODE_OP_BOTTOM3 { 0x4: Inst::XOR(rAl,Ib); 0x5: Inst::XOR(rAx,Iz); 0x6: M5InternalError::error( {{"Tried to execute the SS segment override prefix!"}}); 0x7: aaa(); default: MultiInst::XOR(OPCODE_OP_BOTTOM3, [Eb,Gb],[Ev,Gv],[Gb,Eb],[Gv,Ev]); } 0x07: decode OPCODE_OP_BOTTOM3 { 0x0: cmp_Eb_Gb(); 0x1: cmp_Ev_Gv(); 0x2: cmp_Gb_Eb(); 0x3: cmp_Gv_Ev(); 0x4: cmp_Al_Ib(); 0x5: cmp_rAX_Iz(); 0x6: M5InternalError::error( {{"Tried to execute the DS segment override prefix!"}}); 0x7: aas(); } 0x08: decode OPCODE_OP_BOTTOM3 { 0x0: inc_eAX(); 0x1: inc_eCX(); 0x2: inc_eDX(); 0x3: inc_eBX(); 0x4: inc_eSP(); 0x5: inc_eBP(); 0x6: inc_eSI(); 0x7: inc_eDI(); } 0x09: decode OPCODE_OP_BOTTOM3 { 0x0: dec_eAX(); 0x1: dec_eCX(); 0x2: dec_eDX(); 0x3: dec_eBX(); 0x4: dec_eSP(); 0x5: dec_eBP(); 0x6: dec_eSI(); 0x7: dec_eDI(); } 0x0A: decode OPCODE_OP_BOTTOM3 { 0x0: push_rAX(); 0x1: push_rCX(); 0x2: push_rDX(); 0x3: push_rBX(); 0x4: push_rSP(); 0x5: push_rBP(); 0x6: push_rSI(); 0x7: push_rDI(); } 0x0B: decode OPCODE_OP_BOTTOM3 { 0x0: pop_rAX(); 0x1: pop_rCX(); 0x2: pop_rDX(); 0x3: pop_rBX(); 0x4: pop_rSP(); 0x5: pop_rBP(); 0x6: pop_rSI(); 0x7: pop_rDI(); } 0x0C: decode OPCODE_OP_BOTTOM3 { 0x0: pusha(); 0x1: popa(); 0x2: bound_Gv_Ma(); 0x3: arpl_Ew_Gw(); 0x4: M5InternalError::error( {{"Tried to execute the FS segment override prefix!"}}); 0x5: M5InternalError::error( {{"Tried to execute the GS segment override prefix!"}}); 0x6: M5InternalError::error( {{"Tried to execute the operand size override prefix!"}}); 0x7: M5InternalError::error( {{"Tried to execute the DS address size override prefix!"}}); } 0x0D: decode OPCODE_OP_BOTTOM3 { 0x0: push_Iz(); 0x1: imul_Gv_Ev_Iz(); 0x2: push_Ib(); 0x3: imul_Gv_Ev_Ib(); 0x4: ins_Yb_Dx(); 0x5: ins_Yz_Dx(); 0x6: outs_Dx_Xb(); 0x7: outs_Dx_Xz(); } 0x0E: decode OPCODE_OP_BOTTOM3 { 0x0: jo_Jb(); 0x1: jno_Jb(); 0x2: jb_Jb(); 0x3: jnb_Jb(); 0x4: jz_Jb(); 0x5: jnz_Jb(); 0x6: jbe_Jb(); 0x7: jnbe_Jb(); } 0x0F: decode OPCODE_OP_BOTTOM3 { 0x0: js_Jb(); 0x1: jns_Jb(); 0x2: jp_Jb(); 0x3: jnp_Jb(); 0x4: jl_Jb(); 0x5: jnl_Jb(); 0x6: jle_Jb(); 0x7: jnke_Jb(); } 0x10: decode OPCODE_OP_BOTTOM3 { 0x0: group1_Eb_Ib(); 0x1: group1_Ev_Iz(); 0x2: group1_Eb_Ib(); 0x3: group1_Ev_Ib(); 0x4: test_Eb_Gb(); 0x5: test_Ev_Gv(); 0x6: xchg_Eb_Gb(); 0x7: xchg_Ev_Gv(); } 0x11: decode OPCODE_OP_BOTTOM3 { 0x0: Inst::MOV(Eb, Gb); 0x1: Inst::MOV(Ev, Gv); 0x2: Inst::MOV(Gb, Eb); 0x3: Inst::MOV(Gv, Ev); 0x4: mov_MwRv_Sw(); //What to do with this one? 0x5: lea_Gv_M(); 0x6: mov_Sw_MwRv(); 0x7: group10_Ev(); //Make sure this is Ev } 0x12: decode OPCODE_OP_BOTTOM3 { 0x0: nop_or_pause(); //Check for repe prefix 0x1: xchg_rCX_rAX(); 0x2: xchg_rDX_rAX(); 0x3: xchg_rVX_rAX(); 0x4: xchg_rSP_rAX(); 0x5: xchg_rBP_rAX(); 0x6: xchg_rSI_rAX(); 0x7: xchg_rDI_rAX(); } 0x13: decode OPCODE_OP_BOTTOM3 { 0x0: cbw_or_cwde_or_cdqe_rAX(); 0x1: cwd_or_cdq_or_cqo_rAX_rDX(); 0x2: call_Ap(); 0x3: fwait(); //aka wait 0x4: pushf_Fv(); 0x5: popf_Fv(); 0x6: sahf(); 0x7: lahf(); } 0x14: decode OPCODE_OP_BOTTOM3 { 0x0: mov_Al_Ob(); 0x1: mov_rAX_Ov(); 0x2: mov_Ob_Al(); 0x3: mov_Ov_rAX(); 0x4: movs_Yb_Xb(); 0x5: movs_Yv_Xv(); 0x6: cmps_Yb_Xb(); 0x7: cmps_Yv_Xv(); } 0x15: decode OPCODE_OP_BOTTOM3 { 0x0: test_Al_Ib(); 0x1: test_rAX_Iz(); 0x2: stos_Yb_Al(); 0x3: stos_Yv_rAX(); 0x4: lods_Al_Xb(); 0x5: lods_rAX_Xv(); 0x6: scas_Yb_Al(); 0x7: scas_Yv_rAX(); } 0x16: decode OPCODE_OP_BOTTOM3 { 0x0: mov_Al_Ib(); 0x1: mov_Cl_Ib(); 0x2: mov_Dl_Ib(); 0x3: mov_Bl_Ib(); 0x4: mov_Ah_Ib(); 0x5: mov_Ch_Ib(); 0x6: mov_Dh_Ib(); 0x7: mov_Bh_Ib(); } 0x17: decode OPCODE_OP_BOTTOM3 { 0x0: mov_rAX_Iv(); 0x1: mov_rCX_Iv(); 0x2: mov_rDX_Iv(); 0x3: mov_rBX_Iv(); 0x4: mov_rSP_Iv(); 0x5: mov_rBP_Iv(); 0x6: mov_rSI_Iv(); 0x7: mov_rDI_Iv(); } 0x18: decode OPCODE_OP_BOTTOM3 { 0x0: group2_Eb_Ib(); 0x1: group2_Ev_Ib(); 0x2: ret_near_Iw(); 0x3: ret_near(); 0x4: les_Gz_Mp(); 0x5: lds_Gz_Mp(); 0x6: group12_Eb_Ib(); 0x7: group12_Ev_Iz(); } 0x19: decode OPCODE_OP_BOTTOM3 { 0x0: enter_Iw_Ib(); 0x1: leave(); 0x2: ret_far_Iw(); 0x3: ret_far(); 0x4: int3(); 0x5: int_Ib(); 0x6: into(); 0x7: iret(); } 0x1A: decode OPCODE_OP_BOTTOM3 { 0x0: group2_Eb_1(); 0x1: group2_Ev_1(); 0x2: group2_Eb_Cl(); 0x3: group2_Ev_Cl(); 0x4: aam_Ib(); 0x5: aad_Ib(); 0x6: salc(); 0x7: xlat(); } 0x1B: decode OPCODE_OP_BOTTOM3 { 0x0: esc0(); 0x1: esc1(); 0x2: esc2(); 0x3: esc3(); 0x4: esc4(); 0x5: esc5(); 0x6: esc6(); 0x7: esc7(); } 0x1C: decode OPCODE_OP_BOTTOM3 { 0x0: loopne_Jb(); 0x1: loope_Jb(); 0x2: loop_Jb(); 0x3: jcxz_or_jecx_or_jrcx(); 0x4: in_Al_Ib(); 0x5: in_eAX_Ib(); 0x6: out_Ib_Al(); 0x7: out_Ib_eAX(); } 0x1D: decode OPCODE_OP_BOTTOM3 { 0x0: call_Jz(); 0x1: jmp_Jz(); 0x2: jmp_Ap(); 0x3: jmp_Jb(); 0x4: in_Al_Dx(); 0x5: in_eAX_Dx(); 0x6: out_Dx_Al(); 0x7: out_Dx_eAX(); } 0x1E: decode OPCODE_OP_BOTTOM3 { 0x0: M5InternalError::error( {{"Tried to execute the lock prefix!"}}); 0x1: int1(); 0x2: M5InternalError::error( {{"Tried to execute the repne prefix!"}}); 0x3: M5InternalError::error( {{"Tried to execute the rep/repe prefix!"}}); 0x4: hlt(); 0x5: cmc(); 0x6: group3_Eb(); 0x7: group3_Ev(); } 0x1F: decode OPCODE_OP_BOTTOM3 { 0x0: clc(); 0x1: stc(); 0x2: cli(); 0x3: sti(); 0x4: cld(); 0x5: std(); 0x6: group4(); 0x7: group5(); } } default: FailUnimpl::oneByteOps(); }