/* tests/test_numpy_vectorize.cpp -- auto-vectorize functions over NumPy array arguments Copyright (c) 2016 Wenzel Jakob All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. */ #include "pybind11_tests.h" #include double my_func(int x, float y, double z) { py::print("my_func(x:int={}, y:float={:.0f}, z:float={:.0f})"_s.format(x, y, z)); return (float) x*y*z; } std::complex my_func3(std::complex c) { return c * std::complex(2.f); } test_initializer numpy_vectorize([](py::module &m) { // Vectorize all arguments of a function (though non-vector arguments are also allowed) m.def("vectorized_func", py::vectorize(my_func)); // Vectorize a lambda function with a capture object (e.g. to exclude some arguments from the vectorization) m.def("vectorized_func2", [](py::array_t x, py::array_t y, float z) { return py::vectorize([z](int x, float y) { return my_func(x, y, z); })(x, y); } ); // Vectorize a complex-valued function m.def("vectorized_func3", py::vectorize(my_func3)); /// Numpy function which only accepts specific data types m.def("selective_func", [](py::array_t) { return "Int branch taken."; }); m.def("selective_func", [](py::array_t) { return "Float branch taken."; }); m.def("selective_func", [](py::array_t, py::array::c_style>) { return "Complex float branch taken."; }); // Internal optimization test for whether the input is trivially broadcastable: py::enum_(m, "trivial") .value("f_trivial", py::detail::broadcast_trivial::f_trivial) .value("c_trivial", py::detail::broadcast_trivial::c_trivial) .value("non_trivial", py::detail::broadcast_trivial::non_trivial); m.def("vectorized_is_trivial", []( py::array_t arg1, py::array_t arg2, py::array_t arg3 ) { size_t ndim; std::vector shape; std::array buffers {{ arg1.request(), arg2.request(), arg3.request() }}; return py::detail::broadcast(buffers, ndim, shape); }); });