/***************************************************************************** Licensed to Accellera Systems Initiative Inc. (Accellera) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. Accellera licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. *****************************************************************************/ /***************************************************************************** sc_hash.cpp -- Implementation of a chained hash table with MTF (move-to-front). Original Author: Stan Y. Liao, Synopsys, Inc. CHANGE LOG AT END OF FILE *****************************************************************************/ #include #include // duplicate (c)stdlib.h headers for Solaris #include #include #include #include "sysc/kernel/sc_cmnhdr.h" #include "sysc/utils/sc_hash.h" #include "sysc/utils/sc_mempool.h" namespace sc_core { // we can't assume global availability of uintptr_t, // approximate it by size_t typedef std::size_t uintptr_t; const double PHASH_DEFAULT_GROW_FACTOR = 2.0; class sc_phash_elem { friend class sc_phash_base; friend class sc_phash_base_iter; private: void* key; void* contents; sc_phash_elem* next; sc_phash_elem( void* k, void* c, sc_phash_elem* n ) : key(k), contents(c), next(n) { } sc_phash_elem() : key(0), contents(0), next(0) { } ~sc_phash_elem() { } static void* operator new(std::size_t sz) { return sc_mempool::allocate(sz); } static void operator delete(void* p, std::size_t sz) { sc_mempool::release(p, sz); } }; sc_phash_base::sc_phash_base( void* def, int size, int density, double grow, bool reorder, unsigned (*hash_fn)(const void*), int (*cmp_fn)(const void*, const void*) ) : default_value(def), num_bins(0), num_entries(0), max_density(density), reorder_flag(reorder), grow_factor(grow), bins(0), hash(hash_fn), cmpr(cmp_fn) { if (size <= 0) size = PHASH_DEFAULT_INIT_TABLE_SIZE; else if ((size % 2) == 0) size += 1; num_bins = size; bins = new sc_phash_elem*[size]; for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) bins[i] = 0; } void sc_phash_base::set_cmpr_fn(cmpr_fn_t c) { cmpr = c; } void sc_phash_base::set_hash_fn(hash_fn_t h) { hash = h; } sc_phash_base::~sc_phash_base() { sc_phash_elem* ptr; sc_phash_elem* next; for (int i = 0; i < num_bins; ++i) { ptr = bins[i]; while (ptr != 0) { next = ptr->next; delete ptr; ptr = next; } } delete[] bins; } void sc_phash_base::rehash() { sc_phash_elem* ptr; sc_phash_elem* next; sc_phash_elem** old_bins = bins; int old_num_bins = num_bins; unsigned hash_val; num_bins = (int) (grow_factor * old_num_bins); if (num_bins % 2 == 0) ++num_bins; num_entries = 0; bins = new sc_phash_elem*[num_bins]; memset( bins, 0, sizeof(sc_phash_elem*) * num_bins ); for (int i = 0; i < old_num_bins; ++i) { ptr = old_bins[i]; while (ptr != 0) { next = ptr->next; hash_val = do_hash(ptr->key); ptr->next = bins[hash_val]; bins[hash_val] = ptr; ++num_entries; ptr = next; } } delete[] old_bins; } sc_phash_elem* sc_phash_base::find_entry_q( unsigned hash_val, const void* key, sc_phash_elem*** plast ) { sc_phash_elem** last = &(bins[hash_val]); sc_phash_elem* ptr = *last; /* The (ptr->key != key) here is meant by the "q" */ while ((ptr != 0) && (ptr->key != key)) { /* ^^ right here */ last = &(ptr->next); ptr = *last; } if ((ptr != 0) && reorder_flag) { *last = ptr->next; ptr->next = bins[hash_val]; bins[hash_val] = ptr; last = &(bins[hash_val]); } if (plast) *plast = last; return ptr; } sc_phash_elem* sc_phash_base::find_entry_c( unsigned hash_val, const void* key, sc_phash_elem*** plast ) { sc_phash_elem** last = &(bins[hash_val]); sc_phash_elem* ptr = *last; while ((ptr != 0) && ((*cmpr)(ptr->key, key) != 0)) { last = &(ptr->next); ptr = *last; } /* Bring to front */ if ((ptr != 0) && reorder_flag) { *last = ptr->next; ptr->next = bins[hash_val]; bins[hash_val] = ptr; last = &(bins[hash_val]); } if (plast) *plast = last; return ptr; } sc_phash_elem* sc_phash_base::add_direct( void* key, void* contents, unsigned hash_val ) { if (num_entries / num_bins >= max_density) { rehash(); hash_val = do_hash(key); } sc_phash_elem* new_entry = new sc_phash_elem(key, contents, bins[hash_val]); bins[hash_val] = new_entry; ++num_entries; return new_entry; } void sc_phash_base::erase() { for (int i = 0; i < num_bins; ++i) { sc_phash_elem* ptr = bins[i]; while (ptr != 0) { sc_phash_elem* next = ptr->next; delete ptr; ptr = next; --num_entries; } bins[i] = 0; } assert(num_entries == 0); } void sc_phash_base::erase(void (*kfree)(void*)) { for (int i = 0; i < num_bins; ++i) { sc_phash_elem* ptr = bins[i]; while (ptr != 0) { sc_phash_elem* next = ptr->next; (*kfree)(ptr->key); delete ptr; ptr = next; --num_entries; } bins[i] = 0; } assert(num_entries == 0); } void sc_phash_base::copy( const sc_phash_base* b ) { erase(); iterator iter((sc_phash_base*) b); /* cast away the const */ for ( ; ! iter.empty(); iter++) insert( iter.key(), iter.contents() ); } void sc_phash_base::copy(const sc_phash_base& b, void* (*kdup)(const void*), void (*kfree)(void*)) { erase(kfree); iterator iter((sc_phash_base&) b); for ( ; ! iter.empty(); iter++) insert( (*kdup)(iter.key()), iter.contents() ); } int sc_phash_base::insert( void* k, void* c ) { unsigned hash_val = do_hash(k); sc_phash_elem* ptr = find_entry( hash_val, k ); if (ptr == 0) { (void) add_direct(k, c, hash_val); return 0; } else { ptr->contents = c; return 1; } } int sc_phash_base::insert( void* k, void* c, void* (*kdup)(const void*) ) { unsigned hash_val = do_hash(k); sc_phash_elem* ptr = find_entry( hash_val, k ); if (ptr == 0) { (void) add_direct((*kdup)(k), c, hash_val); return 0; } else { ptr->contents = c; return 1; } } int sc_phash_base::insert_if_not_exists( void* k, void* c ) { unsigned hash_val = do_hash(k); sc_phash_elem* ptr = find_entry( hash_val, k ); if (ptr == 0) { (void) add_direct( k, c, hash_val ); return 0; } else return 1; } int sc_phash_base::insert_if_not_exists( void* k, void* c, void* (*kdup)(const void*) ) { unsigned hash_val = do_hash(k); sc_phash_elem* ptr = find_entry( hash_val, k ); if (ptr == 0) { (void) add_direct( (*kdup)(k), c, hash_val ); return 0; } else return 1; } int sc_phash_base::remove( const void* k ) { unsigned hash_val = do_hash(k); sc_phash_elem** last; sc_phash_elem* ptr = find_entry( hash_val, k, &last ); if (ptr == 0) return 0; assert(*last == ptr); *last = ptr->next; delete ptr; --num_entries; return 1; } int sc_phash_base::remove( const void* k, void** pk, void** pc ) { unsigned hash_val = do_hash(k); sc_phash_elem** last; sc_phash_elem* ptr = find_entry( hash_val, k, &last ); if (ptr == 0) { *pk = 0; *pc = 0; return 0; } else { *pk = ptr->key; *pc = ptr->contents; } assert(*last == ptr); *last = ptr->next; delete ptr; --num_entries; return 1; } int sc_phash_base::remove(const void* k, void (*kfree)(void*)) { void* rk; void* rc; if (remove(k, &rk, &rc)) { (*kfree)(rk); return 1; } else return 0; } int sc_phash_base::remove_by_contents( const void* c ) { sc_phash_elem** last; sc_phash_elem* ptr; int num_removed = 0; for (int i = 0; i < num_bins; ++i) { last = &(bins[i]); ptr = *last; while (ptr != 0) { if (ptr->contents != c) { last = &(ptr->next); ptr = *last; } else { *last = ptr->next; delete ptr; ptr = *last; --num_entries; ++num_removed; } } } return num_removed; } int sc_phash_base::remove_by_contents( bool (*predicate)(const void* c, void* arg), void* arg ) { sc_phash_elem** last; sc_phash_elem* ptr; int num_removed = 0; for (int i = 0; i < num_bins; ++i) { last = &(bins[i]); ptr = *last; while (ptr != 0) { if (! (*predicate)(ptr->contents, arg)) { last = &(ptr->next); ptr = *last; } else { *last = ptr->next; delete ptr; ptr = *last; --num_entries; ++num_removed; } } } return num_removed; } int sc_phash_base::remove_by_contents( const void* c, void (*kfree)(void*) ) { sc_phash_elem** last; sc_phash_elem* ptr; int num_removed = 0; for (int i = 0; i < num_bins; ++i) { last = &(bins[i]); ptr = *last; while (ptr != 0) { if (ptr->contents != c) { last = &(ptr->next); ptr = *last; } else { *last = ptr->next; (*kfree)(ptr->key); delete ptr; ptr = *last; --num_entries; ++num_removed; } } } return num_removed; } int sc_phash_base::remove_by_contents( bool (*predicate)(const void*, void*), void* arg, void (*kfree)(void*)) { sc_phash_elem** last; sc_phash_elem* ptr; int num_removed = 0; for (int i = 0; i < num_bins; ++i) { last = &(bins[i]); ptr = *last; while (ptr != 0) { if (! (*predicate)(ptr->contents, arg)) { last = &(ptr->next); ptr = *last; } else { *last = ptr->next; (*kfree)(ptr->key); delete ptr; ptr = *last; --num_entries; ++num_removed; } } } return num_removed; } int sc_phash_base::lookup( const void* k, void** c_ptr ) const { unsigned hash_val = do_hash(k); sc_phash_elem* ptr = find_entry( hash_val, k ); if (ptr == 0) { if (c_ptr != 0) *c_ptr = default_value; return 0; } else { if (c_ptr != 0) *c_ptr = ptr->contents; return 1; } } void* sc_phash_base::operator[]( const void* key ) const { void* contents; lookup( key, &contents ); return contents; } /***************************************************************************/ void sc_phash_base_iter::reset( sc_phash_base* t ) { table = t; index = 0; entry = 0; next = 0; for (int i = index; i < table->num_bins; ++i) { if (table->bins[i] != 0) { index = i + 1; last = &(table->bins[i]); entry = *last; next = entry->next; break; } } } bool sc_phash_base_iter::empty() const { return (entry == 0); } void sc_phash_base_iter::step() { if (entry) { last = &(entry->next); } entry = next; if (! entry) { for (int i = index; i < table->num_bins; ++i) { if (table->bins[i] != 0) { index = i + 1; last = &(table->bins[i]); entry = *last; next = entry->next; break; } } } else { next = entry->next; } } void sc_phash_base_iter::remove() { delete entry; *last = next; entry = 0; --table->num_entries; step(); } void sc_phash_base_iter::remove(void (*kfree)(void*)) { (*kfree)(entry->key); delete entry; *last = next; entry = 0; --table->num_entries; step(); } void* sc_phash_base_iter::key() const { return entry->key; } void* sc_phash_base_iter::contents() const { return entry->contents; } void* sc_phash_base_iter::set_contents( void* c ) { return entry->contents = c; } /****************************************************************************/ unsigned default_ptr_hash_fn(const void* p) { return static_cast(((uintptr_t)(p) >> 2) * 2654435789U); } unsigned default_int_hash_fn(const void* p) { return static_cast((uintptr_t)(p) * 3141592661U); } unsigned default_str_hash_fn(const void* p) { if (!p) return 0; const char* x = (const char*) p; unsigned int h = 0; unsigned int g; while (*x != 0) { h = (h << 4) + *x++; if ((g = h & 0xf0000000) != 0) h = (h ^ (g >> 24)) ^ g; } return h; } int sc_strhash_cmp( const void* a, const void* b ) { return strcmp( (const char*) a, (const char*) b ); } void* sc_strhash_kdup(const void* k) { char* result = (char*) malloc( strlen((const char*)k)+1 ); strcpy(result, (const char*) k); return result; } void sc_strhash_kfree(void* k) { if (k) free((char*) k); } } // namespace sc_core // $Log: sc_hash.cpp,v $ // Revision 1.5 2011/08/26 20:42:30 acg // Andy Goodrich: // (1) Replaced strdup with new and strcpy to eliminate issue with the // Greenhills compiler. // (2) Moved modification log to the end of the file to eliminate line // skew when check-ins are done. // // Revision 1.4 2011/08/24 22:05:56 acg // Torsten Maehne: initialization changes to remove warnings. // // Revision 1.3 2011/05/05 17:46:04 acg // Philip A. Hartmann: changes in "swap" support. // // Revision 1.2 2011/02/18 20:38:43 acg // Andy Goodrich: Updated Copyright notice. // // Revision 2006/12/15 20:20:06 acg // SystemC 2.3 // // Revision 1.3 2006/01/13 18:53:10 acg // Andy Goodrich: Added $Log command so that CVS comments are reproduced in // the source. // taf