# -*- mode:python -*- # Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Regents of The University of Michigan # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer; # redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution; # neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from # this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # Authors: Nathan Binkert import imp import os import sys from os.path import basename from os.path import isdir, join as joinpath from os.path import exists from os.path import isdir from os.path import isfile import SCons # This file defines how to build a particular configuration of M5 # based on variable settings in the 'env' build environment. Import('*') # Children need to see the environment Export('env') def sort_list(_list): """return a sorted copy of '_list'""" if isinstance(_list, list): _list = _list[:] else: _list = list(_list) _list.sort() return _list class PySourceFile(object): def __init__(self, package, source): filename = str(source) pyname = basename(filename) assert pyname.endswith('.py') name = pyname[:-3] path = package.split('.') modpath = path if name != '__init__': modpath += [name] modpath = '.'.join(modpath) arcpath = package.split('.') + [ pyname + 'c' ] arcname = joinpath(*arcpath) self.source = source self.pyname = pyname self.srcpath = source.srcnode().abspath self.package = package self.modpath = modpath self.arcname = arcname self.filename = filename self.compiled = File(filename + 'c') ######################################################################## # Code for adding source files of various types # cc_sources = [] def Source(source): '''Add a C/C++ source file to the build''' if not isinstance(source, SCons.Node.FS.File): source = File(source) cc_sources.append(source) py_sources = [] def PySource(package, source): '''Add a python source file to the named package''' if not isinstance(source, SCons.Node.FS.File): source = File(source) source = PySourceFile(package, source) py_sources.append(source) sim_objects_fixed = False sim_object_modfiles = set() def SimObject(source): '''Add a SimObject python file as a python source object and add it to a list of sim object modules''' if sim_objects_fixed: raise AttributeError, "Too late to call SimObject now." if not isinstance(source, SCons.Node.FS.File): source = File(source) PySource('m5.objects', source) modfile = basename(str(source)) assert modfile.endswith('.py') modname = modfile[:-3] sim_object_modfiles.add(modname) swig_sources = [] def SwigSource(package, source): '''Add a swig file to build''' if not isinstance(source, SCons.Node.FS.File): source = File(source) val = source,package swig_sources.append(val) # Children should have access Export('Source') Export('PySource') Export('SimObject') Export('SwigSource') ######################################################################## # # Trace Flags # all_flags = {} trace_flags = [] def TraceFlag(name, desc=''): if name in all_flags: raise AttributeError, "Flag %s already specified" % name flag = (name, (), desc) trace_flags.append(flag) all_flags[name] = () def CompoundFlag(name, flags, desc=''): if name in all_flags: raise AttributeError, "Flag %s already specified" % name compound = tuple(flags) for flag in compound: if flag not in all_flags: raise AttributeError, "Trace flag %s not found" % flag if all_flags[flag]: raise AttributeError, \ "Compound flag can't point to another compound flag" flag = (name, compound, desc) trace_flags.append(flag) all_flags[name] = compound Export('TraceFlag') Export('CompoundFlag') ######################################################################## # # Set some compiler variables # # Include file paths are rooted in this directory. SCons will # automatically expand '.' to refer to both the source directory and # the corresponding build directory to pick up generated include # files. env.Append(CPPPATH=Dir('.')) # Add a flag defining what THE_ISA should be for all compilation env.Append(CPPDEFINES=[('THE_ISA','%s_ISA' % env['TARGET_ISA'].upper())]) ######################################################################## # # Walk the tree and execute all SConscripts in 'src' subdirectories # for base_dir in base_dir_list: src_dir = joinpath(base_dir, 'src') if not isdir(src_dir): continue here = Dir('.').srcnode().abspath for root, dirs, files in os.walk(src_dir, topdown=True): if root == here: # we don't want to recurse back into this SConscript continue if 'SConscript' in files: build_dir = joinpath(env['BUILDDIR'], root[len(src_dir) + 1:]) SConscript(joinpath(root, 'SConscript'), build_dir=build_dir) for opt in env.ExportOptions: env.ConfigFile(opt) ######################################################################## # # Prevent any SimObjects from being added after this point, they # should all have been added in the SConscripts above # sim_objects_fixed = True ######################################################################## # # Manually turn python/generate.py into a python module and import it # generate_file = File('python/generate.py') generate_module = imp.new_module('generate') sys.modules['generate'] = generate_module exec file(generate_file.srcnode().abspath, 'r') in generate_module.__dict__ ######################################################################## # # build a generate # from generate import Generate optionDict = dict([(opt, env[opt]) for opt in env.ExportOptions]) generate = Generate(py_sources, sim_object_modfiles, optionDict) m5 = generate.m5 ######################################################################## # # calculate extra dependencies # module_depends = ["m5", "m5.SimObject", "m5.params"] module_depends = [ File(generate.py_modules[dep]) for dep in module_depends ] file_depends = [ generate_file ] depends = module_depends + file_depends ######################################################################## # # Commands for the basic automatically generated python files # # Generate a file with all of the compile options in it env.Command('python/m5/defines.py', Value(optionDict), generate.makeDefinesPyFile) PySource('m5', 'python/m5/defines.py') # Generate a file that wraps the basic top level files env.Command('python/m5/info.py', [ '#/AUTHORS', '#/LICENSE', '#/README', '#/RELEASE_NOTES' ], generate.makeInfoPyFile) PySource('m5', 'python/m5/info.py') # Generate an __init__.py file for the objects package env.Command('python/m5/objects/__init__.py', [ Value(o) for o in sort_list(sim_object_modfiles) ], generate.makeObjectsInitFile) PySource('m5.objects', 'python/m5/objects/__init__.py') ######################################################################## # # Create all of the SimObject param headers and enum headers # # Generate all of the SimObject param struct header files params_hh_files = [] for name,simobj in generate.sim_objects.iteritems(): extra_deps = [ File(generate.py_modules[simobj.__module__]) ] hh_file = File('params/%s.hh' % name) params_hh_files.append(hh_file) env.Command(hh_file, Value(name), generate.createSimObjectParam) env.Depends(hh_file, depends + extra_deps) # Generate any parameter header files needed for name,param in generate.params.iteritems(): if isinstance(param, m5.params.VectorParamDesc): ext = 'vptype' else: ext = 'ptype' i_file = File('params/%s_%s.i' % (name, ext)) env.Command(i_file, Value(name), generate.createSwigParam) env.Depends(i_file, depends) # Generate all enum header files for name,enum in generate.enums.iteritems(): extra_deps = [ File(generate.py_modules[enum.__module__]) ] cc_file = File('enums/%s.cc' % name) env.Command(cc_file, Value(name), generate.createEnumStrings) env.Depends(cc_file, depends + extra_deps) Source(cc_file) hh_file = File('enums/%s.hh' % name) env.Command(hh_file, Value(name), generate.createEnumParam) env.Depends(hh_file, depends + extra_deps) # Build the big monolithic swigged params module (wraps all SimObject # param structs and enum structs) params_file = File('params/params.i') names = sort_list(generate.sim_objects.keys()) env.Command(params_file, [ Value(v) for v in names ], generate.buildParams) env.Depends(params_file, params_hh_files + depends) SwigSource('m5.objects', params_file) # Build all swig modules swig_modules = [] for source,package in swig_sources: filename = str(source) assert filename.endswith('.i') base = '.'.join(filename.split('.')[:-1]) module = basename(base) cc_file = base + '_wrap.cc' py_file = base + '.py' env.Command([cc_file, py_file], source, '$SWIG $SWIGFLAGS -outdir ${TARGETS[1].dir} ' '-o ${TARGETS[0]} $SOURCES') env.Depends(py_file, source) env.Depends(cc_file, source) swig_modules.append(Value(module)) Source(cc_file) PySource(package, py_file) # Generate the main swig init file env.Command('swig/init.cc', swig_modules, generate.makeSwigInit) Source('swig/init.cc') # Generate traceflags.py flags = [ Value(f) for f in trace_flags ] env.Command('base/traceflags.py', flags, generate.traceFlagsPy) PySource('m5', 'base/traceflags.py') env.Command('base/traceflags.hh', flags, generate.traceFlagsHH) env.Command('base/traceflags.cc', flags, generate.traceFlagsCC) Source('base/traceflags.cc') # Build the zip file py_compiled = [] py_zip_depends = [] for source in py_sources: env.Command(source.compiled, source.source, generate.compilePyFile) py_compiled.append(source.compiled) # make the zipfile depend on the archive name so that the archive # is rebuilt if the name changes py_zip_depends.append(Value(source.arcname)) # Add the zip file target to the environment. m5zip = File('m5py.zip') env.Command(m5zip, py_compiled, generate.buildPyZip) env.Depends(m5zip, py_zip_depends) ######################################################################## # # Define binaries. Each different build type (debug, opt, etc.) gets # a slightly different build environment. # # List of constructed environments to pass back to SConstruct envList = [] # This function adds the specified sources to the given build # environment, and returns a list of all the corresponding SCons # Object nodes (including an extra one for date.cc). We explicitly # add the Object nodes so we can set up special dependencies for # date.cc. def make_objs(sources, env): objs = [env.Object(s) for s in sources] # make date.cc depend on all other objects so it always gets # recompiled whenever anything else does date_obj = env.Object('base/date.cc') env.Depends(date_obj, objs) objs.append(date_obj) return objs # Function to create a new build environment as clone of current # environment 'env' with modified object suffix and optional stripped # binary. Additional keyword arguments are appended to corresponding # build environment vars. def makeEnv(label, objsfx, strip = False, **kwargs): newEnv = env.Copy(OBJSUFFIX=objsfx) newEnv.Label = label newEnv.Append(**kwargs) exe = 'm5.' + label # final executable bin = exe + '.bin' # executable w/o appended Python zip archive newEnv.Program(bin, make_objs(cc_sources, newEnv)) if strip: stripped_bin = bin + '.stripped' if sys.platform == 'sunos5': cmd = 'cp $SOURCE $TARGET; strip $TARGET' else: cmd = 'strip $SOURCE -o $TARGET' newEnv.Command(stripped_bin, bin, cmd) bin = stripped_bin targets = newEnv.Concat(exe, [bin, 'm5py.zip']) newEnv.M5Binary = targets[0] envList.append(newEnv) # Debug binary ccflags = {} if env['GCC']: if sys.platform == 'sunos5': ccflags['debug'] = '-gstabs+' else: ccflags['debug'] = '-ggdb3' ccflags['opt'] = '-g -O3' ccflags['fast'] = '-O3' ccflags['prof'] = '-O3 -g -pg' elif env['SUNCC']: ccflags['debug'] = '-g0' ccflags['opt'] = '-g -O' ccflags['fast'] = '-fast' ccflags['prof'] = '-fast -g -pg' elif env['ICC']: ccflags['debug'] = '-g -O0' ccflags['opt'] = '-g -O' ccflags['fast'] = '-fast' ccflags['prof'] = '-fast -g -pg' else: print 'Unknown compiler, please fix compiler options' Exit(1) makeEnv('debug', '.do', CCFLAGS = Split(ccflags['debug']), CPPDEFINES = ['DEBUG', 'TRACING_ON=1']) # Optimized binary makeEnv('opt', '.o', CCFLAGS = Split(ccflags['opt']), CPPDEFINES = ['TRACING_ON=1']) # "Fast" binary makeEnv('fast', '.fo', strip = True, CCFLAGS = Split(ccflags['fast']), CPPDEFINES = ['NDEBUG', 'TRACING_ON=0']) # Profiled binary makeEnv('prof', '.po', CCFLAGS = Split(ccflags['prof']), CPPDEFINES = ['NDEBUG', 'TRACING_ON=0'], LINKFLAGS = '-pg') Return('envList')