// -*- mode:c++ -*- // Copyright (c) 2010 ARM Limited // All rights reserved // // The license below extends only to copyright in the software and shall // not be construed as granting a license to any other intellectual // property including but not limited to intellectual property relating // to a hardware implementation of the functionality of the software // licensed hereunder. You may use the software subject to the license // terms below provided that you ensure that this notice is replicated // unmodified and in its entirety in all distributions of the software, // modified or unmodified, in source code or in binary form. // // Copyright (c) 2007-2008 The Florida State University // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are // met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer; // redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the // documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution; // neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its // contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from // this software without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS // "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR // A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT // OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, // DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY // THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT // (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE // OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // // Authors: Stephen Hines //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // The actual ARM ISA decoder // -------------------------- // The following instructions are specified in the ARM ISA // Specification. Decoding closely follows the style specified // in the ARM ISA specification document starting with Table B.1 or 3-1 // // 0: decode ENCODING { format DataOp { 0x0: decode SEVEN_AND_FOUR { 1: decode MISC_OPCODE { 0x9: decode PREPOST { 0: decode OPCODE { 0x0: mul({{ Rn = resTemp = Rm * Rs; }}, none); 0x1: mla({{ Rn = resTemp = (Rm * Rs) + Rd; }}, none); 0x2: WarnUnimpl::umall(); 0x4: umull({{ resTemp = ((uint64_t)Rm)*((uint64_t)Rs); Rd = (uint32_t)(resTemp & 0xffffffff); Rn = (uint32_t)(resTemp >> 32); }}, llbit); 0x5: smlal({{ resTemp = ((int64_t)Rm) * ((int64_t)Rs); resTemp += (((uint64_t)Rn) << 32) | ((uint64_t)Rd); Rd = (uint32_t)(resTemp & 0xffffffff); Rn = (uint32_t)(resTemp >> 32); }}, llbit); 0x6: smull({{ resTemp = ((int64_t)(int32_t)Rm)* ((int64_t)(int32_t)Rs); Rd = (int32_t)(resTemp & 0xffffffff); Rn = (int32_t)(resTemp >> 32); }}, llbit); 0x7: umlal({{ resTemp = ((uint64_t)Rm)*((uint64_t)Rs); resTemp += ((uint64_t)Rn << 32)+((uint64_t)Rd); Rd = (uint32_t)(resTemp & 0xffffffff); Rn = (uint32_t)(resTemp >> 32); }}, llbit); } 1: decode PUBWL { 0x10: WarnUnimpl::swp(); 0x14: WarnUnimpl::swpb(); 0x18: WarnUnimpl::strex(); 0x19: WarnUnimpl::ldrex(); } } format AddrMode3 { 0xb: strh_ldrh(store, {{ Mem.uh = Rd; }}, load, {{ Rd = Mem.uh; }}); 0xd: ldrd_ldrsb(load, {{ Rde = bits(Mem.ud, 31, 0); Rdo = bits(Mem.ud, 63, 32); }}, load, {{ Rd = Mem.sb; }}); 0xf: strd_ldrsh(store, {{ Mem.ud = (Rde.ud & mask(32)) | (Rdo.ud << 32); }}, load, {{ Rd = Mem.sh; }}); } } 0: decode IS_MISC { 0: decode OPCODE { 0x0: and({{ Rd = resTemp = Rn & op2; }}); 0x1: eor({{ Rd = resTemp = Rn ^ op2; }}); 0x2: sub({{ Rd = resTemp = Rn - op2; }}, sub); 0x3: rsb({{ Rd = resTemp = op2 - Rn; }}, rsb); 0x4: add({{ Rd = resTemp = Rn + op2; }}, add); 0x5: adc({{ Rd = resTemp = Rn + op2 + CondCodes<29:>; }}, add); 0x6: sbc({{ Rd = resTemp = Rn - op2 - !CondCodes<29:>; }}, sub); 0x7: rsc({{ Rd = resTemp = op2 - Rn - !CondCodes<29:>; }}, rsb); 0x8: tst({{ resTemp = Rn & op2; }}); 0x9: teq({{ resTemp = Rn ^ op2; }}); 0xa: cmp({{ resTemp = Rn - op2; }}, sub); 0xb: cmn({{ resTemp = Rn + op2; }}, add); 0xc: orr({{ Rd = resTemp = Rn | op2; }}); 0xd: mov({{ Rd = resTemp = op2; }}); 0xe: bic({{ Rd = resTemp = Rn & ~op2; }}); 0xf: mvn({{ Rd = resTemp = ~op2; }}); } 1: decode MISC_OPCODE { 0x0: decode OPCODE { 0x8: PredOp::mrs_cpsr({{ Rd = (Cpsr | CondCodes) & 0xF8FF03DF; }}); 0x9: decode USEIMM { // The mask field is the same as the RN index. 0: PredOp::msr_cpsr_reg({{ uint32_t newCpsr = cpsrWriteByInstr(Cpsr | CondCodes, Rm, RN, false); Cpsr = ~CondCodesMask & newCpsr; CondCodes = CondCodesMask & newCpsr; }}); 1: PredImmOp::msr_cpsr_imm({{ uint32_t newCpsr = cpsrWriteByInstr(Cpsr | CondCodes, rotated_imm, RN, false); Cpsr = ~CondCodesMask & newCpsr; CondCodes = CondCodesMask & newCpsr; }}); } 0xa: PredOp::mrs_spsr({{ Rd = Spsr; }}); 0xb: decode USEIMM { // The mask field is the same as the RN index. 0: PredOp::msr_spsr_reg({{ Spsr = spsrWriteByInstr(Spsr, Rm, RN, false); }}); 1: PredImmOp::msr_spsr_imm({{ Spsr = spsrWriteByInstr(Spsr, rotated_imm, RN, false); }}); } } 0x1: decode OPCODE { 0x9: BranchExchange::bx({{ }}); 0xb: PredOp::clz({{ Rd = ((Rm == 0) ? 32 : (31 - findMsbSet(Rm))); }}); } 0x2: decode OPCODE { 0x9: WarnUnimpl::bxj(); } 0x3: decode OPCODE { 0x9: BranchExchange::blx({{ }}, Link); } 0x5: decode OPCODE { 0x8: WarnUnimpl::qadd(); 0x9: WarnUnimpl::qsub(); 0xa: WarnUnimpl::qdadd(); 0xb: WarnUnimpl::qdsub(); } 0x8: decode OPCODE { 0x8: smlabb({{ Rn = resTemp = sext<16>(Rm<15:0>) * sext<16>(Rs<15:0>) + Rd; }}, overflow); 0x9: WarnUnimpl::smlalbb(); 0xa: WarnUnimpl::smlawb(); 0xb: smulbb({{ Rn = resTemp = sext<16>(Rm<15:0>) * sext<16>(Rs<15:0>); }}, none); } 0xa: decode OPCODE { 0x8: smlatb({{ Rn = resTemp = sext<16>(Rm<31:16>) * sext<16>(Rs<15:0>) + Rd; }}, overflow); 0x9: smulwb({{ Rn = resTemp = bits(sext<32>(Rm) * sext<16>(Rs<15:0>), 47, 16); }}, none); 0xa: WarnUnimpl::smlaltb(); 0xb: smultb({{ Rn = resTemp = sext<16>(Rm<31:16>) * sext<16>(Rs<15:0>); }}, none); } 0xc: decode OPCODE { 0x8: smlabt({{ Rn = resTemp = sext<16>(Rm<15:0>) * sext<16>(Rs<31:16>) + Rd; }}, overflow); 0x9: WarnUnimpl::smlawt(); 0xa: WarnUnimpl::smlalbt(); 0xb: smulbt({{ Rn = resTemp = sext<16>(Rm<15:0>) * sext<16>(Rs<31:16>); }}, none); } 0xe: decode OPCODE { 0x8: smlatt({{ Rn = resTemp = sext<16>(Rm<31:16>) * sext<16>(Rs<31:16>) + Rd; }}, overflow); 0x9: smulwt({{ Rn = resTemp = bits(sext<32>(Rm) * sext<16>(Rs<31:16>), 47, 16); }}, none); 0xa: WarnUnimpl::smlaltt(); 0xb: smultt({{ Rn = resTemp = sext<16>(Rm<31:16>) * sext<16>(Rs<31:16>); }}, none); } } } } 0x1: decode IS_MISC { 0: decode OPCODE { format DataImmOp { 0x0: andi({{ Rd = resTemp = Rn & rotated_imm; }}); 0x1: eori({{ Rd = resTemp = Rn ^ rotated_imm; }}); 0x2: subi({{ Rd = resTemp = Rn - rotated_imm; }}, sub); 0x3: rsbi({{ Rd = resTemp = rotated_imm - Rn; }}, rsb); 0x4: addi({{ Rd = resTemp = Rn + rotated_imm; }}, add); 0x5: adci({{ Rd = resTemp = Rn + rotated_imm + CondCodes<29:>; }}, add); 0x6: sbci({{ Rd = resTemp = Rn -rotated_imm - !CondCodes<29:>; }}, sub); 0x7: rsci({{ Rd = resTemp = rotated_imm - Rn - !CondCodes<29:>; }}, rsb); 0x8: tsti({{ resTemp = Rn & rotated_imm; }}); 0x9: teqi({{ resTemp = Rn ^ rotated_imm; }}); 0xa: cmpi({{ resTemp = Rn - rotated_imm; }}, sub); 0xb: cmni({{ resTemp = Rn + rotated_imm; }}, add); 0xc: orri({{ Rd = resTemp = Rn | rotated_imm; }}); 0xd: movi({{ Rd = resTemp = rotated_imm; }}); 0xe: bici({{ Rd = resTemp = Rn & ~rotated_imm; }}); 0xf: mvni({{ Rd = resTemp = ~rotated_imm; }}); } } 1: decode OPCODE { // The following two instructions aren't supposed to be defined 0x8: DataOp::movw({{ Rd = IMMED_11_0 | (RN << 12) ; }}); 0x9: decode RN { 0: decode IMM { 0: PredImmOp::nop({{ ; }}); 1: WarnUnimpl::yield(); 2: WarnUnimpl::wfe(); 3: WarnUnimpl::wfi(); 4: WarnUnimpl::sev(); } default: PredImmOp::msr_i_cpsr({{ uint32_t newCpsr = cpsrWriteByInstr(Cpsr | CondCodes, rotated_imm, RN, false); Cpsr = ~CondCodesMask & newCpsr; CondCodes = CondCodesMask & newCpsr; }}); } 0xa: PredOp::movt({{ Rd = IMMED_11_0 << 16 | RN << 28 | Rd<15:0>; }}); 0xb: PredImmOp::msr_i_spsr({{ Spsr = spsrWriteByInstr(Spsr, rotated_imm, RN, false); }}); } } 0x2: AddrMode2::addrMode2(Disp, disp); 0x3: decode OPCODE_4 { 0: AddrMode2::addrMode2(Shift, Rm_Imm); 1: decode MEDIA_OPCODE { 0x0, 0x1, 0x2, 0x3, 0x4, 0x5, 0x6, 0x7: WarnUnimpl::parallel_add_subtract_instructions(); 0x8: decode MISC_OPCODE { 0x1, 0x9: WarnUnimpl::pkhbt(); 0x7: WarnUnimpl::sxtab16(); 0xb: WarnUnimpl::sel(); 0x5, 0xd: WarnUnimpl::pkhtb(); 0x3: WarnUnimpl::sign_zero_extend_add(); } 0xa, 0xb: decode SHIFT { 0x0, 0x2: WarnUnimpl::ssat(); 0x1: WarnUnimpl::ssat16(); } 0xe, 0xf: decode SHIFT { 0x0, 0x2: WarnUnimpl::usat(); 0x1: WarnUnimpl::usat16(); } 0x10: decode RN { 0xf: decode MISC_OPCODE { 0x1: WarnUnimpl::smuad(); 0x3: WarnUnimpl::smuadx(); 0x5: WarnUnimpl::smusd(); 0x7: WarnUnimpl::smusdx(); } default: decode MISC_OPCODE { 0x1: WarnUnimpl::smlad(); 0x3: WarnUnimpl::smladx(); 0x5: WarnUnimpl::smlsd(); 0x7: WarnUnimpl::smlsdx(); } } 0x14: decode MISC_OPCODE { 0x1: WarnUnimpl::smlald(); 0x3: WarnUnimpl::smlaldx(); 0x5: WarnUnimpl::smlsld(); 0x7: WarnUnimpl::smlsldx(); } 0x15: decode RN { 0xf: decode MISC_OPCODE { 0x1: WarnUnimpl::smmul(); 0x3: WarnUnimpl::smmulr(); } default: decode MISC_OPCODE { 0x1: WarnUnimpl::smmla(); 0x3: WarnUnimpl::smmlar(); 0xd: WarnUnimpl::smmls(); 0xf: WarnUnimpl::smmlsr(); } } 0x18: decode RN { 0xf: WarnUnimpl::usada8(); default: WarnUnimpl::usad8(); } } } 0x4: decode PUSWL { // Right now we only handle cases when S (PSRUSER) is not set default: ArmMacroStore::ldmstm({{ }}); } 0x5: decode OPCODE_24 { // Branch (and Link) Instructions 0: Branch::b({{ }}); 1: Branch::bl({{ }}, Link); } 0x6: decode CPNUM { 0x1: decode PUNWL { 0x02,0x0a: decode OPCODE_15 { 0: ArmStoreMemory::stfs_({{ Mem.sf = Fd.sf; Rn = Rn + disp8; }}, {{ EA = Rn; }}); 1: ArmMacroFPAOp::stfd_({{ }}); } 0x03,0x0b: decode OPCODE_15 { 0: ArmLoadMemory::ldfs_({{ Fd.sf = Mem.sf; Rn = Rn + disp8; }}, {{ EA = Rn; }}); 1: ArmMacroFPAOp::ldfd_({{ }}); } 0x06,0x0e: decode OPCODE_15 { 0: ArmMacroFPAOp::stfe_nw({{ }}); } 0x07,0x0f: decode OPCODE_15 { 0: ArmMacroFPAOp::ldfe_nw({{ }}); } 0x10,0x18: decode OPCODE_15 { 0: ArmStoreMemory::stfs_p({{ Mem.sf = Fd.sf; }}, {{ EA = Rn + disp8; }}); 1: ArmMacroFPAOp::stfd_p({{ }}); } 0x11,0x19: decode OPCODE_15 { 0: ArmLoadMemory::ldfs_p({{ Fd.sf = Mem.sf; }}, {{ EA = Rn + disp8; }}); 1: ArmMacroFPAOp::ldfd_p({{ }}); } 0x12,0x1a: decode OPCODE_15 { 0: ArmStoreMemory::stfs_pw({{ Mem.sf = Fd.sf; Rn = Rn + disp8; }}, {{ EA = Rn + disp8; }}); 1: ArmMacroFPAOp::stfd_pw({{ }}); } 0x13,0x1b: decode OPCODE_15 { 0: ArmLoadMemory::ldfs_pw({{ Fd.sf = Mem.sf; Rn = Rn + disp8; }}, {{ EA = Rn + disp8; }}); 1: ArmMacroFPAOp::ldfd_pw({{ }}); } 0x14,0x1c: decode OPCODE_15 { 0: ArmMacroFPAOp::stfe_pn({{ }}); } 0x15,0x1d: decode OPCODE_15 { 0: ArmMacroFPAOp::ldfe_pn({{ }}); } 0x16,0x1e: decode OPCODE_15 { 0: ArmMacroFPAOp::stfe_pnw({{ }}); } 0x17,0x1f: decode OPCODE_15 { 0: ArmMacroFPAOp::ldfe_pnw({{ }}); } } 0x2: decode PUNWL { // could really just decode as a single instruction 0x00,0x04,0x08,0x0c: ArmMacroFMOp::sfm_({{ }}); 0x01,0x05,0x09,0x0d: ArmMacroFMOp::lfm_({{ }}); 0x02,0x06,0x0a,0x0e: ArmMacroFMOp::sfm_w({{ }}); 0x03,0x07,0x0b,0x0f: ArmMacroFMOp::lfm_w({{ }}); 0x10,0x14,0x18,0x1c: ArmMacroFMOp::sfm_p({{ }}); 0x11,0x15,0x19,0x1d: ArmMacroFMOp::lfm_p({{ }}); 0x12,0x16,0x1a,0x1e: ArmMacroFMOp::sfm_pw({{ }}); 0x13,0x17,0x1b,0x1f: ArmMacroFMOp::lfm_pw({{ }}); } 0xb: decode LOADOP { 0x0: WarnUnimpl::fstmx(); 0x1: WarnUnimpl::fldmx(); } } 0x7: decode OPCODE_24 { 0: decode OPCODE_4 { 0: decode CPNUM { format FloatOp { 0x1: decode OPCODE_23_20 { 0x0: decode OPCODE_15 { 0: adf({{ Fd.sf = Fn.sf + Fm.sf; }}); 1: mvf({{ Fd.sf = Fm.sf; }}); } 0x1: decode OPCODE_15 { 0: muf({{ Fd.sf = Fn.sf * Fm.sf; }}); 1: mnf({{ Fd.sf = -Fm.sf; }}); } 0x2: decode OPCODE_15 { 0: suf({{ Fd.sf = Fn.sf - Fm.sf; }}); 1: abs({{ Fd.sf = fabs(Fm.sf); }}); } 0x3: decode OPCODE_15 { 0: rsf({{ Fd.sf = Fm.sf - Fn.sf; }}); 1: rnd({{ Fd.sf = rint(Fm.sf); }}); } 0x4: decode OPCODE_15 { 0: dvf({{ Fd.sf = Fn.sf / Fm.sf; }}); 1: sqt({{ Fd.sf = sqrt(Fm.sf); }}); } 0x5: decode OPCODE_15 { 0: rdf({{ Fd.sf = Fm.sf / Fn.sf; }}); 1: log({{ Fd.sf = log10(Fm.sf); }}); } 0x6: decode OPCODE_15 { 0: pow({{ Fd.sf = pow(Fm.sf, Fn.sf); }}); 1: lgn({{ Fd.sf = log(Fm.sf); }}); } 0x7: decode OPCODE_15 { 0: rpw({{ Fd.sf = pow(Fn.sf, Fm.sf); }}); 1: exp({{ Fd.sf = exp(Fm.sf); }}); } 0x8: decode OPCODE_15 { 0: rmf({{ Fd.sf = drem(Fn.sf, Fm.sf); }}); 1: sin({{ Fd.sf = sin(Fm.sf); }}); } 0x9: decode OPCODE_15 { 0: fml({{ Fd.sf = Fn.sf * Fm.sf; }}); 1: cos({{ Fd.sf = cos(Fm.sf); }}); } 0xa: decode OPCODE_15 { 0: fdv({{ Fd.sf = Fn.sf / Fm.sf; }}); 1: tan({{ Fd.sf = tan(Fm.sf); }}); } 0xb: decode OPCODE_15 { 0: frd({{ Fd.sf = Fm.sf / Fn.sf; }}); 1: asn({{ Fd.sf = asin(Fm.sf); }}); } 0xc: decode OPCODE_15 { 0: pol({{ Fd.sf = atan2(Fn.sf, Fm.sf); }}); 1: acs({{ Fd.sf = acos(Fm.sf); }}); } 0xd: decode OPCODE_15 { 1: atn({{ Fd.sf = atan(Fm.sf); }}); } 0xe: decode OPCODE_15 { // Unnormalised Round 1: FailUnimpl::urd(); } 0xf: decode OPCODE_15 { // Normalise 1: FailUnimpl::nrm(); } } // OPCODE_23_20 } // format FloatOp } // CPNUM 1: decode CPNUM { // 27-24=1110,4 ==1 1: decode OPCODE_15_12 { format FloatOp { 0xf: decode OPCODE_23_21 { format FloatCmp { 0x4: cmf({{ Fn.df }}, {{ Fm.df }}); 0x5: cnf({{ Fn.df }}, {{ -Fm.df }}); 0x6: cmfe({{ Fn.df }}, {{ Fm.df}}); 0x7: cnfe({{ Fn.df }}, {{ -Fm.df}}); } } default: decode OPCODE_23_20 { 0x0: decode OPCODE_7 { 0: flts({{ Fn.sf = (float) Rd.sw; }}); 1: fltd({{ Fn.df = (double) Rd.sw; }}); } 0x1: decode OPCODE_7 { 0: fixs({{ Rd = (uint32_t) Fm.sf; }}); 1: fixd({{ Rd = (uint32_t) Fm.df; }}); } 0x2: wfs({{ Fpsr = Rd; }}); 0x3: rfs({{ Rd = Fpsr; }}); 0x4: FailUnimpl::wfc(); 0x5: FailUnimpl::rfc(); } } // format FloatOp } 0xa: decode MISC_OPCODE { 0x1: decode MEDIA_OPCODE { 0xf: decode RN { 0x0: FloatOp::fmrx_fpsid({{ Rd = Fpsid; }}); 0x1: FloatOp::fmrx_fpscr({{ Rd = Fpscr; }}); 0x8: FloatOp::fmrx_fpexc({{ Rd = Fpexc; }}); } 0xe: decode RN { 0x0: FloatOp::fmxr_fpsid({{ Fpsid = Rd; }}); 0x1: FloatOp::fmxr_fpscr({{ Fpscr = Rd; }}); 0x8: FloatOp::fmxr_fpexc({{ Fpexc = Rd; }}); } } // MEDIA_OPCODE (MISC_OPCODE 0x1) } // MISC_OPCODE (CPNUM 0xA) 0xf: decode RN { // Barrriers, Cache Maintence, NOPS 7: decode OPCODE_23_21 { 0: decode RM { 0: decode OPC2 { 4: decode OPCODE_20 { 0: PredOp::mcr_cp15_nop1({{ }}); // was wfi } } 1: WarnUnimpl::cp15_cache_maint(); 4: WarnUnimpl::cp15_par(); 5: decode OPC2 { 0,1: WarnUnimpl::cp15_cache_maint2(); 4: PredOp::cp15_isb({{ ; }}, IsMemBarrier, IsSerializeBefore); 6,7: WarnUnimpl::cp15_bp_maint(); } 6: WarnUnimpl::cp15_cache_maint3(); 8: WarnUnimpl::cp15_va_to_pa(); 10: decode OPC2 { 1,2: WarnUnimpl::cp15_cache_maint3(); 4: PredOp::cp15_dsb({{ ; }}, IsMemBarrier, IsSerializeBefore); 5: PredOp::cp15_dmb({{ ; }}, IsMemBarrier, IsSerializeBefore); } 11: WarnUnimpl::cp15_cache_maint4(); 13: decode OPC2 { 1: decode OPCODE_20 { 0: PredOp::mcr_cp15_nop2({{ }}); // was prefetch } } 14: WarnUnimpl::cp15_cache_maint5(); } // RM } // OPCODE_23_21 CR // Thread ID and context ID registers // Thread ID register needs cheaper access than miscreg 13: WarnUnimpl::mcr_mrc_cp15_c7(); // All the rest default: decode OPCODE_20 { 0: PredOp::mcr_cp15({{ fault = setCp15Register(Rd, RN, OPCODE_23_21, RM, OPC2); }}); 1: PredOp::mrc_cp15({{ fault = readCp15Register(Rd, RN, OPCODE_23_21, RM, OPC2); }}); } } // RN } // CPNUM (OP4 == 1) } //OPCODE_4 #if FULL_SYSTEM 1: PredOp::swi({{ fault = new SupervisorCall; }}, IsSerializeAfter, IsNonSpeculative, IsSyscall); #else 1: PredOp::swi({{ if (testPredicate(CondCodes, condCode)) { if (IMMED_23_0) xc->syscall(IMMED_23_0); else xc->syscall(R7); } }}); #endif // FULL_SYSTEM } // OPCODE_24 } }